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Everything posted by Sotonian

  1. Even more unlikely, a rider could become World Champ without winning a single race. Finish second in every heat, semi and final with different winners of all the finals and it's job done!
  2. That 17 pointer was actually 17+1 so he was unbeaten by a Pole in the series. 2 years earlier his scores were 17, 18 and 17 all from 6 rides. Given how unfamiliar the tracks would have been to him and the relative strength of the Poles on their own circuits, it was an impressive feat to say the least. Another reason why he stands head and shoulders (metaphorically, given his diminutive stature) as the best Brit ever.
  3. 11-4-61 - Southampton (53) v Norwich (25) Southampton B.Knutsson 10 (4) A.Golden 7 (4) C.Taylor 8 (4) D.Bradley 7 (4) B.Briggs 11 (4) C.Roger 7 (4) R.Gilbertson 3 (2) Norwich O.Fundin 14 (5) J.Debbage 0 (3) J.Chamberlain 1 (2) D.Strutt 1 (3) B.Bales 0 (3) D.Newton 5 (5) K.Petersen 4 (5) 25-7-61 4TT - A (23) v B (19) v C (17) v D (13) A B.Knutsson 8 J.Scott 1 A.Golden 9 P.Vandenberg 5 B B.Briggs 8 C.Taylor 7 D.Bradley 2 C.Roger 2 C R.Moore 4 B.Andrews 5 I.Williams 3 J.Squibb 5 D R.How 2 R.Genz 3 C.Maidment 2 A.Pander 6 All riders took 3 rides.
  4. Vic was indeed the first captain. I don't know when he was injured but the prog from 25th sept still lists him as captain. A later prog lists Peter Robinson in the role. Bob Oakley took over for the final meeting v The Rest in late october. I cannot see Bert # Name Removed # listed as captain but I don't have all the progs for that season. Hope that helps.
  5. 1931-33 are here http://www.speedwayresearcher.org.uk/yearbyyear.html
  6. You need to check your facts. Peter Craven was seeded direct to the final as holder in 1956. Morally wrong and unjustified?
  7. Stenners annuals were published 1946-54 inclusive. There were also 3 journals published summer, autumn & winter as companions to the 1948 annual. These tend to be harder to find than the annuals, even more so in their official hardback binder.
  8. Liverpool - Chads, Eagles, Pirates
  9. Not 100% sure, but I think it's Tony Knott, grandson of promoter Charlie.
  10. That is correct. He rode in the Saints' opening home match and then broke a collar bone at Poole. A hoped-for two week absence became two months.
  11. Definitely the Rochester Bombers.
  12. This is at odds with both the Speedway Researcher site and Peter Morrish's British Speedway Leagues 1946-64.
  13. I think you are right about S.Rovers and Aldershot. The latter had to win an appeal to compete in the SAL that season and didn't open until early August. The Eastbourne v S.Rovers result, 38-34, is assigned to Aldershot in the final results that I have seen. No idea about Rye's nickname that year though.
  14. I didn't think they were anyway. For example, Crump was a WC at Hackney in 1995.
  15. A Childs could well be Tony Childs who I remember riding for Scunthorpe in the 1970s.
  16. Stranger things have happened!! Look here
  17. How is running three lasts unlucky? One, maybe, but three suggests that the lone win was the lucky result.
  18. Chris Byles was responsible for that site. My own bike is featured on it although the picture no longer displays. Sorry, but I do not have any contact details for him.
  19. They were around football or rugby pitches.
  20. Rubbish! The Rudges used in the 20's and 30's had 4 valves.
  21. Two conflicting statements there. In what way has Tai earned his place?
  22. Not forgetting that he also survived an earlier life-threatening crash while riding for Hull. It must have taken taken immense character and will for him to continue after that, and at a good standard too, only to fall victim the the crash discussed here. Joe was a rider I always looked forward to watching, not least for his unusual 'elbows out' style which I have yet to see replicated. Also, like others who have been left paralysed, he has never seemed bitter about his lot.
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