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Arch Stanton

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Arch Stanton last won the day on August 30

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  1. I did concede they weren’t the final averages, but the latest declaration is all we currently have to go on. As I say, if you’ve worked out what’s still to come on to those then fair play to you. All academic anyway as that won’t be the Ipswich team.
  2. In the words of Les Dennis, if that happens I’ll give you the money meself 😉
  3. I’m sorry, but she absolutely DID steal the show. It’s the hot topic of debate there’s no doubt about it. Louis was pretty lenient in his response and very gracious when interviewed last night IMO. I’m not sure many others would have been quite so dignified!
  4. https://britishspeedway.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/p24_issue_33.pdf These are the latest GSA’s. Not the final averages so if you’ve worked out what the final averages will be you’re far better at this than me so I’ll bow to your knowledge on this one.
  5. Looks to me like he’s just giving his honest opinion to start with but then being a bit careful in the second part. Don’t think he could be accused of any bias here as I think 99% of people are of the same opinion regarding the decisions last night aren’t they?
  6. Point one, I’m hearing conflicting things on whether Jenkins will be eligible or not we’ll just have to wait and see. Point two, the latest GSA’s with 2.5% reduction for the British riders, and 25% reduction for Dan Thompson for exiting the rising star scheme.
  7. It hasn’t produced a title no but that’s not due to the way the team was built. You can’t do anything about rotten luck and circumstance. This years 1-7 was quite clearly the strongest team in the league, with the top heavy approach having two world class riders. Poole used to clean up every year back in the day with Holder and Darcy Ward 9+ pointers. It’s the way to go IMO. We’ll agree to disagree.
  8. Jenkins wasn’t Ipswich rising star this year. If he goes back on the list, the selection process means Birmingham have first choice, King’s Lynn second, then Ipswich. With Birmingham likely retaining Flint, Lynn would then be nuts to not select Jenkins. If Jenkins refuses an offer from a club, he’s immediately removed from the rising star list not allowing another club to sign him in that position. He’d then have to hope someone signed him in their 1-6.
  9. Not sure it will be Gav. No idea which way Emil will go, as has been said he’s weighing up Sweden as an alternative to UK next year. I think Brennan stays put as long as Birmingham get the green light which looks likely. There’s a question mark over Rew, and IF Jenkins is allowed back on the rising star list, King’s Lynn will get first dibs if as expected Birmingham retain Flint. We don’t have first recusal on Jenkins as we didn’t sign him as a rising Star this year, therefore he goes back on the list if he’s allowed to resume that role.
  10. He has a decision to make for sure. He’s very happy at Ipswich though Phil, so we’ll see.
  11. Couldn’t disagree more. They lost the title last year after leading by 18 after the first leg of the final in dreadful conditions at Sheffield in the final heat of the season whilst carrying an unfit/ill rider (Riss). They were clearly the best septet this year, nobody can argue against it and there is a very strong possibility they would have won both league and cup. It’s clearly the EXACT right way to go and they’ll do exactly the same if the top two are both available and so they should. I’m not sure you’ll find any supporter of any club that wouldn’t want their team to build by have two world class riders leading them.
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