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Everything posted by June01

  1. He seems to be implying he would, so we can only take him at face value. Don't forget it should be easier money in the PL given the standard of opposition, and maybe any lower income offsets the time/costs of travelling abroad. Plus he had to be losing money riding in the GPs, which he doesn't have now.
  2. Because money talks and even if this practise was banned there would still be ways around it, backhanders and "incentives". If that's the amounts you've heard about I can only imagine those which you haven't.
  3. I think, for me, the worst part will be seeing our riders being distributed amongst other teams. That feels like we're waving goodbye to the Lakeside team, as a whole, not just the individuals.
  4. Would have been a completely different story if Nicki was behind him.
  5. Ah brilliant. Found the final two rounds on YouTube but not that one. Thanks.
  6. I'm having some trouble with the result of Round 1 from King's Lynn in that the official scorecard differs from other sources. Can anyone confirm if Greaves was in heat 15 or 16 firsthand please?
  7. Just thought I'd bung this article in here and duck for cover. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/641055/przyczepny-12-jak-zostac-mistrzem-i-zrazic-do-siebie-ludzi "Another thing that is equally absurd as Greg's behaviour are the voices calling for depriving him of his title. The American gained it through injury to a rival - but he won it by working hard all season, and his behaviour in Melbourne, although extremely unsportsmanlike, should not have anything to do with it."
  8. Yeah, it did, officially, but I've not seen any evidence that it happened in practice. To remove his points would have changed teams' league points and meeting results, which I don't think happened, possibly because no one could be bothered to go back through them all and work out the ramifications at the end of an already decided league situation. I stand to be corrected though, and will check up on it later. Edited to say SVEMO are still showing the results as unaltered. He even rode in the meeting following the Latvian GP, and those results remain unchanged, as do the others.
  9. Perhaps not so surprising when you consider he wouldn't use Denmark's best option for the World Cup race-off squad, and the reasons he gave for that decision, which ultimately cost Denmark their place in the final. Great rider, but questionable opinions.
  10. Hope they make the terms of his contract crystal clear this time and ensure he's going to make himself available for play-offs. Didn't go down at all well with the fans last time.
  11. Whilst that's true, it's not clear whether he would have taken part in them anyway. He said at the beginning of the season he wanted to come back to the GPs eventually, but the time wasn't now. His quote when asked about the series that "my plan for the 2016 season is to ride through it without injury, equipment issues and financial problems" seems to suggest the qualifiers weren't yet in his plans, but I guess only he knows the answer. That said, he's obviously ready now, and he will be a big draw.
  12. I'd very much like to see Frederik Jakobsen given a go. He's a great little prospect and has stated recently he's looking for an EL club.
  13. Given that they've missed a simple word from the first sentence of the rule, I think a lot of people are overestimating the ability of whoever wrote it to string together a comprehensive sentence...which throws the meaning of anything else written into question. I think we have to assume the FIM know what their interpretation of that rule is, have applied it accordingly, and considered it to be the end of the matter.
  14. Would be interested to know the timeframe of their split. It was obviously post Teterow, where he only scored 7 points and didn't make the semis, but could it have been pre Rybnik a week later when he won the SEC and seemed to be experiencing a turnaround in form? Anyway, wildcards...while I'm disappointed not to see Laguta, and also think a case could have been made for Hampel, I'm okay with these picks. Certainly stops any ramifications from the should he/shouldn't he be disqualified argument re Hancock.
  15. Don't feel singled out as they have no interest in showing much of the EL either. If you're not Wolves or Poole you apparently don't matter. Same with any big company - they do what they want and to hell with everyone else.
  16. Thanks but the problem is the discrepancies between the Chatzone, the Edinburgh website and the official scorecard, which is why I was hoping for a first hand source. Preferably one that doesn't confuse me further this early on a Sunday.
  17. Could someone, or preferably a couple of people, who was at this meeting confirm the results of heats 13 and 15 from a programme please?
  18. Assuming you mean Grigorij, he's the one addition I think would make the series more exciting and would welcome with open arms. Emil would be an added attraction ( I never said that in public ) , as would, obviously, Nicki P.
  19. Congratulations to Bartosz Zmarzlik for his incredible achievement, which seems to have been forgotten amongst all this, and also to Niels Kristian Iversen for making it into the top 8. Some exciting riders in the series next year - I'm really looking forward to it already.
  20. I've been meaning to ask for a while, and your post have given me the opportunity, but is the sponsor, Dave Parry, the same guy who rode for Wolves in the 60s?
  21. It's falling BECAUSE of these experts. Nothing has changed therefore the only reason the value of the pound has dropped is because of scaremongering, not substantive factors.
  22. This year it has to be James Sarjeant. I've lost count of the times he's touched the tapes or fallen, but it's got to average over one misdemeanour per meeting.
  23. Thank you both. Looks like the ref missed the notification too.
  24. I know it's been a while, but could someone who was at this meeting check if Nielsen replaced Payne in heat 14 please? I'm inclined to believe Paulco, who did the updates and says he did, but the official scorecard says he didn't, so if anyone could corroborate I'd be really grateful.
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