Let's face it darcy ward is one of most special talents in speedway and I am looking forward to him being back speedway could do with stars like him! Yes he's done bad things but fingers crossed he's learned from them🙏🏻
Lynn ain't the only track that has this problem! Think fans making a bigger deal out of it then they should if they didn't have the interval it would be finished sooner
the boy has got would love him in the team 👌🏻 I like porsing but he's been very disappointing this season Mads is a decent rider but he's old and tbh don't want to constantly go back to same old riders! We would turn into lakeside
Rather keep bjerre then Schlein as bjerre will come good where Rory will just decline! He tries which is fine and a great team man yes but he's in the decline! He's a slightly better version to mads
didn't say I knew who could replace them I just personally wouldn't of signed them schlein isn't as good at home as should be and bjerre has just lost confidence!