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Everything posted by June01

  1. I'm not sure how much of it has been copied from our site (the proboards one) but in indexing our riders I ironed out the errors and realised that at least some of the rider records have been taken straight from us. I haven't gone through much of the Edinburgh site myself, but did notice one section of results carries a picture of the programme...and that the majority of the results printed in line with them are either wrong, or a year out. Someone else pointed out Erik Gundersen is misspelled in one records heat details but not scorecard which suggests they were taken from different sources.
  2. http://metalspeedwayleague.dk/hold.aspx
  3. Like Ian I also went out in the first round last year. Let's hope this one is better! So to start off I'll have £50 on Lindback to score more please.
  4. Poole's website and live updates are different to Belle Vue's and the SGB website, and I wanted to know which was correct for my records.
  5. That's a website. Yeah, I know it's the official result but is it the correct one?
  6. Could someone who was at this meeting confirm the result of heat 5 from a programme please? (Not from websites)
  7. Thanks for that, Tsunami. I knew about the SVEMO agreement, but not the DMU one. So what's in it for us? What do British riders get in return for these agreements?
  8. I'm not sure I understand this fully. Are you saying a British team has to pay a Danish rider for his performance in (presumably World U21s or is it just the National Championships?) I shall probably have further questions depending on your answer to this, so be prepared.
  9. I can well remember reading his posts and meeting reports, of which there were many, which stood out not only for that hypnotic avatar, but also his love of writing. A man who clearly loved his speedway, and a big character on the forums. Condolences to his friends and family.
  10. To be fair they haven't promised a statement, just said they're having a meeting.
  11. No, no, no, and a thousand nos more. Aside from anything else these guys want to be racers, not actors.
  12. When Glasgow closed in 1995 and Edinburgh moved to Shawfield as the Scottish Monarchs, neither sets of fans supported them, as Glasgow saw them as "Edinburgh", and Edinburgh weren't at home. When Wimbledon merged with Eastbourne in 91? When Hackney closed and us fans followed Terry Russell to Arena? It just wasn't "home". Riders come and go, but to lose your club, your home, the atmosphere, your spot you stand in each week, your routines, the guy you say hi to at the turnstiles every week, the history... it's a huge blow. I'm not sure those who are saying you can just move down the road fully understand. Sure, it may be "the Coventry line-up" in a different venue, but it won't be "Coventry", even if that arrangement IS on the table.
  13. That's awful. Do you know when the trial will be held?
  14. When I was a child I would always get my pocket money on a Friday before going to Hackney, and would spend it on a Kestrel News. You never knew where Bryn would appear with that brown money belt of his, but I'd always track him down, keen to see which colour it had been printed in that week and read the news on the riders. I even caught him just as he was coming out of the toilets once! But he was always kind to me. Some 20 years later I realised the Bryn on here and the guy I knew were the same person and mentioned it to him, and was surprised to find he remembered me too (probably as that bloody kid that wouldn't even let him pee in peace!) I'm sorry to hear of his passing.
  15. Thanks for the update. I shall amend accordingly.
  16. In cases where I've applied logic to a substitute I've always gone with the assumption that a team manager wouldn't waste a tactical ride where a reserve rider was used as a replacement, and would declare it a reserve substitution. Looking at that meeting afresh I would also have deduced the reserves were used for the injured McKinna, and so the tactical ride was given to Beaton. That's IF I applied logic to that particular meeting. I can only remember (and confirm) that I haven't seen an original programme for that particular meeting, but, like you, I may well have posted asking for information. Sorry I can't be more help than that. Hopefully someone will have a definitive answer and be able to put us both out of our misery.
  17. Newcastle v Glasgow source would have been the SS with some cross referencing from other sources having worked out the heat details myself, I believe. I don't use one single source, or I would quote it or give credit to the originator. I collate as many sources as I can find then work over any discrepancies. Edit: Ah, I see where you're going here - my notes? Just checked your own result for that date and you have the subs the other way around. I can't actually remember specifically which sites I cross referenced for that particular meeting, but the original source would have been the SS. Is it possible there was mention of that heat in the meeting write up?
  18. Oh, the irony. Both posters' rankings are based on statistics, not opinion, so basically what you think is irrelevant.
  19. Well, that's constructive. What, exactly do you disagree with?
  20. Even the traffic on the M25 can't account for the lack of news by now, can it? Is it bad?
  21. Any news other than Kim Nilsson winning (deservedly) Hammer of the year?
  22. You tell me. Have spent 20 minutes Googling and can only see articles that said academy exists. Nothing on how to join in, prices, times, or any other details you'd expect. Even the BSPA's website doesn't have a "get involved" tab with such information.
  23. I'd suggest that's exactly how the promoters came up with their current ideas. Promotion/relegation is already used in Sweden and Poland, although teams do still pick and chose whether they want to be promoted. Riders like AJ double up in two leagues in Sweden. Now if we could only copy the Danish league's progression scheme where they offer track days and the use of a bike to get youngsters interested in the sport, we might be a goer.
  24. The BSPA have seen fit to take away the license for Belle Vue Aces, but are adamant they will come up to tapes next season. This suggests to me that, firstly, talks are going on between all 3 parties, and that all 3 want to find a mutually agreeable solution, which is amazing in itself, but secondly a new consortium will be taking over... but that's not necessarily new faces. Dave Gordon stepping down means that the others could reasonably come together and form a "new" company with a new name, that enters into a whole new agreement with the council.
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