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Mr Snackette

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Everything posted by Mr Snackette

  1. Not at all contradictory. A brief history lesson for you so you might understand just how exciting this news is. AFC Wimbledon was formed In June 2002 as a direct reaction to the decision of the Football Association to allow Wimbledon F.C. to relocate to Milton Keynes some 60 miles away. The large majority of Wimbledon F.C. supporters very strongly opposed the idea of moving the club so far, feeling that a club transplanted to Milton Keynes would no longer represent Wimbledon F.C.'s legacy and traditions, and, having campaigned against the proposed move, viewed its official sanctioning as the "death of their club" AFC Wimbledon considers itself a spiritual successor or "phoenix" version of the original team. As a result a move back to Plough Lane, just a stones throw from the site of their own stadium, is for many a return to their "spiritual" home. It just shows what can be achieved by "Fan Power", if you have people with the passion, determination and commitment. As I wrote before if the so-called fans of Wimbledon Speedway had showed half the commitment and passion of the founding fathers of AFC Wimbledon, then speedway in this part of South London may not have been lost!!!
  2. Fantastic news. So pleased that common sense has prevailed and AFC Wimbledon is returning to their spiritual home. One can only admire how a club founded by supporters as recently as June 2002, have achieved so much in such a short time. From a speedway perspective, it's a pity that the supporters of Wimbledon Speedway were not as committed, organised and enthusiastic as their football counterparts......and the sport may never have been lost to this part of south London!!!
  3. No major surprise as it was not anticipated that work would start on the stadium until mid 2016 at the earliest. Further backing for AFC Wimbledon's plans comes in the form of Chelsea FC who would like to take over the Dons' Kingsmeadow Stadium once the move back to Plough Lane has been confirmed. The sale of the ground has already rumoured to have been agreed, with Chelsea keen to use the ground for their U21 team. As a result Chelsea are assisting AFC to secure the new stadium deal. It strikes me that with the likes of Mr Abramovich and his friends working in the background, AFC now have a powerful ally in their camp.
  4. Just the mere suggestion that CL may have got in wrong, is enough for some of the usual suspects to go on the attack!!! As we enter a fresh era of transparency, it would be helpful if the BSPA could update their website to actually confirm what the current criteria is. As of five minutes ago the BSPA website still shows the criteria for season 2009. If nothing has changed just change the date.....it really isn’t that tricky!! When the 2009 criteria was introduced did the average figure quoted include bonus points? If it does, it may account for some of the apparent anomalies. Whether that applies to Tungate or Manzares I have no idea.
  5. Is it really that complicated? For someone new to speedway all they need to know is that a point is awarded for every opposition rider beaten. For me that doesn't strike me as any more complicated than 3-2-1-0.
  6. Another sparkling contribution....as always insightful and lucid. Sadly you did unfortunately (and probably unintentionally) make yourself look a little silly earlier. There will be those on here who pointed out the serious flaw in your original argument, who would regard your comments describing them as having no original thoughts or ideas, as a rather arrogant comment in itself. Food for thought perhaps????!!!!!
  7. Thank you for your kind words. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful, well researched and elegantly written contributions!!!!!! Oh dear, how sad. Even though what I said was correct, apparently I shouldn't have posted it.....ah well it takes all sorts!!!
  8. I dont think it was a case that riders “resisted” racing on a Sunday, it was almost impossible to do so. Remember the Sunday Observance Act was still in force, which prohibited the use of any building or room for public entertainment or debate on a Sunday. As a result of this law, sports bodies were prevented them from charging admission if they were to hold an event on the Sabbath. From what I recall, this changed as a result of the the Yom Kippur War in 1973, which led to the Arab members of OPEC suspending deliveries of oil to the UK. This caused an energy crisis in late 1973 which was made worse in Britain by the miners coming out on strike in February 1974. A state of emergency was declared in Britain which was followed by a three day working week to save electricity. The state of emergency meant that the use of floodlights was banned, even extending to power generated by private generators. This didnt really effect speedway as it was off season, but football was. All matches had to be played in daylight so kick-off times were brought forward on Saturdays and during the week matches were played in the afternoon. Clubs wanted to postpone matches to the end of the season but the Football League refused as bad weather might cause fixture chaos in the last months of the season. Proposals to suspend the League and to extend it to June were also rejected. In December 1973 the Football Association asked the Home Office for permission to play matches on Sundays. Even though floodlights would not be used electricity was needed for the general running of the ground and it was considered that Sundays might allow a more guaranteed supply. It was Sunday January 6th 1974 which saw four FA Cup Third Round ties played. Clubs got around the Sunday Observance Act, which prevented an admission charge being taken, by announcing that admission was free. However you needed to buy a programme to get in. Programmes cost differing amounts depending on what part of the ground you wanted to enter. That was enough to get round the law! From that moment on sport on Sunday was born.
  9. The Governing Body Endorsement (GBE) requirements for ............2009 : Any Speedway promotion wishing to employ an individual rider to participate in their team will be required to guarantee that, for the previous season, the rider for whom the application is made has fulfilled one of the following criteria. a) Australia/ New Zealand/ U.S.A. Finished in the first four in the state Championships........ So please explain how this is any different from the rules as have already been applied? What evidence do you have to support your assertion that promoters have acted in this way in the past.....or indeed in the future? I do hope this isn't another example of a rather naive sweeping statement!!!!!
  10. The complete opposite in fact.....the whole thing saddens me. As you said, we have never met, but you dont strike me as a bad bloke. The problem is you just dont get it....which is rather sad. Whether that is due to ignorance or a lack of education is not for me to say. Until you understand that you cant make sweeping statements about a whole nation and groups of people without being challenged, little will be resolved. OK, I'll bite. Apart from the UK, I can think of two more Cyprus and Malta. There may be more?
  11. I guessed when you joined this debate that your powers of comprehension would be limited. Let us examine THE FACTS TWK posted his original offensive (most think racist) comment on 7/02/2015 TWK then went on to “clarify” his position 8/02/2015 adding, in response to the challenge that his racist remarks were FILTH, that: “Since when was TRUTH Filth” He then again posted the same day that: “As for the rest - those I mentioned in our Town and City Centres - I do not retract one word”. It was only on 9/02/15 that he began to acknowledge that he made blanket sweeping statement, but really didn’t acknowledge how racist it was. A further post that day (apparently his last post on the subject!!!!!!!!) which again failed to recognise that racism was not a question of opinion, it is bigotry pure and simple. It was only yesterday (10/02/2015 @ 19:37) that TWK finally recognised that there may be some issues, when he posted his “clarification”: “Perhaps I did word my original Post badly........” Of course his comments really demonstrated that he has no idea what racism is. He wrote: “Racism, to me, is about hating people from other Races.....” As most people know it’s little to do with hatred. My dear old late father was a shocking racist. One of his best mates was a West Indian called Everton. Despite their friendship he would say without any hint of embarrassment or shame that he didn’t trust those darkies....but was quite happy to share a drink with them. Hatred has little to do with it....it was just ignorance, plain and simple. Clearly you have a very strange concept of “immediately”. Still if it keeps you happy........ then so be it.
  12. I really thought this had all been put to bed......but there always those at the back of the queue who very slow on the uptake. It's now been agreed that racism isn't an opinion....it's bigotry. As you commented THW has already acknowledged that his words were, at least, injudicious....many thought them downright racist. Now if you are too slow / blind / ignorant (delete as applicable} to understand that, then you have my sympathy....and may I suggest that you take a little water with it!!!! I do hope this explains my position in terms that even you may understand.......although I'll no be putting any money on it!!!!
  13. If two consenting males love and respect one another, why shouldn't they share a big kiss? Having tackled racism, the last thing this thread needs is an outbreak of homophobia!!! My very best wishes to the happy couple......
  14. However you can..... for not moderating racist bigots, to ensure that their facist odius agenda does not infest a sports forum.
  15. No rants or moans from me. Nothing to do with my personal opinion at all. A bigot and their flagrant racism is something that decent people need to stand up against. It's a real shame you can't see that!!!!
  16. Is this the Jim the Whipper who was voting with his feet and leaving the Forum? Thank God you reconsidered; otherwise we would have all missed your sparkling, erudite and profound comment.....not to mention the superb sophistication and humour of your argument. Welcome back Jim......even if was only a brief retirement!!!!!!
  17. I regard being called a an attention seeking twit by a racist apologist, as something of a badge of honour. I think that most right minded people would consider describing Romanians and Bulgarians as pickpockets and beggars on benefits a little more than a slighty dodgy remark. This is racist bigotry of the worst kind. I have trawled through this thread I can find no evidence of a TWK apology for this racist tirade. Indeed he went on to post: I do not retract one word and also said the remarks were truthful. Had he said that it was an ignorant stupid remark, which he sincerely regreted and apologised for unreservedly, then people would have moved on. The only TWK apology that I found, was for taking this thread off topic. If you really believe that nobody is being racist you are seriously in need of help and re-education. As for shutting up....NO. I will continue to speak out against racism, where ever and when ever it rears its ugly head.
  18. If being vile and arrogant is standing up against bigoted racist filth.......then guilty as charged!!! Frankly if you believe that racist bigots should be allowed a platform to peddle their nauseating loathsome claptrap without being challenged....then goodriddance!!!
  19. Where (and when) did I suggest that Britain shouldn't have an immigration policy? And perhaps you will also let me know where I ever indicted that controlling immigration was racist? There are those who believe that the UK's immigration policy would benefit from its exit from the EU. It's a valid position, not one that I share, but is certainly something worthy of discussion. What I object to is when the debate is hijacked by a racist and his truly dreadful cohorts. As I have written before suggesting that Bulgarians and Romanians "........ bring absolutely nothing of worth to this Country at all. Unless, of course, you consider Begging, Pickpocketing, Busking and collecting Benefits as being 'useful'....." has nothing to do with the UK's immigration policy....it's bigoted racist filth. We must never allow racists a platform to peddle their posionous facist diatribe, and sadly you have confused a debate on immigration with bigoted racism. Whether this was done out of ignorance or design is for others to judge.
  20. If I were a paedophile who wrote on here advocating sex with children, I would quite rightly expect both my post and me as the poster to be attacked for my unacceptable opinion. The racist who elects to peddle his unacceptable bigoted opinion on a sports forum can not expect any courtesy....only contempt by those who object to being subjected to these vile and repugnant views. I too apologise for taking this thread "off topic", but make no apologies for attacking racism, which I will continue to do whenever its pernicious and ignorant views rear its ugly head.
  21. Refering to Bulgarians and Romanians TWK wrote: "........ bring absolutely nothing of worth to this Country at all. Unless, of course, you consider Begging, Pickpocketing, Busking and collecting Benefits as being 'useful'....." However you dress it up, it's racist filth. Sadly there are those to continue to support the words of this racist bigot...and frankly shame on them. Once you allow racists a platform to peddle their facist diatribe, you find yourselves on a very slippery slope indeed. Freedom of speech is something that needs to be earned, someting racist bigots gave up a long time ago!!!!
  22. All racism is Filth. A few years ago there was this chap called Hitler. You may of heard of him? He was in all the papers!! Now this Hitler bloke blamed all of Germany's ills on the Jews. Through his oratory (and other odious tactics) he managed to convince sufficient Germans to persecute a whole race....regardless of what they did. Then there was this other bloke Milosević, who reckoned that Kosovans and Bosnians were enemies of the Serbs and needed to be "repatriated". I'm sure that both Hitler and Milosević thought they were telling the so called TRUTH. Lets face the facts people who spout and promote this odious and repugnant filth, really have no place in a civilised society. A racist bigot is still a racist bigot even if he tells you he's telling the truth!!!
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