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B.V 72

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Everything posted by B.V 72

  1. Is it just me or has the G P been one of the major causes of the downfall of British speedway ie weekends, riders to busy to ride over here etc,and now at the drop of a hat they rearrange a meeting that causes 3 riders(not to mention Worrall who is riding in another G P challenge) to be missing from an official elite league match.Which happens to be live on tv a meeting that now has 4 regular team members missing and making a good close meeting into an odds on away win which all makes the elite league look like a joke to anyone who watches it on sky. Can any tell me how the G P organisers have the power to do this to just take 3 riders at short notice out of an official meeting when all 3 riders riders have contracts to ride for their elite league teams possibly affecting Belle vues gate and skys viewing figures. I am at a loss that everyone seems to have the right to just walk all over British speedway.
  2. So the shorter answer to drop a cogs question would be i have not got a clue.
  3. Anyone who puts 7 years(and still counting) of their lives into a project like this and with all the set backs still have the balls to keep going instead of just letting speedway die in manchester deserves praise and backing not the constant crap they get on this forum.Whatever the outcome they will have my thanks and support.
  4. I would not think that Hougaard leaving was anything to do with Leicester.He had 2 big injuries while riding for Belle vue which halted his progress in the elite league and really affected his confidence..After a slow start at Peterborough last year he seemed to be getting it back but his last crash seems to have set him back again sad to say i think it will be a good while before we see him riding over here again.
  5. Sorry to say this but i m o Saturday nights no longer gel with British speedway out of all your meetings you have faced only one full strength team this season.This cant be good for the home fans watching weakened teams every meeting and its also not fair on the rest of the league as there is not much chance of you getting beat at home riding against depleated teams every week.I dont know is it affecting the gates as missing visiting top riders(Andersen ,Harris Kildemand and Zagar etc) most meetings cant be good for trade.Dont get me wrong i really miss my Saturday nights at Belle vue but the way things are now i would not want to swap back.
  6. The way the weather is going in the U K these days the BSPA think that we should change to having an oval pond instead of a track and jet skis instead of bikes .The plan is to find a bunch of talented jet skiers and do away with the riders and that way none of the fixtures would clash with the gps,Danish championship,World under 21 meetings, euro meetings or any polish meetings leaving weekends open for any club that so wishes to run and that they could then make it a £10 sport.Only chance of a call off is if we have a long hot summer and there is a hose pipe ban.I have heard some dafter BSPA ideas. Sods law Belle vue tried to give this new system a go last year riding against Pool but they were shot down in flames and deducted 3 points.
  7. Dont pool fans like to cook up a major drama over a one off racing incident.I would think that in the racing moment that many a rider has made a wrong move and caused a crash it does not make them a dirty rider these things happen when racing at high speed get over it.I have seen Cook in every race he has ever ridden at Belle vue and i have never seen him try to fence a rider ever, so i have witnest 50 or so meetings to your one race to form an opinion.So in my opinion there is no way that you can class him as a dirty or dangerous rider.
  8. Re reserves any one that goes well at Wolves
  9. Whatever happened to smart was not a last minute thing as the no 7 berth was left blank in the programme so from whenever the prog was printed they knew that Smart would not be there. So Fords quote in the echo that he anticipates Lee Smart will be available seems very strange as he knew that he would not be there Not that it matters now as Belle vue won anyway but Ford being speedway savy would have known that Greenwood was the better choice he has a place in the Prem league while Smart does not +he has a 1.13 point better average in the Nat league so whatever his draft pick position Greenwood is the better rider and his 5 + 1 point score tonight proves it.Hope that we find out why Smart was missing because not knowing leads to thought such as these.
  10. Bates was seeded lower than both Belle vues and Pooles struggling reserves and Belle vue is a lot closer to Bates home near Sheffield
  11. Just a thought Ben Reade is having a hard time and on the original list Bates was lower than him and with Bates living in or near Sheffield i would think that If Belle vue and i say if wish to release Ben i think Belle vue would have a better chance of signing him than Poole but what do i know time will tell.
  12. Dont forget cookie started the 2013 season on a 5.52 average so he has done well to reach heat leader status give him time he still has a lot to learn.He finished last season a lot better than he started i think he will improve as the season goes by.
  13. True things could have be done better but they have chosen to have a draft system and the only way a draft system has any chance to work is if it is fair to all clubs which is an open pick for all clubs.No chance then of the system being manipulated.
  14. I think people have a problem with the draft pick and not with Kings lynn.(look at the problem as a whole and not as a Lynn fan)The way things have gone with assets etc it is fair to King Lynn that they have got the riders that they have spent time and money on but not fair on the rest of the teams.By the so called fair draft pick rules is it fair that the league winners of last year who should have had last pick end up with who i m o is the best reserve in Newman ? If you are going to call it a draft pick the only way it can be fair to all clubs is if all the riders in it are available to be picked by all the clubs.Next year will show how flawed the draft pick is as clubs including mine are already starting to buy young riders for the pick next year. So this opens up the system to the money clubs winning again.Say rose has a great season and becomes the best rider in the pick next year what is stopping say Poole offering this rider a far better deal than Lynn can match and he leaves after the time and money lynn have put into him will you see the draft as being fair then(i know you could lose him to the draft any way but he would go to a team that needs to be strengthened and not to an already strong team that has the money to buy him).In a way this has already happened up until last year Garrity was a Belle vue asset and for what ever reason he wanted to leave and go to Rye house but i would think that they offered him a package that was more than Belle vue could or were not willing to match.All people are saying is that if every rider is in the draft it is fair for every club but the way things are going like all sports the system is flawed and is open for the money clubs to come out on top again.
  15. Bet365 sounds great but reading on many threads the amount of fans now choseing to watch their speedway on there instead of going to the meeting to me is a little worrying.Clubs are finding it tough to make it pay with the fans they have already lost to sky and many other reasons without loseing more to 365(more so home fans).The more fans they lose the more chance there will be of there being less clubs to watch speedway live or on tv in Britain.Never mind we can always watch the G P and Swedish speedway on euro sport.(soz perhaps me just being a little paranoid or perhaps not time will tell)Will just be my luck Belle vue will get a new stadium after all these years and there will be no bugger to race in it lol.
  16. I will keep my options open at the moment until i see the form of Toft, Nielsen and Reade.Toft will find it had going in the top 5 and sadly i cant see Reade doing much, more so away from home(hope i am wrong)so a lot depends on Nielsen if he can hold his own in the reserve races then i think we will have a good season if not then no mater how good the top 4 are alot of our meetings will be hard work.
  17. Belle vue to finish in the top half of the table for a change and a nice dry summer will make me happy.
  18. I dont think that we will ever totaly change over.I work as a catering butcher most items are sold in kg;s but we sell steaks (sirloin/rump} at an each price and they are sold and asked for at 8oz 12 oz etc even though the weight ticket on each one is in grams.
  19. Try opening your eyes Makes the gap bigger than i thought then.
  20. S Stead M Zagar A Roynan C Cook L Lanham S Nicholls T Poole R Worrell S Nielsen M P Toft A Compton S Nielsen J Bates B Reade Is there any difference any more.Do you honestly think that Sheffield would have any chance of winning home or away please give a honest answer the gulf is not what it once was but there is i m o still a large gap.Dont get me wrong i am not an Elite league snob as i visit Sheffild quite a few times every season and enjoy the racing but i would think most fans would agree please let me know. Sorry to butt in on the panthers thread but was just answering a question.To bring in the Panther fans your now no 3 A Dryml was Belle vues reserve for a few seasons and he was bobbins so do you think there is much difference between the two leagues with the elite league still fresh in your memory.Good look for the future was realy pleased the your club was saved and as i say i enjoy prem league racing i am sure you all will with what looks like a very competative prem team.
  21. The rule states that if a rider is injured or not available you can use a rider off the list on a lower average.So if a team needs to replace an out of form rider on a perminant basis i would think that they could if they swap them for a lower averaged rider(rules need to be made clearer on this subject). The promoters said that they would be adding more names to the list so it would be nice if they published the new list then we would know the riders that are available and if Bates is back on the list.
  22. Sorry but to keep the debate fair i just checked the list.Smart was no 13 and Bates was no 15 so the list ranked Smart as the better rider so if Poole did want to and were allowed to do a swap according to the list they would be getting a lower rated rider.
  23. He ended the 2012 season with King lynn on a 5.37 average.
  24. Not a dig at Coventry just not a time for funnies hence me saying i hope they dont.I was just stating what has happened at Belle vue and my sense of humor is fine thanks i am still watching speedway while i wait i honestly hope you can say the same we have already lost to many speedway stadiums best of luck.
  25. sarkey comments now but remember it has took 7 years to get to the stage where Belle vue are in their quest to build a new stadium and its still ongoing so if Coventry have the same problems with their local powers that be(and i hope they dont) i think we should keep the bricks because we will need them far sooner than Coventry do.
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