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Everything posted by Tsunami

  1. There is a lot of serious discussion that goes on, remember that there is one, possibly two, seminars before the AGM to try and get a concenus, so that the AGM should be for voting on issues/ decisions and only fine tuning. But as you would expect after agreements come second thoughts, and sometimes completely new issues and decisions which have to be re- discussed. In business you usually get ongoing weekly contact and decisions reviewed. In speedway the AGM is basically a one off to get it right. You might attend monthly council meetings, but the decisions of how the sport is to be run by are discussed and agreed when everyone is there at the AGM. One other point is that some promoters and their families don't get a holiday during the season, and stay on at the venue with their families. Doesn't happen much now as the AGM's are usually held in this country rather than Lanzaroti, Tenerife,etc.
  2. But what is to stop a mechanic staying on the centre green to do clutch adjustment /fill up with dope, or just jump over the air fence like it happened with Fricke's mechanic
  3. Difficult to be correct in any one year, as there are always major issues which appear possibly only for that year. An example being the introduction of the Honda engine which out of a three day AGM took 1.5 days including a near 10pm finish. George and I took turns to stay for the late shift. First morning is finalising outstanding items from the year and summarising things including asst list for each club and issue of Green sheet averages. A general session after lunch with a splitting of delegates into the two league to discuss there own business. At regular periods the two leagues come together to harmonise the rules to agree the formats for the following year. Compilation of leagues with requests to change leagues is another item. Marketing considerations, and rule changes discussed either separately or together depending on the issue. Final day to summarise events and prepare a Press release for release. But certain promoters manage to disobey the request to wait for the official release. Most years the race was won by GD Just written a list to try and explain what goes on and kill the unqualified and stupid thought of it being a pissup for three days. Done if on my iPad and just lost the bloody lot. Talk to you on Sunday if you like. Saved the last para, saved it and the original piece appears brilliant.
  4. But the southern vote always outvoted the northern vote, so it was always them to blame. It is interesting to note none of them are around now. Hmmm. Perhaps the northern group have now not put the item on the agenda having lost every vote on the matter .
  5. MD does raise a genuine trend. Whilst I and Newcastle always used to campaign for the return of the qualies, southern promotions like Newport, Exeter Reading, always led the vote against it on the basis that it was a very expensive comp with all riders being heat leader status and their high pay rates. That was true, but the counter argument was that it brought more fans through the gate. Southern promotions disagreed with that. The northern promotions used to ask if we can do qualifiers, and the rest do it on averages but that was never accepted as being fair. BTW where are these 'pissups' that you and others keep mentioning. If starting at 9.00am and sometimes finishing at 9.00pm is a 'pissup', I must have been missing something. Nice tale, but not true.
  6. Tsunami's if you don't mind. Luv the coverage you are giving me, makes me feel wanted. If only you weren't a halfwit as proved in those other posts.
  7. But the usual resident knockers/disbelievers will still not grasp or want to grasp it.
  8. There's plenty in the media as to what's happening with Morris/Vacher. Unfortunately, as usual, you will only see it if you wish to believe it is happening. It is, and along with initiatives of Scunny, Northside, Newcastle and the many pay track day sessions and British Championships, nurturing a quite big number of youngsters who are getting track time and many are doing fairly well. It takes a while for youngsters to come out ready for racing, but at least some are getting team spots and staying in teams. Must to sh!t for you to hear that.
  9. I see you are excluding yourself from the next phase of this discussion then.
  10. Helfer was the one i could just not remember his name, damn. Didn't wee Joe not have about a 3 point average, and then I think got recalled and faired better. I excluded Steve W as he was genuine, just needed a change but still surprised everyone, including brother Richie Fox I think has something, and it is to the Monarchs' credit that they guaranteed his position this year despite his worrying start. Thing is, the '3 pointers' were engaged around the Wolbert 'average' times, so there were many suspicions. My point was not the Scottish teams using or having to use foreigners. My point was the Monarchs happened to nicely get assessed riders low averages to enable them to come back at a later date.
  11. Not as much as the Monarchs have in recent years. Tabaka, Dilger, Busch, etc, .
  12. Still needs them to drop though, given his interview on TV. Not called squeaky for nothing.
  13. Don't have to or need to. They will come to conclusions that have to go to the next pre AGM meeting, or get a vote on it at the AGM in November.
  14. But all decisions are not his but. He is a chairman who conducts meetings, that decide matters that he doesn't always necessarily have to agree with. That's called democracy.
  15. Apparently through the 4th bend fence and hit the wall. Chest injuries but speaking to others. Been air lifted to Newcastle hospital. Hope he is OK.
  16. Shadders had already mentioned "is the guy that designed that track" when talking about Redcar. He didn't design Leicester, as locals blame Hemsley for that, with a possibly involvement with Sudden Sam before his departure from Leicester. So Glyn did Somerset, Redcar and then took on maintenance at Leicester.
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