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norbold last won the day on July 5

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  1. F1 is not the same though is it? Each Grand Prix is just one race. How else would you score it? There are 23 races in each speedway Grand Prix and riders accumulate points in each race as they go along. I think most feel that riders should be rewarded for the points they actually score throughout the meeting. In theory (or maybe it has even happened) a rider can win every race up to and including the semi-final, giving him 18 points and then come last in the final, giving him a total of 14, whereas another rider can get to the final with 10 points, then come third and come away with 16 points. So that five second places beats six wins over the evening. Edit: Sorry, crossed with the last two comments, but I agree with IainB.
  2. Is it really necessary for Kelvin to say that Leon Madsen has had his problems off the track EVERY meeting?
  3. In a post back in 2011, our old friend, speedyguy, said that he, with the co-operation of Tiger Owl, had completed a list of all riders who rode for London teams in 1930 on his London Speedways site. Reg Kavanagh is shown as riding for West Ham. I have to say though, that, like you, I have not come across him as ever riding for West Ham.
  4. Bring back John Postlethwaite. It's the only answer....
  5. Guess everyone is hoping King's Lynn win now - apart from Leicester supporters of course. 😁
  6. The Polish seem to have lost their polish (The English language, eh!?)
  7. The five riders concerned, in order of finishing, were: George Hunter, Ross Gilbertson, Ray Cresp, Clive Featherby and Maurie Mattingley. Jimmy Squibb finished 12th with 6 points.
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