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Everything posted by June01

  1. Regarding Chris Holder, he was given a 9 month ban for withdrawing from a meeting which took place on 13.07.17. As far as I can see his ban is still in place, which probably affects his visa.
  2. Joined the site, read the records, enjoyed the info...
  3. Just a quick update. The site has now surpassed 10,000 records over 8 years' work. Frigbo is working on a news and events section from 1965, which I have started linking in to the rider records, and will continue over the winter when I've finished the last few meetings remaining from the 2017 season. Steve Hone and Keith Lawson (and one or two others who have been individually credited) have been kind enough to allow us to use their photos, which we are also working into the rider records, and Frigbo is also updating the team and rider stats for the end of season averages from this year. The plan over the close season, once all that is done, is to continue with the yearly averages from 1972 (previous seasons are done) and possibly then start indexing teams from foreign leagues. Thanks to everyone who has joined us - it's nice to know we have your support and that there are people looking in on us from time to time - and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  4. Was discussing this recently so had worked it out: 2002..Rune Holta, Matej Ferjan, Greg Walasek, Andreas Jonsson, Sebastian Ulamek, Krzysztof Cegielski 2003..Rune Holta, Nicki Pedersen, Scott Nicholls, Andreas Jonsson, Todd Wiltshire, Krzysztof Cegielski 2004..Mark Loram, Lukas Dryml, Mikael Max, Lee Richardson, Hans Andersen, Jarek Hampel 2007..Chris Harris, Bjarne Pedersen, Antonio Lindback, Scott Nicholls 2008..Fredrik Lindgren, Chris Harris, Andreas Jonsson, Krzysztof Kasprzak 2009..Scott Nicholls, Fredrik Lindgren, Chris Harris, Emil Sajfutdinov 2010..Tai Woffinden, Chris Harris, Fredrik Lindgren, Hans Andersen 2011..Andreas Jonsson, Nicki Pedersen, Emil Sayfutdinov, Janusz Kolodziej 2012..Nicki Pedersen, Fredrik Lindgren, Chris Harris, Hans Andersen 2013..Tai Woffinden, Darcy Ward, Jarek Hampel, Martin Vaculik 2014..Tomasz Gollob, Fredrik Lindgren, Chris Holder, Andreas Jonsson ** (Gollob turned his down) 2015..Niels-Kristian Iversen, Michael Jepsen Jensen, Tomas H Jonasson, Troy Batchelor 2016..Andreas Jonsson, Antonio Lindback, Peter Kildemand, Jarek Hampel 2017..Matej Zagar, Nicki Pedersen, Maciej Janowski, Emil Sayfutdinov 2018..Greg Hancock, Nicki Pedersen, Chris Holder, Martin Vaculik
  5. Never, ever thought I'd hear you, of all people, say that. Shame on you!
  6. Aided by Hampel and another rider not having enough fuel and having to use the substandard track fuel, so I read.
  7. Being that he has taken on Nicki P in the past I'm more liable to take a view against Pawlicki, but the more I watch him the more I realise he's been taught to ride hard, but also to take hard riding. If he bailed out every time someone came near him with a bike I might have a different view, but he just rides speedway for the love of it, as far as I can see, not to play games.
  8. Could someone who was at this meeting (not from websites or the official racecard, thanks ) tell me what they have in their programme for the results of heats 3 and 5 please?
  9. Thanks. So was Perry excluded for moving at the start, or missing the 2 minutes?
  10. Hoping you or someone else can answer this for me please: I'm assuming Summers was excluded in the first run, before Perry's exclusion? And was Perry's exclusion for tapes or moving please?
  11. Was Bates excluded in heat 3 for touching the tapes, or anticipating the start please?
  12. Was Wright withdrawn before or during his second heat please?
  13. Could someone who was at this meeting confirm the result of heats 3 and 7 from a programme please? (Not from websites)
  14. I think you just blew your cover.
  15. Janowski always has one fantastic GP. Now it's over and done with I don't expect a recurrence any time soon. More speed for Nicki P? Agreed about it being a great meeting though - and that's from a hard to please cynic! Edit: Don't think either Nicki or Antonio did anything wrong in either of their moves in the heat, and pleased to see Emil walk away from that nasty looking crash.
  16. So it turns out they officially informed the DMU they had withdrawn from the league 4 days ago. Bizarrely there is no report of it on their website.
  17. Google translate isn't that good, so don't quote me on that, but I also got the impression they were also considering still trying to run some of their away meetings.
  18. As I understand they are looking into the possibility of a track share before they pull the plug completely on this season.
  19. Have they reintroduced bonus points for finishing ahead of non finishers this year please?
  20. Seems to be okay now. https://www.speedwaygb.co/17results/edinburgh_21.04.17_res.pdf
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