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B.V 72

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Everything posted by B.V 72

  1. True if Tungate cannot be fitted into the team next year we will miss out on some breath taking speedway the guy is awesome round the NSS one thing is for sure whoever he signs for will be a lot harder to beat round the NSS with him in the team.Plus any team needing a guest he will be their first choice and could cause us some real damage over a season.If he can be fitted into the team we would be mad to let him go sadly for him and us he had to good a season this year and his average is a little high for team building for next year.Lets hope they keep a fairly high points limit so we can keep him.
  2. Really glad to read this news.In this time of doom and gloom for many speedway clubs if Brandon can re-open it would put a big smile on every speedway fans face across the country.I for one have really missed Coventry's visits to Belle vue you were always the club I loved to hate lol.Wishing you all the very best in your quest and will keep my fingers crossed that you are soon back at the tapes. KEEP UP THE FIGHT.
  3. I must be one of the few that does not mind track grading.At Belle vue the grading keeps the dirt where it should be and helps to produce some awesome racing.
  4. I do believe that you are on a wind up. A big percentage of people earn less than £10 an hour bills are going up and up and the leisure pound is getting less and less. People now have to pick and choose what they spend it on and in my opinion its a big reason why speedway gates are down.It would seem when people have to pick and choose speedway is way down on the list and are going every now and again instead of every week. Well done for doing well in life but a hell of a lot of people are not in the same boat.
  5. If Poland only use a few Fridays you would think that with a well thought out fixture list (for once) clubs could avoid any Fridays when their riders are involved in a meeting in Poland.I am sure my club Belle vue would love to go back to Fridays.A big ask but with a little cooperation from Poland to stick to Fridays that are on the fixture list at the start of the season and I think this could be possible. You would think that it is in Polands own interest to keep speedway running in Britain as over the years we have produced/helped bring on a lot of quality riders who now grace the Polish leagues without us a good few of these riders could never have been given the chance/meetings needed to improve to the level they have. Same with Sweden there are not that many meetings run in Sweden only 1 home and 1 away meeting shared between Tue and Thur with good fixture planning I would think these fixtures could be avoided.It just needs a lot of though and countries for once to work together(ie any Thurs rain off rearrange for a Tuesday) like a professional sport. Otherwise we have no bloody days left to run speedway other than Mondays if this is the case I m o speedway here is as good as over.
  6. That's the truth in a nut shell its all about the money nothing to do with sport. I agree that the play offs bring in the crowds and fill the promoters coffers for a few meetings. But what I do wonder is how much harm in the long run they do to the sport,most times that a team that does not finish top of the league wins the play offs we get threads like this one which over the years has caused many many pd off fans. Because of weakened teams due to injuries,poor guests, teams strengthening for the plays offs alleged rule breaking plus many more reasons to p off fans. My team have finished top of the league twice and lost the play offs both times I was gutted and mega pd off and at the time looking for all the unfair reasons why we lost yet I was not that bothered at all when reaching the play offs and losing when not finishing top. It just makes me wonder for how many fans has the play offs been the final straw and made them walk away from the sport.After supporting your team all YEAR watching/willing them on to win the joy of away wins and in the end the happiness of toping the league then over a few matches its all over and you win sod all is gutting.I must admit at the time it left me very disillusioned with the sport and walking away did cross my mind but I got over it and am still here but how many others are not.
  7. Sorry but a track that produces mainly processional racing in my opinion is an awful track and is a major cause of people walking away from speedway. Fans want to see speedway racing not follow the leader boring speedway.
  8. Totally agree with todays bikes if a track is to grippy a rider gates and is gone with little or no chance of even catching him let alone pass him. At the NSS if the track is to grippy the racing is very poor and we get gate and go speedway,eg world team cup semi the track was very grippy which led to fast but very processional racing even with the best riders in the world on show.For the final it was a lot slicker which lead to racing that was out of this world.
  9. Well done Kings Lynn well deserved win you battered us and good luck in the final. But I must say having now watch a meeting at Lynn I now understand why this thread is full of moans and complaints about the racing there the track is truly awful.
  10. People do have a point re big names bringing in the crowds.We had at Kirky lane one of the worlds greatest riders in Jason Crump yet the crowds are still bigger at the NSS,and I for one and I think a lot of Belle vue fans would agree get as big a buzz from watching Dan Bewley ride as I did watching Jason Crump. Get the product right first ie no doubleing up, slicker run meetings,run with your own one to seven bar injury,well thought out even fixture list, with time spent avoiding any overseas clashes etc. Even if we loose the few bigger names we have left the league will produce its own stars in time eg in the championship Craig Cook is a big name rider in that league and I would think would put numbers on the gate. Two of the best races I have seen this year have included Cook and Fricke against Jason Doyle and Jack Holder swaping places throughout the race.Up against Doyle these three riders would be considered to be lesser riders but they held there own and even beat Doyle so if a few of the bigger name riders are missing next year I do not think the standard of racing we have watched this year will drop in the slightest,and the likes of these three riders will become the leagues top riders.
  11. Well done Kings lynn. But if we are all honest did anyone really expect anything different.Well done to my injury hit Belle vue team(and I still include Worrall nowhere near the rider he was yet)for giving us a little hope of a shock result for half the meeting.A big thank you to Jye for a good performance for the team that sacked you Would now love to see Kings lynn go on to win there long awaited top league title(for the fans not so much for their management). P S There is room in my 2019 Belle vue team for a return of M P Toft great performance.
  12. North and south split could be the way to go more chance of attracting away fans cut costs etc. But the down side depending which league they are in fans will never get to see half of the better riders riding in Britain which for me would be a big miss which puts me off the idea a little. The massive down side would be if our all knowing BSPA allow doubling up between north and south leagues making the play off final a total farce.(sadly we all know this sort of ruling is not beyond them). Which ever way they go I only hope they have spent plenty of time planning and thinking this over and that its a done deal before the usual what seems like they all never agree rush job AGM . Whatever they come up with has to work a lot better than what we have now the future of British speedway depends on it fingers crossed for once they get it right.
  13. Was he right at the moment he's found a place to live for free.
  14. Yes I do Bruno season ticket holder for both the Aces and the Colts so I am lapping it up.As I say speedway heaven.
  15. The reason i m o that last weeks race seemed better is the fact that you watched it live.It might seem crazy but watching both heat 13s on screen left me feeling a little disappointed after watching both live. Live speedway at the NSS(as is any speedway) is so much better as you are sat close to the action looking down right on top of the track.To me on screen the riders don't seem to be going anywhere near as fast and you can appreciate more how close the riders are racing with each other plus the noise and crowd reaction etc.On screen the races were brilliant, live the were out of this world and speedway heaven. If you have not yet seen live speedway at the NSS it just has to be on your bucket list.
  16. As a speedway fan of 46 years (and this is just my point of view)if speedway goes the way of a troupe of riders picked at random from a group of 60 or so then for me speedway will be a thing of the past. As with any sport you need a team or an individual to support in team speedway I support Belle vue in individual meetings I tend to support Belle vue riders, in the G P i support Woffinden because he is British or any other Brit plus any rider who ride's/rode for Belle vue and I get a buzz if any of the riders I support wins a race or the meeting etc without a team or rider to support where is the meaning where does the buzz or disappointment come from.Without a team how would you form a bond with a rider for you to support him in a individual meeting so without someone to follow it would just be 20 races with no meaning with the odd great pass/race to enjoy but that would be it for me. I watch the Polish/Swedish league on TV but if I am honest I enjoy the odd great race and a race with a Belle vue rider in it but without the passion of watching my team or if watching a British league match which has meaning because the result affects my teams place in the table.I can honestly say in a lot of meetings I can sadly see why a lot of people say that its gate and go and that speedway is boring. So in my eyes team speedway keeps me going every week because having a team to support gives me a passion for the sport and every meeting i watch means something. Just one other point you mention the great crowds at Cardiff.This is a one off meeting held once a year and fans from all the clubs in Britain attend plus for a lot its their only meeting of the year.If they had 10 meetings a year at Cardiff with the best riders in the world let alone a random line up from a pool of 20 riders do you think they would get anywhere near the numbers they get for a one off meeting I don't. Again the above is just my opinion but it just shows what a tough job the BSPA have in front of them for every change the make one fan will love it the other will hate it, good luck to them.
  17. Says the man who (allegedly) earned a few bob filming such activity lol.
  18. Yes I would agree jacks gating is a weakness.I watch him every meeting for the Colts and he is great to watch against riders of his own ability he passes riders from the back for fun if he misses the gate.Which in the higher leagues is a lot harder to do. I do feel he has stagnated a little this year he finished last year on a 8.20 average and this year he is at present on 8.30 but this year he is now riding at number 1. I don't know and only my own thoughts but getting dropped by Sheffield and struggling at Swindon might have affected his confidence. I hope that next year he can have a full season in the Championship league and leave the Premier league out for now he's not ready yet.He is a great little rider with bundles of talent He just needs a full season in the Champ league and time to develop and he will show what talent he really has.
  19. I hope that Toms points were all down to him I love to see a young Brit doing well.But looking on the down side Woryna seemed to have had a nightmare of a meeting and was it Jacobsens 1st meeting on the track 1st ride set up problems then after that seemed to get it right and scored well after that and a point from a 3 rider race.All I am saying here is if this is the case Jack could have scored the same points as Tom.One meeting is hard to judge if one rider is better than another.
  20. Jack has a 8.30 ave and Tom a 8.13 ave in the National league at the moment so not much between them so I would think thatTom would also find points hard to come by.But in truth any National league rider that comes in on a 2 point average will be totally outclassed in the prem league,the only reason they are there is so that a team can have a stronger 1 to 5 so any point they might score is a bonus.When Jack rode for Belle vue our fans understood why Jack was there and never got on his back and cheered wildly when he scored a point.Swindon fans on the whole do not seem to understand why Jack is in the team.Just look at the class of riders in the reserve positions for other teams this year to see why he is finding points hard to come by.Had Swindon fans got off his back a little so that there was no pressure he might have the odd meeting where he scored the odd point or two he did at Belle vue in a few meetings. The only way to have a reserve that can score points every meeting is to weaken your top 5 and sign a stronger rider end of story.
  21. Lots of fans on this thread seem to think that if all tracks were like the NSS the sport would have a chance to be saved etc.If thats the case can anyone tell me why the crowds are down big time at Belle vue this year.Great track,great racing, great modern stadium,good riders parade,good teams (play offs last 3 seasons), great presentation, slickly run meetings, inbetween race entertainment (chase),good sound system,good announcer/mike people interviews with riders etc,chats to managers and captains before meeting,Riders after meeting conference in the bar after every meeting Aces and Colts,.At least 10 extra meetings (the Colts at £10 good teams champions last year contenders this year) if fans want more meetings.What else can a club do to get people through the gates i am at a total loss what can be done to save British speedway.It just does not seem to tick all the boxes in what people want in entertainment anymore.The fans are out there but they only seem to turn up at bank holiday/ play off meetings etc they dont seem to want a full season or regular speedway.Perhaps there are to many other things to do these days and/or less disposable income in most peoples pockets so they have to spread it around on the other things they want to do. Ps people seem to want to spend their spare money at the weekend and defo not on a Monday night but how do you get round that with BSI etc and Poland hogging the market.
  22. Hope i can get my point across with this post. Not that i am against it i watch every speedway meeting that is on TV as well as every meeting live at Belle vue. But has live league meetings being shown on tv changed our perception of what is a good speedway meeting. We are all now obsessed with passing if there is not lots of passing then it is a poor speedway meeting.But has speedway racing changed that much from when we had massive crowds and us fans on the BSF loved it i dont think that it has.Lots of other points have contributed to how things are today and a lot of them have nothing to do with British speedway promoters.. Remember the old comment from non speedway fans that first from the gate wins its boring it was being said when i first started watching the sport and still is today. So my point is that speedway is far more exciting if you are watching your own team because every race means something.(Its a team sport and with any team sport you want your team to win thats what it is all about for most fans.)We all love to see great racing more so if its a rider from your team doing the passing but a boring 5/1when i am watching Belle vue is not boring its more points towards a win or pulling back a meeting when you are behind so you get a buzz from it and enjoy the race,in a race like this the last thing(as an aces fan) i would want to see is a pass and my team lose points.If your team needs a 5/1 in the last race to win the meeting and gates 1st and 2nd you would be out of your seat willing them to stay there.But if i am watching a meeting on tv as a neutral i see it through the eyes of a non speedway fan the teams or the result mean nothing to me at all i am watching the meeting just to watch the speedway racing so a Boring 5/1 would have no meaning to me and would just be that and would be a bobins speedway race as would any race from the tapes. So before league racing was on tv every meeting we watched in most cases included our own team and was seen through the eyes of a fan who wanted his team to win and the above points made for a great speedway meeting, and is possibly why we remember speedway being better back in the day.But the other points watching more and more meeting as a neutral the meeting has to have lots and lots or passing and close racing for it to entertain us or its a poor meeting.Its the racing and not the result that matters to us i think the TV has given us lots of meetings to watch as a neutral and made us view speedway through different eyes. Hope i got my point across and not just wrote a load of twaddle. .
  23. Theres some B/S thrown about in speedway Wolves could not afford Lindgren let alone Woffinden and Pawlicki a complete and total lie from the Wolves management.
  24. I think the Poole thread is a good eg of what the BSF has become these days and that in my opinion is why a lots of posters have moved on or only post every now and again.Speedway on a lot of threads now seems to be on the back burner and replaced i am sad to say with personal digs/comments and B/S etc.For the guilty parties i am ready for a few to be thrown my way.
  25. I have sat back and just read this thread and fans have given Poole a lot of stick and have brought up the point of exploiting rules which they do very well. Now things are clearer my point of view is that with two thirds of the season left to go and if Holder returns soon in place of Worrall then the team that in many peoples eyes was odds on to walk the league will have managed to replace a 2 point reserve with a top 5 rider Klindt giving them 2 good/better reserves making them on paper even stronger than they should have started (exploiting the rules open to opinion ). So in my head I have far from written Poole off for this season Holder being the key if he comes back soon I would not be surprised to see them start a winning run that takes them into the play offs and if they do that they would be odds on to win it. Just my thoughts and time will tell.Wolves last night gives us a clue without Holder and Klindt of how they can perform.
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