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Everything posted by Sotonian

  1. Don't I know it. Turns out that a new neighbour of mine is very anti-motorbike and has complained time and again to me about the 'excessive noise, which must be illegal" of my BSA. He's even tried to get other neighbours to side with him, with no success so far. It's no coincidence that the last time I rode it, the police were waiting in the next road to stop me and check that I and it were road legal because they had had a report of "anti-social, possibly illegal biking". They found nothing untoward. I only ride it in daylight hours so why can't he live and let live?
  2. Thinking you are above the law shouldn't prevent you from pursuing the career you are best qualified for though.
  3. I couldn't agree more. It may be the norm in other motorsports but they don't have helmet covers rendering the whole exercise futile.
  4. The move to a GP series removed the chance of fluky winners, rewarding consistency. What criteria do you consider necessary before a win is not classed as lucky?
  5. Firstly, I DO wish this venture well. However, you say think of the MK fans, but, realistically how many people is that? As a previous poster said, they weren't too well supported over 20 years ago, how many of those are still likely to be interested? Also, fans of other clubs, even defunct ones, don't tend to change allegiance. The best hope would be attracting a new generation of fans but as other clubs are finding out, how?
  6. Don't be so quick to dismiss Havelock in 1992, he was on fire that year. I don't have his record to hand but recall that he won virtually everything going that season.
  7. Stadiums is a perfectly valid word. http://grammarist.com/usage/stadiums-stadia/
  8. What is Darset bread? Brown/white/sliced?
  9. You should. Last time I looked, speedway had no corners, only bends.
  10. Says the man stuck in the past. WTC? It's been called the SWC for over 10 years
  11. The Houston Astrodome track in the 1970's was nothing to do with him.
  12. It's the usual M W D L For Against with additions for match points gained depending on the size of the win/defeat e.g 3W is a win that gained 3 match points, 1L a loss that gained 1 etc
  13. Me 100%. Like others, I didn't feel he justified a place in the GP's originally. Now he looks more likely to become a multi-time World Champ. Compared to him, Darcy Ward seems to be going backwards or maybe treading water at best.
  14. How about the last race winner on a 2-valve upright? I think Paul Tyrer won races on a 2-valve Jawa when riding for Buxton in the early days of the BL3 or whatever it was called then. I remember him not being allowed to use it at Somerset because it didn't have a silencer.
  15. Same here. I invite a couple of first-timers around, lay on beer and curry and now feel ashamed at what's being served up on track.
  16. Fine for top riders but more of a hit for those further down the pecking order.
  17. Courtesy of Old Time Speedway on Facebook, here they are in the 1948 East Rand Eagles team. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/10255434_10203967771174932_2729919984018290004_n.jpg
  18. The five Serrurier brothers - Harry, Doug, Bob, Alan and Jack rode together for several South African league teams.
  19. Ward's rattled because he's realized he isn't as good as he thought he was.
  20. Sotonian


    Sounds like you may have a Rotrax JAP but without seeing it that's only a guess. Regarding oil, it won't have wet sumped because it doesn't have a sump! It uses the total loss principle where the oil drops out of the bottom of the engine after being used. A bike in storage would typically have no oil in the tank. Hope that makes some sense and is of help to you.
  21. Immigration is permanent and a different argument altogether. This is about temporary working visas.
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