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Everything posted by Kreso

  1. well, he was also lucky to even be in positon for a GP spot. he won heat 7 from second start. at first he was easily last and then start marshall finished the race after 3 laps. so yeah I would´t say that he was the best rider of the night.
  2. Outclassed. He raced against much better riders in last two heats then in first three.
  3. I would suggest you to fly to Zagreb and hire a car because train conection with Krsko is not so good and then you can stay as R&R said in Terme Catez or Terme Paradiso. Both, Catez and Paradiso are 15 minutes from Krsko. If you fly to Ljubljana you can also stay in Ljubljana. With a car it's an hour drive to Krsko. You can also go with a train (1h50m) but you will have to run from stadium after the race to catcht it. Krsko is near a highway so it's easy to get to, either from Zagreb or Ljubljana.
  4. Ask them if they have Sportklub on TV so you don't have to watch it on the phone.It's on Sportklub 5.
  5. No place for Zagar in Sweden next year or I missed information about his swedish club?
  6. We had problems with weather whole week ahead of GP plus we had holidays that weekend so a lot of people went to sea. I think september is better option for Krsko.
  7. Bad injuries in last few years caused that we have only 4 riders. Matija Duh died on track in Argentina in 2013, Samo Kukavica was in a coma for a month after crash in Ljubljana in 2014, Maks Gregoric was also in coma for almost a month after crash in Italy 2015. A few riders stoped riding because of money and now we are here, with only 4 riders, but on Saturday we will get a fifth one, a young rider from Ljubljana. Also in Krsko last year started speedway shool and I hope at least two of them will race this year. But yes, I agree, it doesn't look good.
  8. NIck Škorja is named as Wild card for first round. Matic Ivačič no.17 Denis Štojs no.18 http://speedwaygp.com/news/article/5598/skorja-set-for-full-sgp
  9. It is not practical doing it for 3 days in a row. There are enough hotels in Pardubice and in other nearby cities to stay in.
  10. I saw some posts on twitter about Woffi changing tyre. Is it allowed to change tyre or not?
  11. Well, you can't just go through the rider like he is the ghost. Nicki wanted to push Emil, just like he did some other riders today, but Emil stayed firm. Looked nasty!
  12. It works, but I hope they will show some racing not just talk show Ok, here they go http://online.speedwaylive.eu/volne-zavody/pardubice/zlata-prilba/2016-09-18/qualification.html Live updates if anyone needs them.
  13. http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/10161678681-motocyklove-zavody/216471291272003-zlata-prilba-2016/
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNPwUjRWzl0&feature=share
  15. I am not sure Milik will race today as he broke arm yesterday. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/599583/zlamana-reka-vaclava-milika
  16. Just remember when Ole Olsen was big boss of SGP and controled almost all referees, what rules were for Nicki and what rules were for others. It looks like Nicki is the biggest victim in SGP...
  17. Phil Morris: "After a good sprinkle of snow yesterday, track at 1pm today is in good condition ready for #SlovenianSGP"
  18. As Ghostwalker said he had few injuries and some problems with bikes and he really droped in form. Last year he was in Grudziadz but rode only few races for the team if I remember correctly. He decided that this year he won't race in any league and only race qualifications for GP and SEC, Slovenian/Croatian/Hungarian championship and invitational meetings.
  19. Next Saturday we have second round of Slovenian national championship and second best Slovenian rider will get the WC. After first round in Krsko, there is one point between Stojs and Ziga Kovacic so it will be close.
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