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Everything posted by pubichair

  1. Bomber will never get into the top 8 hes by far the worst rider in the series
  2. Nice to see batchelor getting points in Denmark! No excuses for his performances for us
  3. just said he was boring to watch which he is doesnt mean i don't respect him for being able to do it! just said he was boring to watch which he is doesnt mean i don't respect him for being able to do it! he is boring to watch but so is alot of other riders and yeah he has improved never said he hadn't
  4. what a shocking team ! To lose to coventry is absolutely shocking. Get bjerre back!!!!
  5. not an excuse though if it was bad he wouldn't ride!? And he's had plenty of meetings so should be up to speed! Let's face it he's always been a rubbish rider
  6. it's an opinion and if I think that then so be it!
  7. They gonna have to Abandon this meeting the way it's going! If these are the best under 21's in the world then we better make the most of the talent we have atm as the talent in this line up Is pretty poor
  8. totally agree glad I'm not there I would be asleep lil totally agree glad I'm not there I would be asleep 😂
  9. As boring as it is but it can't be Lynn's fault? would of thought fim controlled it all?
  10. Still doesn't deserve to be in the team Steve Worral deserves it more!
  11. King doesn't deserve to be in team just because he won British championship! Been poor all season getting overhyped big time
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