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Everything posted by Tsunami

  1. Well done to Carl Nicklen for getting his tweet on the Swedish Meeting tonight, and thanks a lot for getting my junior GEM Archie Freemen a mention for being chosen to attend the SGP Academy at this year's GP at the weekend. Many thanks.
  2. Or not convinced it would happen. In that case why make the situation worse whilst making the debts bigger.
  3. What happens when you dispense with the services of a Visa rider such as Rumi. Is there not a quoted term of the visa and a fixed payment for the duration of the visa regardless.
  4. To bring you back to what was obviously being discussed. WE weren't talking about the 'last 5 years' of the SKY deal. The discussion was about the claims by 'leading riders' USA riders who decided they should up their demands with the promoters having 'new money' and some promoters acceded to their demands, and the rest followed.
  5. Nils wasn't a leading rider in the UK when the SKY deal was signed. So how could he receive the largest share of Kings Lynn SKY monies ?
  6. Rode on Sunday afternoon at Brough and rode well.
  7. Who said there were USA riders involved after the initial years ? Move on, you are going nowhere.
  8. Once again missing the point and trying to imply something that wasn't true and not said. Read it again. There was a trend introduced, with more cash in the pockets of the promotions, when leading riders decided the windfall should be used to pay them a lot more than before. Promotions, competing against each other, risked losing the top riders so acceded to their requests which then had a knock of affect. After the first year, that then became the norm for all riders.
  9. What he doesn't know Philip, he assumes to suit his prejudices no matter what the subject is..
  10. The SKY payment was split between the fixed sum to the sport, to be shared by all the EL teams equally, along with 1 extra share, which then was shared by all the PL clubs. Other monies were paid for a televised meeting by a fixed payment compensating the staging club against the problems of missing fans on the night, and also a fixed sum to the opposing team for appearance money. Only when they use head on shots, the rest is usually quick.
  11. Utter bollocks. I have said regularly on here, and it has been confirmed, that the windfall of TV money instead of being used to grow the sport, was in fact used to compete against each other when the riders, usually USA ones, decided they they should be rewarded with massive contracts and sign ons, and the promotors were forced to compete against each other for their services. That drifted down to lesser riders and the windfall just disappeared.
  12. Not strictly true. I was involved in a bid to get the speedway rights with a large media group, just prior to SKY and Terry, and was stalled in detail and then the BSPA announced the SKY deal without any communication to us. A similar deal could have been achieved.
  13. Not forgetting that the Comets are a vey good side and on the night Rasmus, who had been out of form to be a reserve, but came good on Sunday. Disappointing performance from our team with poor gating on a dusty track, but credit the Comets for riding so well. They have got some good results on the road and performed well again. Even the R/R for Proctor got 8 points,
  14. That might be generally true, but certainly in Kyle Newmans case it was not. In a Newcastle meeting a few years ago, and Kyle riding for the home side, he suffered a serious injury severing his femeral artery and nerve and was plainly bleeding to death. Our St Johns ambulance was dispatched with my daughter Doctor, and another of our Doctors, applying a turnaque whilst a third Doctor rang ahead and all the safety measures and equipment were on standby awaiting Kyles immediate arrival when he was whisked in and operated on. This series of events and happenings and urgency that the hospital gave to his case saved his life.
  15. And the award for the most convoluted and unconnected dribble as to why moxey needs to admit to being a speedway scounger. BTW, a freeloader in my terms is someone attending a speedway meeting and contributing nothing for the club, whilst others have to pay to get in. As opposed to track staff such as sheeters, flag men, pushers, programme contributors, officials, team managers, etc., earning their right to get in for free. In your case you started in example 2, but wanted to be in example 1, but because you cant, you attack the sport at every opportunity as if trying to help. How's the digging going, looks very active from here.
  16. I'm not Daniel, but it has been a drain on income for years at each club as you will already know. It's a pet hate, and quite rightly so, with most fans on the terraces.
  17. Times the number of people of your ilk and reasoning and no wonder some clubs went under. Stop digging your hole before you need to speak Aussie.
  18. Another trying to rewrite what he has already boasted on here. You thought speedway was good enough when you got in free, but decided to leave it when you are asked to pay. Some speedway fan you are, only interested in a freebee and not paying your way but the sport was good enough for free. Another free loader.
  19. I would put money on that the person shouting the abuse was not from Glasgow but a Redcar fan. Richie has been a regular target for them from when he was a Diamond and was unfairly blamed for a injury to Kus(first bend bunching), and clipping the back wheel of Summers as he decided to go around instead of under. Cries of 'hope you break your f*****g neck' from the terrace bar as he lay on the track, was just about the most inane comment I have ever heard, only to be repeated several weeks later when Tully made a dash to the line and came off with the same treatment. Can't accept 'it happens at all tracks" and it's certainly not the finest moments I have seen at the STMP. All Redcar fans are not like that of course, but it is worrying that after that, the discussions on here applauded the actions, and comments were also on the Bears forum when Richie and family put their case in defence.
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