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Arch Stanton

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Everything posted by Arch Stanton

  1. https://ipswichwitches.co/2024-signing-emil-sayfutdinov/ Emil confirmed.
  2. Jenkins I think is at Foxhall. We’ll soon know in the next day or two.
  3. Same. An excellent number 1, and then very solid all the way through including a very strong reserve. Looks well balanced and strong.
  4. Look through all the prediction threads before the start of every season and you’ll note that the vast majority of us haven’t got a clue some of my predictions in particular are horrendous!
  5. Either that or the reverse for others. Injuries to crucial riders for the more fancied teams or team’s season goes down the pan due to failed blood tests! All sorts of things can happen in this sport, nothing is certain.
  6. It will, but as a supporter that won’t stop there. The dissection of how and why it was lost will rumble on. Certainly will for me anyway until we exorcise that ghost and actually win it! We had Emil on an assessed 8.00 who put over two points on his average, and yet we failed to take advantage because of poor or non decisions by Chris Louis. It’s all well and good having a sly dig at Sheffield calling them the “pick n mix” Tigers and proudly beating his chest that we “finished with the same seven as press day”, but who has the Premiership trophy in the cabinet and who doesn’t? Ask any supporter if they’d rather have the “we were loyal to our riders” trophy or the actual Premiership trophy and I’m pretty sure what 99% of them would say. Great for the riders themselves, someone mentioned that Musielak contacted Louis for a team place and that doesn’t surprise me. I’d bet my last Rolo that Louis had more riders asking for a team place this year than any other promoter. He’ll be a riders wet dream because they’ll know like Riss this year, that if they run in to problems or poor form, they’ll be supported and not binned off like at other clubs. But again, do you want to win or not? If you do, you have to be more ruthless. Poole have made harsh and unpopular decisions for donkeys years, dropping riders that didn’t deserve to be to make multiple changes that strengthened their overall team, but look at their trophy cabinet! Winners. Some clubs don’t have much of a budget so struggle to compete, Louis doesn’t have that excuse either. Even when we dropped a division we had one of, if not THE biggest budgets in the Championship, and we couldn’t win a title in that division either. Only one team can win obviously and no team has a god given right to win, but he has to get this monkey off his back sooner rather than later because we haven’t won a league title under his watch well over a decade after he took over from Tiger despite being lucky enough to have a budget to help him. Winning the Cup was great, but that’s the only (major) trophy he’s won. It’s a poor record. Some will say it’s not all about winning and it’s the racing that counts, but I’ve never been one of those. It’s Sport, it’s about winning and losing. I’ve heard some people say their team lost but they walked away happy because it was a good meeting. I’ve never understood that either. I’ve NEVER walked out of Foxhall on the back of a defeat happy regardless of how decent the meeting was! That’s the last I’ll say on 2023 on to next year and try again!
  7. I agree and I’ve said this myself on here a couple of pages back. But, we didn’t help ourselves. We’d have made the play offs regardless if the right decisions were made. Very unlucky to lose Jack Thomas obviously, no doubt he’d have been one of the strongest rising stars. But we decided to replace him with Joe Thompson which was a baffling decision as there were far stronger rising stars sitting there waiting to be picked. A lot has been made of the loyalty sticking with Riss through his problems also. That’s all very commendable, but it should have cost us a play off place. If we had the 6 point Erik Riss we thought we’d signed, we were in the plays off regardless of others. Those two decisions or non decisions, probably still cost us in the end!
  8. If we’ve built the side as we seemingly have leaving only 4.16, then we’re not spoiled for choice. I agree Barker wouldn’t automatically be an instant pick if the pool of riders available at that average were larger. But we’re realistically only looking at Barker, Kye Thomson, Hume and Jenkins that fits so on that basis Barker would be a clear favourite of that bunch for me. I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I like him. I’ve seen him leg it from one end of the pits to the other to help a team mate make last second changes to their bikes. I like that. I also think that at this moment, he’s a better rider than all those others mentioned. If Rew struggles again, I think Barker would make a better fist of things at number 2 in the main body than the others. Immaterial anyway really as it seems he’s in at Birmingham. Agree on Dan Thompson. Poor ol Joe struggled badly and him along with Riss’ problems were almost certainly the reason we lost most of the meetings we did. Dan’s paid 13 at Leicester that was a big factor in our win there was probably the catalyst to the start of our excellent end of season form. Losing him towards the end of the season was another kick in the balls. We ended up losing the title by 4 points, with Joe coming back in and scoring a single point. The way Dan was riding, that could have made all the difference. He’s still only 19 as well and has a couple of years on the likes of Edwards and Gilkes and has already posted better numbers than both in the Premiership last season. Will be one of the stronger Rising Stars.
  9. Completely disagree with this one. We nearly didn’t and arguably shouldn’t have made the play offs this year because we lost three? Meetings at home. I’m not convinced this Pole will get around Foxhall especially to start with, and we’d be even more vulnerable at Foxhall again at least to begin with. I’d also have concerns about how long he’d stick around for. Whatever the reasons were this year be it his Polish club, himself, a combination of both or as some suggested, a visa issue, bottom line is he disappeared after a couple of meetings. Let’s see if he sees the season out and how reliable he is.
  10. Those links haven’t worked for me properly for a while Badge. Whenever I used to copy the links and paste them here, they always turned out like yours, the full page with Pictures etc. now all they do is display in written text form. No idea what changed
  11. Not a huge pool of riders to choose from on 4.16 or below. You’re looking at Ben Barker, Jenkins, Kyle Thomson or Hume. Anyone new worth bringing over will be assessed 5 pointers not 4.00 pointers. Trying to find an assessed 4.00 point rider with little to no experience in any top league is too risky, Jenkins would be a far better bet. Personally Barker would have been my first choice being totally honest, good team man and will chip in with decent points at either 2 or 6 but seems Birmingham bound. Jenkins definitely the choice after that for me. Jenkins and Thompson (fully expect Rew to jump out of the reserve berth quickly) are more than a match for the two lads at Sheffield IMO.
  12. https://ipswichwitches.co/2024-signing-danny-king/ King confirmed.
  13. He wouldn’t be there long. Will almost certainly swap with Rew after the first change of averages. With 4.16 left and Barker off to Birmingham, we’re left with three choices that I can see. Jenkins, Hume or Kyle Thomson. Jenkins would be my pick personally.
  14. Then you’re expecting too much. Doesn’t matter how many years he’s been here, he’ll still get 5-oned occasionally because that’s the calibre of rider he is. He’s inconsistent and always has been, just like the majority of riders. He’ll have some very good meetings, and some stinkers. Cast your mind back 12 months, there were more than one on here that wanted King replaced by Ellis as they were on very similar averages, check the old 2023 thread. King this year actually upped his average by a point, whilst Ellis dropped nearly a point off his! Good job the promotion didn’t listen. Delighted we’ve got Ellis this time around, because of that poor year he’s now a very shrewd signing. I do think riders can stay at one club too long and I wouldn’t have been against King having a fresh start elsewhere. I’ve definitely noticed a few growing groans on the terraces whenever King gets passed, that other riders don’t seem to get when it happens to them which is a shame considering the great service he’s given us. Think we’ve got to the point where he’d probably be appreciated more elsewhere than he is here.
  15. Probably no more or no less than every other third heatleader. He’s a 7/7.5 point rider, same as Douglas, Steve Worrall, Becker, Iversen, Klindt, etc etc. King will again be on the wrong end of a few 1-5’s, and so will all those others in the same average bracket. If they didn’t, they’d be 9 point riders instead of 7 point riders, which they ain’t! Not sure what some people are expecting. King gets unfair criticism in my opinion.
  16. Top one. 4.16 left I think after reductions for King and Ellis. Think we’d miss King’s Foxhall scoring if he wasn’t in personally. King and Ellis in the engine room at 3 and 4 has heat advantages written all over it around Foxhall. With Emil and Doyle taking care of things at 1 and 5, it’s a very good side. In the mix for sure.
  17. Delighted with that one. We needed an average improver in the team, and we’ve potentially got a very good one.
  18. Cook surpassed expectations I’d say. Him and Jenkins were the only bright lights before changes were made really. I’m with Szkocjasid here though, very similar standard currently between Cook and Brennan not much between them.
  19. Nobody has been “dropped”, or “released” for that matter. Every rider is out of contract until they sign a new one for the following year. Belle Vue have simply decided not to sign them for the 2024 season which is their right.
  20. I kind of agree with the sentiment to a degree, you nearly always get these kind of sound bites from sportsman when they sign for a club in most sports. The best one is footballers when they sign for a club in a country the other side of the world, “I’ve always wanted to sign for this club I’ve been a fan since I was a kid”. Yeah of course you have. A few on here are way off with Doyle though. Having been lucky enough to speak to him a couple of times due to my place of work sponsoring meetings, he’s genuinely found a home here, loves the whole atmosphere around the place, gets on very very well with the promotion team and has made Foxhall his fortress. Would he move elsewhere for more money? Possibly, but all things being equal he’d pick Ipswich over anyone else in the league currently. I’d say it would take a decent pay increase to tempt him elsewhere.
  21. If he’s only signed for Ipswich because he lives in Norfolk and it’s easy for him, he could always sign for Lynn! Surely would be even easier..
  22. Have to agree. Going to find points hard to come by looking at some of the other more established Rising Stars. If they’re prepared to still chuck him in to aid his development then fair play to them though.
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