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Everything posted by Tsunami

  1. Just ignore UK Steve, as he usually only makes appearances when there appears/might be bad news about. He just a doom merchant with his head in Polish speedway.
  2. And allegedly expected to be paid more for getting the most points. Reported at the time he quit TeamGB.
  3. NO. They still have 8 teams. Coventry would have made it 9, so what. Too many deep thinkers around
  4. NO. The day that the announcement was made was Friday, after the major sponsor of Coventry withdrew his sponsorship offer on Thursday. The BV agreement was much earlier, but held over to last Thursday to iron out a couple of minor points apparently. That situation was reported on here the week beforehand. Don't look for a conspiracy theory when it didn't happen.
  5. Easiest thing in the world, with no relevant experience required, to tell someone else how to spend their money. With what would they buy Brandon Stadium. Oh, of course every promoter would be asked to chip in a large amount or borrow big bucks, to fulfil a dream for the future. Most promoters are fans trying to keep speedway open in their own backyard. If they are breaking even, or losing money, what incentive is there to go heavily into debt. The main objective is survival, without your finances taking a serious hit which will damage your standard of living, or any other business you may be involved in. If you think that is self interest, partisanship and short term thinking so be it. It's not your money that we are talking about. When you are in a pool, and potentially drowning, it's not the right time to be asked to invest in the future. Tough.
  6. I agree Steve. An apparently well liked or appreciated local Councillor gets involved to sort out a very sad situation in his constituency. One party tries his best to help, whilst the other employs wrecking tactics which eventually causes the agreement to break down. And Coventry Speedway, a well loved and supported bastion club within the Sport, is lost. And then some on here would try to have you believe it's all the BSPA and Horton's fault. Unbelievable. Correction. HE not THEY.
  7. Putting your present hatred of the BSPA to one side for a moment. The BSPA is set up to run speedway, not stadia. It has never been their intention to underwrite and run a club, as, with most member clubs, the members need to be responsible for it's running and viability. If Coventry had been bought by the BSPA, and support from the team dwindled to the point of not being viable they would close it. But what then. Sell it for housing, which others were/are already unable to do so to date. It would be a millstone the other promoters, who make up the BSPA, would not want, especially as the association does not have that sort of reserves, nor would the members be prepared to put it in. YOU do not seem to 'get it' that speedway is very much a minority sport, kept afloat by mostly sincere folks who are prepared to put some money in, usually just to keep it running. In very few cases does it provide the owners with a decent wage, or even a return of their financial investment. Speedway will never get gates like other sports like Football, Rugby, etc, so there is no case for making it a 'high capital sport" as no promotion/advertising they put into it to try, will make it substantially bigger. Remember in many cases, that speedway is not the owners main business. You must be very new or naive not to know what happened to the new influx of SKY money around 2000. Their offer to televise the Sport was very generous, and it was seen by some as the saviour of the sport to keep it running. Unfortunately riders had other thoughts, and the top riders insisted and would not sign for the same money with top riders asking for say 4 times their previous contracts. Because some clubs could still afford it, they paid the demanded money to the riders, which made it once again hard to make the sport pay. The money may be shared out to each EL club, and some to the PL, but the money went to pay the riders demands, so an opportunity to make the sport a paying concern was lost. But you probably know that, but choose not to believe it. Tough. The tone of the some BSF members is very much that the sport will cease to exist in the near future. But that is only some BSF members. NO. That's what I read on here. It was stated around the time, or just after, the original head banging meeting with Councillor Stokes as part of a make and mend.
  8. When Sandhu first bought the Coventry stadium it was believed he did so as the nominated leader of a group of family and friends. He was only the elected nominee of that group to represent their interests. Brandon Estates being a newly company, and buying the stadium? could suggest they have bought it out from themselves, but let Sandhu run it for a 3 year period whilst the sites development or demolition was being arranged. That puts some meat on the bones as what really happened and who did what. We know it was Sandhu to blame, and Horton, probably for the first time, was not a culprit but a victim. The withdrawal of the subsidy that Sandhu promised didn't have anything to do with it then. Once you do that it opens the floodgates as you know. It was in the interests of the BSPA, and Speedway in general, to keep as many teams in as possible, not just the 8, in the Premiership, , When the subsidy mentioned above, promised by Sandhu, probably made that a non runner with no other tracks wanting to host the remainder of Coventry's fixtures, the original plan was dead in the water.
  9. Yes, and this is the reason why the previous arrangement for 8 meetings at Leicester, in the short term, makes that arrangement now not feasible. Sandhu strikes again. ROCKET 007 please take note.
  10. Not true, they will only control them. Their assets will be up for sale, and the real owner of the assets will either get their money, or the money will be used to offset the speedway debts.
  11. BSPA does not hold massive reserves to pay for Stadium that can have a short lifespan. Why go into hock, because if one was bought another would appear straightaway and where would that money come for that one. I know you can't stand the BSPA, but you don't do joiny up common sense do you. The money that is in Rugby, either discipline, is far greater than speedway could ever hope for. It is a low capital sport, usually living in others stadia, and run by guys prepared to keep it going for the sake of the sport. Why don't you buy it ?
  12. THere's only one person making a fool of themselves around here. Take a bow.
  13. Think you should put your reading glasses on and not guess or twist what i said. Other promotions did not necessarily want it to be built as they have their own business. With others going for, or prepared to take the chance to get a big new stadium, it would have been welcomed by them for the sake of the sport. As a result of that, speedway would have an in house jewel in the crown to hold big events and, if they were shared events, yes they would get something out of the shareout. Not exactly what you said, and like many others on here like FF, jumping to wrong conclusions, with there own attack offensive regardless.
  14. Why should they. Why should they buy Belle Vue or any failing site/ promotion. Where do you think they would get the money from ?.
  15. Pitiful, and how wrong can you get. Always the victims I see.
  16. Pass the sick bucket pleeeeze. So if you talk about what happened, or the reasons why something happened, the above named were trying to spoil it for you. Ah Diddums. Trying to rubbish others and their views/actions, because they don't toe your company line, hasn't shown you up very good at anytime hence you have been, along with your twin ouch, the main recipient of it. Even the segment about BC going behind M and G's backs, you failed to post all of my para to try for a dig at me. BC didn't 'go behind someone's back' as he was perfectly entitled to do his own research, and would have been foolish if he hadn't. i noted as well, reference that other promotions were or might have been jealous of what M and G had achieved, and envied them the NSS because they didn't have it. Again Pleease, Do you really think other promotions would want to do it, or rather admire from a distance with satisfaction that Speedway per se was going to acquire a fine Nation Stadium. It is/was in their interests to see it built, but most would not be up for it to start a project that big, with all the risks and with a sport showing little sign of recovery. From a promotors point of view, far better have a grand stadium that holds all or most of the big finals and events, which will save them holding them and also get a share of the profits if it is a shared event. Unfortunately your attacks on others here, who dare to challenge events that did actually happen, hasn't help with your credibility. Believe me, there is still more that can and will come out, so you might want to keep yourself on "FactAlert', so you will be in place to continue your denial of further disclosures.
  17. It was suggested on here a little while ago, that the two guys who were talking to the MCC, were friends in some way with Gordon.(fellow business men) It was suggested on here a little while ago, that the two guys who were talking to the MCC, were friends in some way with Gordon.(fellow business men)
  18. I refer you to my previous post #2212 replying to OveFundinFan. If you had of read it, I am saying, it is not unusual to check what is actually going on when there is a problem before meeting or deciding what your next course of actions are going to be about the promotion. According to you, they should have either a, Told them they were going to chat to the MCC because of their (BSPA) concerns, or b, not talked to the MCC and believed everything that G and M were telling them. The BSPA chose to do what common sense that they and others would do in the circumstances. Find out more before discussions. You can stop digging in now, you have been saved.
  19. Totally agree. i think you will find from his previous postings FF thinks that BC went behind BV's backs to talk to MCC. I think that BC would be following up the stories circulating to see if they were true or not. He needed to have a comprehensive history of things to see what needed to be done.
  20. We got all the air fence panels fitted last week, and only need to now wash the 3rd and 4th bend panels. We will be doing that this Sunday, as the weather is fine and we will complete it then. In the next couple of weeks we have the fixed straight kickboards to paint in situ, and several smaller jobs like putting the rubber skirts back on the panels, as well as repairing and tensioning the fence for the new season. We start at 9.30am and there is biccies and hot drinks available at all times. Dave
  21. Why. Before you start talking to the owners of what was a major problem, surely it is in order to gain information from the other side before confronting the owners. The info gathered would be the points for discussion rather than the points raised by the BV promotion. In business or the law, you don't have to liaise with one side, whilst you do your own investigations with the other side. Buster didn't go in as an individual, but as Chairman of the ruling body of the sport, to try and protect the sport as a whole. That's his job. Would any BV fan really just expect the promotion to plod on doing what they were into, and not expect Buster to do some prying to see what was really happening.
  22. I think you are very confused about profit being the difference between the known debt, and a talked down debt to get an agreement. Hope you don't look after the house budget. In reality those figures show a break even. Surprisingly enough, it may come as a surprise to you that we have never made a profit of £200k at Newcastle. Shock, horror BTW, I think you will find that very few clubs make a real profit, especially in the Championship. Maybe we should hire you and Gordon to do the books.
  23. And yet there are some on here who complain about the Chairman of the BSPA contacting the MCC to get more facts, having heard presumably that big numbers were being clocked up by G and M. He must have been horrified at the debt levels which were totally unrealistic. Anyway, delighted that with all parties getting together and thrashing out what seems to be a reasonable deal to all. We can now move on with live speedway, but i think some defendants of the clubs activities this season need to take stock of their 'loyalty'.
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