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Everything posted by pubichair

  1. Awful team but atleast it's gonna be a team that try's! Think we testing some out for premier league next year
  2. he needs to gate better and looking at him ride he needs much faster equipment! Yes he's best under 21 Brit by a mile but like you yet to be convinced he's got what it takes to becomeWorld class
  3. not knocking him but stating a fact he's not as good as some people make him out to be! Proved in World Cup and again tonight! fair enough if he did but still got to have been fit enough as he continued to ride! I watched fromHeat 16 as didn't realise it was live on YouTube 🙈 fair enough if he did but still got to have been fit enough as he continued to ride! I watched fromHeat 16 as didn't realise it was live on YouTube 🙈
  4. Robert lambert proving he's not as good as some make him out to be tonight
  5. lynn was on top of his following list last time I looked but now they half way down my bad for not looking far enough lol can you delete posts!?
  6. good riddance! but he's not the only rider that should leave!
  7. Lynn as a club is in shambles the blame has to be on buster and rob Lyon
  8. Go back down to championship and just get the excitement back! Sign rose porsing and bailey and build from there
  9. I mentioned about the track! He has been shocking tonight
  10. Super stevie worral!! Hopefully gets a polish team after this performance
  11. he rides in Poland so should be used to these type of tracks!
  12. atleast Steve and bomber are giving it a go the other two are embarrassing tonight
  13. he's had tough rides for sure but he's so far behind it's embarrassing considering he was 3rd in under 21's last year
  14. Pathetic from gb sorry but Robert lambert is shockingly bad! Rides in Poland and is that slow !??
  15. Wouldn't mind lebedevs in tbh was always a fan of his if he brought his Own equipment over
  16. not my job to give him advice.But as a fan I'm entitled to an opinion whether you like it or not.
  17. Knight will quit again at end of season then Come back half way through next season! Just a waste of space tbh either stick to speedway or just never ride again
  18. not on his back just think he should be beating nick Morris on his home track as should Freddie!
  19. should still be beating him on his home track should still be beating him on his home track
  20. people are entitled to an opinion. He's a massive talent who could easily be a world champ but is also aloud to be criticised he should be beating everyone in the Swindon team except Doyle tbh
  21. Yes he scored more than josh did and makes us stronger at home but my opinion of him won't ever change and that he's a poor rider and shouldn't be anywhere near a reserve spot as he's too old Yes he scored more than josh did and makes us stronger at home but my opinion of him won't ever change and that he's a poor rider and shouldn't be anywhere near a reserve spot as he's too old porsing should be doing way better than what he showing at the moment! As we all know he's capable of it
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