I think that if he fails to quailfy in the top 8 that Greg should announce his retirement. All good things come to an end and it would be nicer if the decision to go is his.
The make up of the team at any particular event isn't the point, William Lawson is qualified to ride for the team but if the team was England he wouldn't be.
Which is why a rule allowing 1 substitution only would be better, the manager can pull a rider having an off day without needing the help of a doctor, but by doing so he runs the risk of not having a substitute available in the event of injury later.
It's the managers call and eliminates any suggestion of subterfuge.
That was the problem, Walasek was declared unfit by the doctor, but given that it was a polish doctor there have been suggestions that it was a very convenient decision to declare someone riding badly unfit.
But it does show that a roof won't guarantee an event.
My memory says that the shale was delivered very wet and that the weather was to cold for it to dry sufficiently.
Have a reserve that can be swapped in at any time, but the rider replaced can't come back so if a reserve replaces a rider out of form and the team later has an injury then they will have no reserve available.
A nice gamble for the team manager.