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Everything posted by SarahLapworth

  1. Hi Mike weather permitting this will take place on Friday night at the Norfolk Arena with Coventry-Mercia as the home team
  2. Not really Simon. I take you view on board but as the series was run over 4 rounds it would not be fair to award it on the 2 best rounds or 50%. Maybe it is something we will look at for next year if we have more rounds but the problem has always been fitting these rounds in due to various reasons. I will give full credit to Lee Springthorpe though who has always taken this competition seriously and has raced in every round. A well deserved winner of the series
  3. Individual scores: 1. James Shanes (Coventry) 3, 3 = 6 2. Adam Sheppard (Castleford) FX = 0 3. Callum Harris (Long Eaton) FX, 0 = 0 4. John Markham (Coventry) 2 = 2 5. Sean Phillips (Long Eaton) 2 = 2 6. Freddie Owen (Leicester) FX, 1 = 1 7. Aaron Mogridge (MK) 3 = 3 8. Lee Springthorpe (Leicester) ret, 2 = 2 Heat Details: H1 (Re-run after Sheppard fell, exc): Shanes, Markham, (Harris fell, exc) AWARDED - NO TIME H2 (Re-run after Owen fell, exc): Mogridge, Phillips (Springthorpe ret.) 67.7 H3: Shanes, Springthorpe, Owen (fell, rem), Harris 66-6
  4. Have them lying around somewhere but the result is void and the scores do not count as only 3 races were run. If we had got a 4th heat in it would have been a different story as all riders would have had 2 rides and we could have awarded half points.
  5. As stated above in a previous comment all riders in the MDL could be considered guest riders as no team is allowed to sign them or consider them as assets unless they actually are as in the cases of Shaun Tedham and Lee Payne (Stoke) and Martin Knuckey (Coventry). What we try to put in place in the MDL is that riders can be identified with a certain team as Lee Geary (Long Eaton) and Conor Dwyer (MK Knights). As riders do not get paid any points or travel money for their efforts they are in effect free to ride for whoever they want. At the end of the day its all about bringing these guys on so the more rides they get the better
  6. Busy week in the MDL Wednesday 10th Kings Lynn v Milton Keynes - MDL Cup 1st rnd (1st leg) Friday 12th Coventry-Mercia (22) v Leicester (14) - MDL Cup 1sr rnd (2nd leg) Saturday 13th Long Eaton v Belle Vue Milton Keynes v Kings Lynn - MDL Cup 1st rnd (2nd leg) Stoke (13) v Redcar (23) - MDL Cup 1st rnd (2nd leg)
  7. The opening round of the GP at Coventry has now been switched from April 26th to Monday 6th May. A press release about the heat format and points system will be issued this week. We are just awaiting confirmation of a possible extra round.
  8. I think the new layout looks very smart and moving with the times. By scrapping the club sections you have to read more of the articles rather than skip to your teams section. Liked the spread about the Ice racing. Phil - why not give a full page each week to the 2 junior leagues
  9. "carry on pleasing myself" that sounds a bit wrong for a family forum Simon
  10. I never said I was going to please everyone Simon but Nick is allowed to ride in the MDL as per the rules decided by SCB and not messers Lapworth and Rogers
  11. I dont normally bother with the forum these days Simon but i wanted to put you right on your post here. Nick Mallett- It was actually myself that made the call to Nick and asked him to ride for the Vikings and not his "mate" as you put it. I have always got pn with Nick and found him very helpfull when we ran the Scandinavian touring team a few years ago. He has assured me of his commitment and is a very popular figure with his team mates which will boost team morale. Sheffield - Have taken a 1 year break from the MDL in order to give their new PL riders extra track time to practice after meetings with ehat limited time they have available. Scunthorpe - Have decided not to run the stags as they have limited dates available to run 2 MDL teams. They will also be staging NL/MDL style 15 heat meetings. I think one is best to know the full facts before making assumptions
  12. You forgot the other bit - Sitting behind a computer does not make you a speedway expert
  13. Team Line ups so far (Riders listed under their main team) Belle Vue Cotls Matt Williamson, David Holt, Michael Neal Castleford Kings Max Clegg, Liam Rumsey, Nail Strudwick, Adam Shepperd, Tommy Fenwick Coventry-Mercia Vikings Martin Knuckey, Tyler Govier, Ellis Perks, Cam Hoskins, Andy Braithwaite, Nick Mallett, Jordan Tyrer, James Shanes Long Eaton Invaders Lee Geary, Haydon Ball, Jez Pestell, Tom Woolley Milton Keynes Knights Nathan Greaves, Conor Dwyer, Aaron Mogridge, Danno Verge, Ryan Terry-Daley, Ross Walter Kings Lynn Lightning Andy Mountain, Connor Mountain, Josh Bailey, Adam Kirby, Nick Laurence, Lewis Rose Stoke Spitfires Lee Springthorpe, Freddie Owen, Andy Mellish, Emerson Jones, Shaun Tedham
  14. Think you will not find a more dedicated rider than Lee, Vog. the guy is determined to make it into the NL. If I ran my own NL team he would be the first name on the team sheet. sometimes its not about a rider scoring double figures but what that rider can bring to the team. Ask the Long Eaton and Mercia viking riders what I am talking about
  15. The only option in my opinion is Lee Geary. Malcolm I know you read this, Lee is ultra keen to make his mark and has been one of the best riders in the MDL and during his time with Stoke proved he is more than capable of being a good NL reserve. I know that age is not on his side but you will not find a better rider to have in the pits to boost team morale and you can be 100% certain he will give it his all for every meeting. Common' Malc and Dave give him a shot
  16. I think we are all starting to miss the argument here. Pascal has neither been offered an NL or MDL team place. He is coming over for 2 weeks in April for a trial. I have agreed to help him in the time he is here and to book him in the rides in mdl and ajl meetings which his British passport and licence entitles him to. It is upto him to determine his own destiny, if he is good enough then maybe a promoter will be interested - if not then at least he will have had a chance. I will gladly help anyone that comes asking me. If that is a crime to do so then I put my hands up and apologise.
  17. Team plans for the "City Gearboxes (coventry ltd)" Coventry-Mercia Vikings are coming on nicely for our assualt on the 2013 MDL championship. Cornishman Martin Knuckey will once again captain the team - a role he took on very well half way during the 2012 season. Joining Marty will be Tyler Govier who has recently joined the Buxton Hitmen in the NL, Cameron Hoskins, rider-coach Paul Quarterman, Andy Braithwaite and Ellis Perks. Myself and Laurence are very excited about this team and we think it will be a very solid one that will push all the way for the MDL championship. We owe a great deal of thanks to our main sponsors Gary Drinkwater of City Gearboxes, Nuneaton Speedway supporters club, Lucas Oils and bextec sollutions. Their help is very much appreciated by the team. We are always seeking additional sponsors as riders at this level are not paid so please inbox me if you are interested. We are awaiting the final rubber stamp on the 2013 MDL rules but once approved we will be announcing a "world champion" joining our ranks. Kelvin & Laurence
  18. Thanks Iris123, Stafan is a big talent. I have never seen Jason ride but I have heard very good things about him. I take on board your comments about Pascal. I have not promised him a team place but only an opportunity for him to come over and show what he can do, the rest is upto him
  19. Simon - I have always valued your opinions but on this matter I truly beleive that you don't know what you are talking about. I find you statement that I am using my position as co-ordinator to bend the rules very hurtfull indeed. I am simply helping a lad who under the rules of the BSPA can ride in the national league. I dont think you can question my agenda for helping British riders as I would never have set up the MDL if I was using it for other purposes. I have been on the phone numerous times to try and get MDL riders team places (including your own son) all season long as that is the aim of the MDL. For the record the reigning "British" under 18 Champion Stefan Nielsen is half Britsh and I don't hear anyone complaining about that. Indeed Jason Jorgensen is also half British and I'm sure nobody will complain about that if he rides here once he turns 15.
  20. I am posting this on behalf of a young rider I have agreed to help find a team place in the National League. Pascal Swart is a 23 year old from Gronigen in the Netherlands and has been riding Speedway and Grasstrack on the continent for a few years, having seen him ride in Belgium he looks decent enough and has some very good equipment and sponsors. Pascal came to me a month ago asking for help - I told him that the NL is not open to Dutch riders but then he told me something that changed all that - He is half BRITISH! Pascal's mother is from Portsmouth and moved to the Netherlands with Pascal's father. He will be coming over in January with his mother to obtain his British passport and from there will apply for an ACU licence. I have explained to Pascal that most NL teams are pretty much sorted now and would probably not sign him on a 5 as nobody would have heard of him. To show what he can do Pascal will be coming over for a week or two in April 2013 where we will book him as many 2nd half rides as possible in the MDL and AJL so promoters can get a good look at him. If there are any promoters reading this who would be interested please contact me via teamvikingsw@aol.com As stated above Pascal have very good equipment and sponsors and is ultra keen to ride in the National league. He also speaks perfect English (probably better than most of us!) Cheers Kelvin Lapworth
  21. Longtrack should be kept to 800 - 1000 mtr circuits IMO, thats what makes it longtrack. I think this is just a commercial opportunity from the FIM. 5 riders in a race on bona fide Speedway tracks is just - well ...... Speedway
  22. The AGM of the Midland Development was held yesterday near Coventry where new rule changes and competitions were discussed for 2013. The meeting had a very postive outcome and we feel we can now move forward in developing the next batch of British talent. The outcome of the meeting will be published once it has final approval, however we are delighted to welcome the Castleford Kings into the league led by Pete Hibberd. The deadline date has been set for the 28/2/13 for new entries but as it stands the league will have the following 8 teams. Belle Vue "Colts" Castleford "Kings" Coventry-Mercia "Vikings" Long Eaton "Invaders" Milton Keynes "Knights" Scunthorpe "Stags" Sheffield "Tiger cubs" Stoke "Spitfires"
  23. Has a ring to it - maybe they could call their 2nd half team the "altar boys" LOL
  24. Dan Greenwood has also raced for Newport Honets towards the back end of 2011 and I beleive he has also has a few rides for the Rye House Raiders in 2008
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