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About Panthers99

  • Birthday 01/05/1989

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  1. The reaction from everyone made it seem worse than a collarbone (fingers crossed not).
  2. 4 ride max today at Poole, it's Bombers part of the season
  3. I agree, TV Coverage was abysmal. The amount of times the graphics were incorrect and Kelv and his 'normal fluffs'. Track was terrible, you can have good meetings there, even with Doyle and Emil, I don't think it would have made the racing much better, result would have been tighter and a few good heats, but not enough to counteract the track/coverage. ANY newbies who decided to take a watch yesterday will be thinking twice going forward. I was glad I was at home and could do some chores instead (what a sad state of affairs :D)
  4. Bomber at 2 is an interesting choice...
  5. How to go from nothing to a title favourite in one move
  6. Possibly coming across so fingers crossed weather behaves.....
  7. Even the advert says 1415pm.... why not just say 1430pm then.... I'm not a fan so unaware of the unofficial ruling that pushes the start back by 15 minutes. Funnily enough, I see 1415pm and make sure I'm there in good time to not miss anything.
  8. All but predictable ending sadly where the punters are short changed. Seems to dordle around at the start to let me more fans in, with a suspect forecast amazed the first heat wasn't at 1415 sharp. Gates need sorting, just a sign to say where you need to queue up, less than impressed queueing in the adult cash line but because I had a child, had to queue up in the cash with adult and others line.... they did have an all card line not to be confused with the other lines. Racing wasn't bad, Thompson and Wojdylo the stand outs. Less said about Lynn's middle order the better....
  9. Few spits a few minutes ago but not enough to stop folks risking it
  10. Heading across from Mildenhall in a bit, fingers crossed! As folks have said, absolute lottery but there we go.
  11. 90% chance of rain from 1300 for a few hours.... oh dear!
  12. To make the 2 hour round trip with the 3 year old or not.... that is the question!
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