I would let Woffy go. For me Jack should be the first on the team sheet along
with Chris and Josh. Don't know about Howarth he's a bit hit and miss.
Depends what's on the market.
I think Abi does a good job. All the riders and team managers etc seem to be happy to be interviewed by her.
She's streets ahead of Charlie Webster. I would get rid of Nicholls who is full of himself and has pinched all of his
lines from Kelvin. I agree don't know why they persist with the helmet cam.
It looked like the Tigers were going to lose it in the first half of the meeting but apparently
Jack Holder asked the track guy to blade the track which he duly did and that was that.
You must be deluded if you think the track was bladed at the request of a visiting rider. Its more likely it was bladed because everybody was complaining about it and it was on Eurosport for everybody to see.