I've just read his obituary in The Times. It reports an incident where he, Eric Cantona style, waded into the terraces and started kicking and punching someone who he thought was throwing stones at him. This is the first I've ever heard of that and I suspect maybe journalistic licence. Any ideas Philip Rising?
Your opinion and one that I disagree with entirely. I see nothing wrong with them or the concept and have every sympathy for those losing jobs that they love.
Which is to its detriment I feel. It should be marketed as an extreme sport that appeals to youngsters, rather than something you're likely to meet your granny at.
I think Rye would have returned, nomadic team or not - Len just got the bug again.
I can't think of any homeless teams that have gone on to get their own track. It will be interesting to see how long they continue before accepting that it's a futile exercise.
Former Ipswich rider and manager Ron Bagley has passed away.