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Everything posted by Bryn

  1. Thanks Liverstam - couldn't see for looking twit that I am!
  2. Bryn


    No different - timekeeper would still have to remember to throw the switch once rider had passed finishing line to start the last lap.
  3. Anyone (Anders?) got any idea as to the make up of each side's squads for the forthcoming season as they stand at the moment? Bryn
  4. Bryn


    Doesn't bear thinking about Parsnips!
  5. Am looking for contact details for following (amongst others) for a project I'm working on : Dave Whitta Steve Verge Cliff Ott Tony Hurren Neville Tatum Dean Standing Robbie Fuller Barry Thomas Kevin Teager (think he posts on here) Anyone with such info please Email me OFF list at kcv83@dial.pipex.com Cheers Bryn
  6. Bryn


    Assuming that the timekeeper remmbered to throw the switch when the fourth placed rider had passed the finishing line to start his last lap which didn't always happen I can assure you!
  7. Think BV have more to worry about given their enforced team change than whether or not they are in the Pairs.
  8. Oxford couldn't defend their Craven Shield title last year as they didn't qualify. Belle Vue, although holders, can't defend their title this year as the combined average of their top two is the lowest of the 11 sides in the league - life's a bitch at times!
  9. Some other problems, apart from the huge one of getting planning permission that is include: Whether or not Ladbrokes would want speedway there Access to the stadium and car parking for fans bearing in mind that Sainsbury's is open until 10pm each night and the car parking space for the dog stadium is VERY limited indeed - doubt if more than 150 cars could be accommodated.
  10. OUCH! However I feel sure Ronnie will have no hesitation whatsoever in gaining everyone's deepest sympathy by showing the injury to all users of the legendary Blue Room, particularly the female fraternity!
  11. So one assumes that "The Prince of Port Adelaide" has now been crowned King! Oh to have been in the Blue Room last night / this morning!
  12. D Bargh is Dave Bargh (ex Newcastle etc) mops and he's Andrew's uncle.
  13. New stadium physically wasn't / isn't big enough to incorporate a speedway track Ray. Basically it's built on the ground previously occupied by the pits cr park in the old days.
  14. And, for Wightlink Islanders fans more good news in that I'm led to believe Jason Bunyan was runner up.
  15. Thought you got all confuzzled Shazzy girl! And it sure is good to hear from the Crayford MS who I had the honour of doping & oiling for once at Canterbury. If my memory serves me correctly Mike you didn't have any with you that night and, unless the passage of time has enabled me to put some positive spin on the story, didn't you get a max? Spoke to Paul Whittaker the another night - he's really keen on a Crayford reunion but would need a little notice so that he could book time off from his lorry driving job. Am trying to track down the Great Galvini amongst others now. Bryn
  16. Go to: http://www.goldcoastspeedway.com.au/
  17. That's Dave's addy Lunchy - but I'm sure he can get a message to Mick.
  18. Slightly off topic Gavin, bearing in mind the lengthy delays prior to the start of the meeting, I hope the socks lasted the distance! And did any forum members retire to the Blue Room afterwards?
  19. Er.... who's gonna take the pictures Matt?
  20. Alas no news on Tom as yet people - hopefully it's not serious - and I'm not gonna phone anyone in Oz right now as it's 6.30am Sunday morn in the Adelaide area right now!
  21. Holder, Batchelor and Gathercole all down soon after start - maybe all four??? Batchelor not happy that it was announced he was off gate 3 originally - lengthy delay to sort that out so he goes off 4, Kseizak 3, Gathercole 2 and Holder 1
  22. I'll be there for sure Buck - only damn ell wish I was at Gillman at the moment and then going onto the Blue Room for a Bundy or three!!!
  23. Top three - Holder, Gathercole & Batchelor in final - run of for fourth place in final between Robert Ksiezak and Kozza Smith Smith falls and remounts so Ksiezak gets the fourth place in the final. Knowing Kozza I expect he was trying too hard!
  24. Ronny Parker, alias "The Prince of Port Adelaide." is competing in the sidecar support races which, I guess, means the legendary Blue Room will be open after the meeting. IF ONLY I was there!!!!!!
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