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Everything posted by norbold

  1. I'm with you Ian H...
  2. Just to let all you Crusaders know that I have just been interviewed by a journalist from the Kent Gazette who will be doing a piece on my new book and Canterbury speedway in the next couple of weeks. I believe the paper is part of the Kent Messenger group so could appear in Sittingbourne and Maidstone papers as well. Hopefully the piece can generate some feed back and show support for speedway returning to Canterbury.
  3. Good to hear that Split is on the mend. One of the all time greats of speedway and certainly the greatest "character" of them all.
  4. "Happiness is watching speedway in the British Summer and going to Oz in the winter! " Couldn't agree more Bryn, as long as you include NZ in that.
  5. I'd quite like to have my team back first. Where are you, New Cross?
  6. Sorry, couldn't let this go, even from New Zealand, without saying that Romford never actually rode at Rochester. They rode their first four matches AS Rochester but the stadium never got planning permission to stage speedway, which is why the team moved to Romford.
  7. Read it Saturday morning then Addy :idea: :clown Some of us are going of to Oz first thing on Saturday morning and not comimng back for a month. The suspense will kill me...or would do if I didn't already know the answer!
  8. How come every single thread on this Forum finishes up with you and Shazzy having a pop at each other?
  9. Yes, of course you can use it. But stop confusing me with Liontamer... :roll: I was there that night too, I would have been 14. Perhaps we met by the Supporters' Club kiosk or in the stands or by the fence or...... Keep up the good work with the web sites. Who's next?
  10. Yes, I would be happy to help Jim. The only problem is, is that I am just about to jet off to the Antipodes for a month. If you can wait I'll do it when I come back. Actually, come to think of it, I did write a short appraisal a little while back on the old Forum. Maybe Phil could find it for you...if you ask nicely ;-) Now then, back to the Ove Fundin question. Are you talking about the meeting on 28 June 1961? Our Split did indeed beat Ove twice in the match and once in the second half, but Ove did have his revenge in the second half final, beating Split in to second place. But it was one of those all too rare occasions down the Old Kent Road when Split showed something of the form that took him to the runner-up spot twice in the World Championship in the early 50s. He scored a paid maximum that night. Happy days!
  11. Why didn't he ever tell the West Ham programme compiler then?
  12. Yes, but New Cross had packed up by the time he won.
  13. Very sad to hear the news that Ken McKinlay died over the weekend. One of the top 50s/60s riders and a really excellent team man. He will be sadly missed.
  14. What match was that then? New Cross were in the Provincial League in 1963. Also Ove wouldn't have been the World Champion in 1963 as Peter Craven won in 1962.
  15. I've got to go to Canterbury tomorrow. I'm appearing in the Crown Court....as a witness.
  16. Nice site, Bomber. I do have a number of photographs of Romford riders. I'll send them to you when I can.
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