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Everything posted by June01

  1. Are you sure? It looks to me like he was involved in a fall with Miedzinski, who was excluded as the cause, and was unable to take his place in the re-run of heat 9. Edit: I think we're talking about different heats. Janowski actually replaced Andersson three times, counting his tapes exclusion.
  2. Just scanned through this and thought you wrote "Village People". Fat lot of good you are.
  3. Sticking to your principles when it counts makes you a better man than Gollob.
  4. I tried this once, having been looking for the information myself, but the records changed so often I couldn't keep up. Good luck with it, Nutz, it's a handy resource to have.
  5. http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=oriders&action=display&thread=2148
  6. I'm a huge fan of the GPs, and I'd love to see this come to fruition, but I've seen it all before, I'm afraid, and nothing's ever come of it. I picked on this part of your post to quote because wanting it to happen and making it do so are different entities. The riders (at least a few) have said they couldn't afford to travel so far - both financially and time-wise - and no matter how many of us want the series to expand, without the riders it means nothing. Indeed, Richardson wasn't bothered by not qualifying as he said it saved him money, and Holta nearly pulled out of the GPs this year because of finances, and that's without the extra venues to travel to. I'm pretty sure I read one of the riders say they were out of pocket by £1,000 a GP? At the moment the prestige of the title is enough to keep them interested, but I'm certain that if there were more GPs we'd see the field cut by at least a third. Unless a major sponsor comes onboard and pumps a lot of money into the series, giving them the incentive to ride (especially) if they're not up there winning prize money, I suspect it's nothing more than pipe dreams.
  7. Huh? I know how it works. My question was: why the need to keep changing the system every year? Or have I been drink-posting again?
  8. I meant regarding the relegation part, which is similar. Just seems to be change for the sake of it.
  9. Why on earth did they change it? Last year's system was fine. Trying to follow in the footsteps of Poland maybe?
  10. Looks more like the PR was signed off and left on a desk to be faxed off to update the website, someone intervened, crossed out "Coventry and Peterborough" with a crayon and wrote in Trump's name as a joke, and it accidentally got posted publically.
  11. Couldn't agree more, no matter which side of the fence you stand on. Anyway, glad it's confirmed now for the fans of both clubs. Hope you all have a good season.
  12. Thank you. I was just wondering because Torun appeared to be using R/R for Jepsen Jensen on Sunday?
  13. Okay. Not sure how I was meant to know that, but I can accept the reasoning behind it. Thanks.
  14. That's what I tried with.
  15. Probably. Hopefully a kind mod'll move it for me. Thanks for the helpful reply.
  16. Security on the Stoke forum seems tighter than that for the royal wedding. Has it become part of the official secrets act? I appreciate that accounts have to be approved, but what's the reasoning behind the no hotmail/yahoo addresses when registering? What about those of us who don't have an internet provider account?
  17. Really? I don't think they're that bad, but then what do I know?
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