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Everything posted by June01

  1. Hey stranger, long time no see. Would it even things up a bit if I said I don't pay much attention to the EL either? I was just emphasising how well I think Brady is riding that he's managed to come to my attention when I don't really keep up on the PL. Although I do know Edinburgh are doing rather well.
  2. I don't often post opinions, and I'll also admit I don't pay too much attention to the PL, so it's quite something that one rider has caught my eye and impressed me lately, and that is Brady Kurtz.
  3. Can anyone expand on the circumstances around Lewis Blackbird's accident on Wednesday please?
  4. Thanks, Bavarian. Don't averages come into play with the guest system then? Surely they can't just use anyone?
  5. Have sorted the above question, but how was Ulamek allowed to replace Deddens in heat 10? Does the Bundesliga have some bizarre rule book this year?
  6. Trying to double check the result of heat 7 (if using heat 0) from Wolfslake v Landshut, and not having much luck anywhere else. Most media sites are reporting that Deddens replaced Schultz in that heat (the one with the joker) but I think they may all be using the same source, which is the Falubaz website, and can't see any reason why they would have made that move. Was anyone there who can confirm if Deddens did in fact ride two heats in a row, or if that's a typo please?
  7. Could someone who was at this meeting confirm from a programme who was in yellow in heat 12 please?
  8. Woffinden's been trying since his return to the series.
  9. Could someone who was at this meeting (not from updates) confirm if Crang was replaced in heat 14 please?
  10. Grindsted: 1 Bjarne Pedersen..14 2 Mads Korneliussen ..13 3 Nicklas Porsing..11 4 Jesper Søgaard..10+3 5 Hans Andersen..10+2 Hansen scored 8 and Hans scored points in all of his heats.
  11. How incredibly bizarre. Thanks for the information though.
  12. Hi there. Not sure if Frigbo has seen this yet, but thanks for the confirmation. Your dad rode for Bradford for two years, and his record is below: http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/thread/831/stan-dewhurst As for photos, I'd be happy to add one for you, but would ask it be one of your own as we have to respect the copyright of the photographer. I will send you my email address via private message.
  13. No German thread this year? I was wondering what the purpose of the heat 0 is, if anyone knows please?
  14. I can confirm that's a negative, troublemaker.
  15. That's brilliant thank you, and solves all the problems.
  16. As this is relating to another Boston meeting I'll add it here instead of starting another thread. Boston v Hackney NL - 25.10.86 Who was the R/R for (Boston), and I'm also after the result of heat 4 please? SS is very confusing on this one.
  17. It most certainly does, thank you.
  18. Hoping someone has a programme and can help out with the following please. This is the result for heat 9: Ht 9..64.7..O'Hare, Clarke, Burrows, Lamb [Wyer Ex/T] 5-1 (27-27) My question is, did Burrows replace Lamb, then Lamb replace Wyer after his tapes exclusion, or did Lamb ride as programmed and Burrows replace Wyer? It's also the meeting in which Edinburgh were awarded the points, despite losing 41-37, as O'Hare's use as a guest for Boston was deemed illegal, if that helps.
  19. Going back to the 80s and the 13 heat format, was a bonus point awarded in the event of a dead heat? For example, in Eastbourne v Peterborough's KOC meeting in 1986: Ht 12..Kennett, Buck and Flatman, Barney 4½-1½ (46½-25½) Did Buck still get the bonus point as well as the 1½ points for the tied second place?
  20. Thanks but that can't be right as you'd have both Cegielski and Sawina winning heat 4, Ulamek and Wegrzyk both 2nd in heat 5, Gollob and PePe both 2nd in heat 6, etc. That's why I was hoping someone had a programme.
  21. Was anyone at either of these finals in 1976 in Gorzow, or 2001 in Bydgoszcz, who has a programme (or a really good memory) and could help me with either of the following? The events of heat 1. Mucha, Bruzda and Cieslak were all excluded, with Mucha and Cieslak being replaced by reserves. Was that because of an accident or starting offences? The riding order for the 2001 final (from a programme please). I have all the riders and their scores, but not the riding order.
  22. Okay, I've bitten my tongue until now but... As one of the two people who are responsible for this site I have NEVER aired my views on the NL, as you keep implying, so first off, would you kindly stop assuming my opinion and belittling me. Two people - myself and Frigbo - have spent five years building up this site. The database scope was originally 1965 onwards, but Frigbo has been building on this and adding records prior to these dates, I have added rider information and meeting results, and we are gradually furthering what we offer (for FREE) as and when we can. You originally asked why the NL data wasn’t on there and were given an answer – Frigbo, who has provided (and updated continuously) the information on his own time, chose to include what interested him. No-one ever said we'd NEVER add the NL results, just that it hadn’t been on the agenda. I’ve even offered to add them if you can provide them, even though I’m busy doing other things, but you insist on making a big issue out of something which is, quite frankly, not persuading me to WANT to do it, especially after reading some of the downright nasty comments you’ve been making all over this forum. We will get around to things in our own time, we will add what the hell we want, and if you don’t like it then don’t visit it. As you said yourself, who'd want to read something they think of with such disdain?
  23. 'Course it's easy when it's someone else doing it! I take it you're turning down my offer then, Parsloes? You're not going to be the change you want to see in the world?
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