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Everything posted by TMW

  1. Well you never know if you put the word about then more people might decide to give it a go !!!!!!! Glad it went well
  2. I hope you know this as fact? because there is a lot of rubbish masqarading as fact on here and people get upset.
  3. http://leicesterlions.co/ Lions v Bears Saturday 20th April On Saturday 20th April the Lions meet the Redcar Bears in our first home Premier League fixture of the season. Racing begins at the usual time of 7.30 pm. Gates and ticket office open from 5.30 pm. The bar in the stadium car park will be open from 5.30 pm on Saturday for anyone who wishes to purchase a ticket for the meeting. Please note that ticket sales in the bar will only be taken by debit or credit card. If you are dropping people off at the stadium it is advisable to do this within the leisure centre car park to avoid congestion along the access road to the stadium entrance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just saying !!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Just check (Who has got to dodge who?) or check mate ??? Disclaimer.- Not claiming any kind of knowledge of the chess world either....just google em !!!!!
  5. You may call me dear. I've been called a lot worse. The' pretend' was an analogy of those who maybe returning to ride a little early than they should because they feel pressured if they want to ride(possibly a vagary of the written word.....Again) , not actually to King as he clearly didn't. A discussion. You want to have a discussion? that would be a first on here!!!!!!!........I was making a point to Lions fans about the Leicester v Edinburgh thread. I'm not sure when Newcastle even came into it apart from the link to the Newcastle website to demonstrate that Kerr wasn't Newcastle's first choice. Whichever, I believe you should live by your decisions learn from any mistakes and move on so it's not actually bothering me. Your version bare's no resemblance to the press release !!!!!!!! So you may want to put us right. I'm with Volty if it is an attempt at humor then your delivery needs a little work
  6. Gloating is such an unattractive look.............and trying to wind Lions fans up is even lower !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we are talking about choice may I refer you to my previous post. Kerr was hardly Newcastle's first choice either as I said if King had have been fit or pretended to be................. Kerr wouldn't have got a look in. Press releases are always enhanced to show the clubs in a good light as you well know.. but what ever makes you happy
  7. Stay with us you appear to have gone off on a tangent!!!!!!!
  8. Nothing wrong with any of that I was just making the point that Kerr wasn't the first choice for the Diamonds either if it hadn't been for King declaring himself unfit he would still be sharing with Blackbird now even though he is probably perfroming better than S Worrall at present
  9. There will be a few people with egg on their faces I imagine. I can remember reading a thread last year where Lewis was guesting for Somerset I think and people were refusing to travel because they were watering down the product by getting 'NL guests' in. This can only be good for young brits although, it doesn't mean all brits will achieve this but it shows the talent is out there if they are given a chance. Us Lions fans now need to get behind our team as this can't be good for morale as lets not forget Lewis wasn't Newcastles first choice either. I believe he came in to replace Jason King !!!! http://www.newcastle...e.asp?id=100104 Well done Lewis lets hope you have set the precenden, Well done KL/Leicester for getting him out there and Well done Newcastle for taking the punt t!!!!!! I'm sure Scunthorpe are due a well done there somewhere but I can't think of a reason at this present time Everyone is a winner :-)
  10. One area where we do agree on is the cliques these have grown from the begining and if you aren't in one you aren't worthy and all that claptrap. Childish at best if you ask me
  11. Somebody is certainly delusional to think we agree. To be honest it's not so much a speedway meeting as a night out to me with a bit of speedway, what can I say (queue accusations of sad bat), so i'm not sure i've got anything to add to the discussion.
  12. I'd say it was more the being knocked out of 2 cups in 2 days, through away performance, aswell as the weather. Most people I know that weren't there didn't believe the meeting would go ahead or didn't want to stand out in the rain for what they called a 'nothing meeting' even though the Lions gave it all they had they had a too bigger mountain to climb...........Just saying :-)..
  13. Yep. Turning an away meeting into a BP track argument. and my point was if they had gated they would have been ok because as Glynn pointed out there were 5 passes in 60 laps. You are right of course as most of the passes were Lions passing Lions and now riders/teammates are fighting for every position except 1st. I don't suppose DH can flaunt the rules, as other teams, as he is not yet. a fully fledged member of the gang till the next AGM :-)
  14. That's the point they weren't' popping out' of the gate last night. As Glynn said there were 5 passes in 60 hts and I think 3 of those were Lion passing Lion. The track is the same for both teams even if they did grade to advantage Hall and Stead.I did expect more from Doolan but it has been said he has equipment worries. Nielson is clearly not back to the standard he was last year. Has he come back too early? and will his confidence he suffer because of it? The enigma is Nemo. and i'm sure he wont mind me saying that as it's nothing he isn't asking himself at the mo I believe. I seem to have lost the facility to* edit* posts and why is the forum now spell checking? I was going to say ; Onwards and upwards and Hall and Stead were worth the trip alone :-)
  15. Rule no.2 of the forum users guide is not to upset Scunthorpe supporters :-)
  16. Really??? Is this what we are reduced to now. !!!!!!!!! This will be what you call an indepth debate!!!!!! away fans must come just to see if we have 2 heads and 6 fingers
  17. Clearly inexperience caught the Lions out. Does that class as jumping off my fence. :-)
  18. Sorry no gossip really or conspiracy theories. Having listened to the radio piece. Both stories are plausable as the story I heard was that Lewis just missed the 2 mins being on but it''s the last 30 secs that Glynn was talking about. I think RG knows the system and plays it but I don't think he cheats but I stand to be a corrected. If it's RG that Glynn is talking about
  19. [quote name=volty' timestamp='1365149211' post='2261497] Glyn said the PA announcer, who happens to be the promoter, did a 10 second countdown before saying Lewis was out for 2 mins in the last heat. With 30 seconds still to go! rider and mechanic were ready but on hearing that started to return to the pits and take his helmet off. By the time the rider and mechanic realised they still had time it was too late and they were excluded for 2 minutes. Mick. That's not the story that came from the pits but each to their own
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