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Everything posted by Tsunami

  1. Of course it is, but the last time the EL promoters gave in to the new and higher demands of the top riders and the windfall cash that was new to the sport went to the riders not the promoters. This 'new' money needs to keep clubs afloat, to be able to promote the sport and keep tracks in business. It's not rocket science.
  2. I don't think so Skidder. Unless the proposals hit major obstacles, there is a need both from a costs and development points of view to proceed with them. SKY(or TV money) money would be an extra bonus and help pay for the more expensive top 5 riders. Would just hope that the promoters don't then think they can repeat history and squander the TV money to out do each other, like the first time they got SKY money.
  3. The new one I think failed on inspection and Peterborough could not release their old one. When the new one was passed, it was too late to do the bend alterations at Brough before the start of the new season, so the purchase was abandoned. Rene as an asset was also a factor.
  4. Yes, this was put to the test a couple of years ago when Joe Screen was wanted by Glasgow, and his conversion rate was above the 12 average. He stayed a Wolves, but was only going to stay for only 11 meetings then join them, but because Skornicki had not returned from injury in time, Joe stayed on, got a conversion average below 12, and he then joined Glasgow on a 2 year loan.
  5. And Newcastle. During the winter we put about 40 new posts and replaced 80% of the net meshing in anticipation of the decision being made. The main objective of the new supporters club was to assist with the purchase by organising events to raise money. A Grand Summer Draw and Family fun night for the actual draw raised £2k, and the auction night after our last meeting we raised another £2k. Although the fence has now been ordered, and about to be paid for, we are continuing to raise further funds as there could be high maintenance costs with an air fence, as opposed to the foam fence. Every penny raised was raised by events and donations, and no one was compelled or coerced to support it if they didn't want to. BTW It is Northside at Workington. It is a superb training facility with the air fence that used to be at Somerset and Newport, which was paid for by it's main sponsor Moss Bay Metals(Aunty Sue). Great gesture and facility.
  6. Something like that DID happen George.
  7. I think they stay the same for the rest of the season.
  8. Local Businessman and ex Diamond in unbelievable Air Fence Fund offer. Malcolm Hogg of SFRacewear, has offered the chance to any Speedway rider or a fan in the World, to win a top class race suit to any design for the unbelievable price of £5 per ticket. Malcolm has joined forces with the Newcastle Speedway Supporters Club to launch this once in a lifetime project. Ex Diamond Malcolm, agrees with the decision that all British clubs should have air fences, and he wants to make this his contribution to increase the funds for the Newcastle Speedway Air Fence fund. To enter the draw, all you have to do is to pay £5 via PayPal, using airfencefund@newcastlediamonds.co and the unique transaction provides you with your unique ticket number. This invitation is open to all riders and supporters worldwide, and the raffle will be drawn on Sunday January 19th, 2014, and the winner will be contacted after the draw, enabling Malcolm enough time to make the suit in time for the new season. Why not buy a ticket or 2 if you fancy a suit for you, or you could sponsor your favourite rider, for a brand new race suit for the new season. Malcolm has been making suits since 2005, and everyone knows how good they are. He will make it to an existing design or a brand new design for 2014. Further details can be obtained from airfencefund@newcastlediamonds.co Newcastle Speedway Supporters Club.
  9. Funny that, as I thought it was a return of AllKak, with his EL and Chris Louis fixations.
  10. And then folks wonder why Promoters don't read or get involved with the BSF. This is the same guy who would give you the same rants whether it be religion, politics, voting, etc. he just jumbles the words around. As someone on the tele used to say "calm down, calm down" BTW it's 'their' not thier'.
  11. My point is that to make a good decision you need good and true information. Despite me and others pointing out things which have either been ignored or just wrong, to not accept those things rather flaws and devalues any conclusion that is based on those wrong facts. If people ignore true facts, then that will make their input invalid. I agree that the detail in the blueprint is what really counts, and it will be based on practicality, rather than attitude to change.
  12. As you know, it has nothing do with anything like that, but nice try. Neil has always wintered in OZ, and it was well known that when the time came he would move over there. Surprised it has taken him so long to take the decision. Best of luck to Neil.
  13. I agree. I don't have any doubt that the press release did not do anybody any favours. As to detail, until it was agreed and then consulted/agreed with fellow leagues at the AGM, there would have been no point in going into every detail. Therefore there would have been no detail to explain, and the discussions regarding the details now start for agreement at future meetings that are being planned. It has been a difficult end of season to start with, but it would have been totally folly of the EL, and a waste of precious time, to have touched all bases, and made all of the decisions on how to make it work, prior to proposing it it's sister leagues. Now starts the hard part of making it work, with strict rules and guidance to eliminate misinterpretation in the future. The initial rules may even have to be tinkered with as new situations are unearthed, but with decent understanding and cooperation, it can be achieved.
  14. I can fully understand your reservations, because to me, it is not the idea that is the problem but the application of it. Rosen, in Sweden with about 4 GP riders in each meeting, has a relative similarity about it with Kerr and the current EL riders. Both the rider and the team strengths are relatively lower. Note also you are saying NL riders, when the likelyhood is half PL riders and half of the best NL riders, so they not wobblers. If they are best chosen, the riders agree with the situation,commitment and terms, and allocated fairly without intervention, then I am thinking the whole idea would be great, It will remove the resident foreign riders and their costs, and could be instrumental in bringing through their Brit replacements. Obviously, discussions are currently under way, and further meetings planned, but if there is a reasonable will for it to work, we could have some success on our hands. The situation needed out the box thinking, well we have it, and we have to make it work.
  15. And there is the rub. Opinions and statements, ignoring what information that is in posts that could inform you and others of the real situation/explanation. There are untrue and misleading basic facts being repeated time and time again, despite others like me trying to help to correct those statements. If, as you seem to agree, that your decisions are being made that are based on incomplete information, what then does that say about the very conclusions that you arrive at. Before anybody jumps in and says "were're all entitled to our opinions", I agree, but to ignore the real facts makes the decisions and conclusions rather flawed.
  16. Just to clarify this point. In this case I am not 'in the know' as the idea came as a bit of a surprise to me as well as others. What I have done is read, read again and enquire about the proposal, and formed an opinion based on those facts and what has been explained. Perhaps if others did likewise, this might help them to understand what is being proposed and being discussed. Whilst this is reducing the overall strength of the British League teams, one has to ask whether now might have been the time to ditch the top riders, and get the then EL a lot nearer to the stable strength of the PL, and consider a serious intention of promotion and relegation. The promoted team would of course need help in it's first year up, but without the top riders and their wages, and the introduction of fast track young Brits, that might be a possible basis for the sport for the next few years. Synikalle has stated that the fast tracking was "to lower costs", but would also get rid of poor foreign riders. Can anybody really disagree with that objective/intention.
  17. Try reading what has been said and you will see the answer is no. And no they will not be wobbly junior riders either. I don't think anybody is trying to be condescending, but it would help if posters expressed the like/dislike on what is being said after at least reading this thread. Some obviously haven't, and already made their mind up regardless, but that's nowt new.
  18. I don't think it makes it clear at all. It's an announcement of a proven idea, which as he says "details to follow" and then people can judge it with more knowledge.
  19. The BSPA are the promoters of EL and PL promotions. The Chairmen of stand alone NL teams are 'affiliated' to the BSPA, usually under the direction of Peter Morrish. Just a few points to correct some wrong assumptions above. The idea may be new to the UK, but it already works well in both the Polish and Swedish leagues. We are copying something that works for leagues that are more successful than us at the moment. Riders will not be NL only, as they will be a mix of the better young riders in both the NL and PL. John Cook has already explained this in his interview in the SGP site. Riders wil be riding similar standard riders in most of their races, so they will not be riding above other riders as much as they do in say the PL. A rider may be racing above their level of ability but no more than any other rider who takes a step up in either the EL, PL, NL or the JDL's. It's how riders develop and always will be. It's already been stated that the 20 or so riders would be allocated with respect to where they are based.
  20. I answered the query on the basis of it 'folding'. I believe the club is up for sale, but that doesn't mean that the new owner would necessarily buy all the assets.
  21. Reverts to the BSPA who can sell him or loan him. Monies collected go to Rick Frost and Julie M.
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