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B.V 72

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Everything posted by B.V 72

  1. Tell you what i think re Ford being loyal to Kurtz for years to come.The only reason Kurtz is in the team is because he rode a few meetings in last years Prem league (7.65) and he is allowed to use that average next year.If he had been stuck with a converted Elite league average of 9.01 then there is no way in hell he would have made the Poole team next year.Holder as an example average to high for a balanced team etc.
  2. Because you don't seem to have the intelligence to know you are.
  3. God you are a sad little bar stool
  4. What a waist of money then if Woffy made no difference.
  5. Well if the council don't finish the stadium then any chance of a big meeting with no south stand will be gone and the title of NSS should be thrown out of the window as it will sadly be no such thing. If this is the case and as reported they had to pay out 10 grand a month for temp stands and toilets i can see why the old promotion did not pay any rent who pays for an unfinished job,you pay up when the job is done.There is so much more to this whole cock up that we will probably never know.
  6. Perhaps not a good eg.But seeing that most clubs now just run league meetings and have dropped ind meetings and others tells you what meetings the promoters think are better attended.
  7. I think one of the smallest crowds at Belle vue this year was the British final what does that tell you. I can only speak for myself but the Belle vue aces/colts are the reason i follow speedway i watch them with a passion other speedway i just watch.There is no speedway in the world that i enjoy more than watching my team where every race means something and winning or looseing affects my emotions.If we loose team speedway a die hard i might be but the sport would loose me.
  8. The NSS is in the place it is because its the only place anyone was willing to build a new a purpose built speedway stadium.So instead of complaining where it is for the good of the sport i think we should all keep our fingers crossed that a deal can be done so that it stays in use.Because the state the sport is in i cannot see anyone else building one as good anytime soon. The stadium is in Manchester because it was Gordon's and Mortons dream nothing to do with the BSPA they made a right cock up of running it but it was their 10 years of hard work that got it built.
  9. If i remember rightly was there not a debate on here about this time last year where most Poole fans were adamant that Holder would never ride for another British club now most are happy to see him go, what a difference a year makes.
  10. Do you work part time for the Daily echo reporting this shocking breaking news to the speedway suporters of Kings lynn speedway. Anyway i would think that at his age he will be keen and able to handle more than 5 rides in a meeting.
  11. Alot of the Poole fans don't need any help.
  12. Perhaps but only if his average fits
  13. I was there to live all this as well but i can still look on the bright side and the bright side point of view is We have been down many times before as you say Hyde road closed Perrin said we were in trouble many times and we have survived.There are still positive comments coming from the BSPA most of last years team have not signed for anyone else with only a few team places left so lots to give me hope so until i hear its gone ** up as far as i am concerned we will survive this time.
  14. You want to try it Thumper may even make you smile every now and then. Always look on the bright side of life is the music i have asked to be played at my funeral .
  15. Thumper my friend i have no more info than you have all i am pointing out to you is that with the info that is out there i am looking at the positive side where as you only seem to see the dark side. Re deals with riders at this stage it could just be verbal contracts but if that is the case they must have as much confidence that Belle vue will run as i have because nearly all the team places in the Prem league have gone.What other reason can you give why they have not signed for anyone else And as for who will recompense the rate payers.I would think that problem is between the council and the old promotion as they both seem to have played a part in this massive cock up.As i see it all the new promotion are doing is seeing if they can do a deal with the council to run speedway in a empty stadium,and the council are looking at ways of generating money from said empty stadium.So what has what has gone on in the past go to do with them.If the deal falls through and another sport wanted to use the stadium would the council expect them to pay off the old debt before they could use it of course not. Again Thumper no facts just the way i see it. May the force be with you (dark side pun)lol.
  16. Thumper be patiant if you look for them there are good signs. Talks are on going and the chairman of the BSPA says they are going well why dont you believe him. With the right deal new promoters are willing to put their time and money into Belle vue so they think that the club has a viable future so why dont you. Someone has made the decision that the colts intend to run next year and someone has done a deal with Horton to amalgermate the teams this to me can only be the new promoters who else would have the interest to do so. Most of the other Prem teams are nearly compleat but apart from Nicholls most of last years team have not signed for anyone else what do you think they are waiting for or do you think they dont want to ride in the Prem league next year.Or do you think that the new promoter has done deals with them for next year.All the above looks to me that the new promoter is active in all decisions relating to Belle vue next year.I also believe that there was a lot more than we will ever know going on with the old promotion ie old debts and much more etc.The crowds at Belle vue are very good for speedway and if other clubs can afford to run each year with the right promotion the right deal with the council and a clean slate i can see Belle vue running for years to come. Now none of the above are facts but its me looking on the bright side putting things i have read in a positive manner.Where as you have taken every thing you have read in a negative mannor and are looking on the dark side time will tell which one of us is right.
  17. Do you ever look on the bright side as i cant remember reading any of your posts that you have re speedway.You just seem to be a doom and gloom mechant who stands on a soap box and preaches the word of thumper. If you have the same outlook in life in general i am suprised you have not topped yourself.Good things do happen in life and when B/vue come to the tapes next season and beyond you could look like a bit of a ---- The positive side to this looking on the bright side is that someone from the new promotion was at the Nat league AGM to make this decision so i read into it that things are looking good and that they are getting their house in order for next season.
  18. Perhaps a chance for both clubs to share the cost of running a Nat league team which is possibly a wise move at the momment seeing the problems both clubs are having.Plus it allows both clubs to keep riders like Bewley Carr and Bickley etc close to the clubs with perhaps the future to think of.Who knows just my point of view.
  19. Sorry GRW i have to disagree with you i feel that you do need a competitive team for the fans to support.The only way you will get great racing is if you have a team that is capable of matching the opposing team on the track. if you sign a poor team the racing will be poor because you will be getting battered in most of the race. Only off what i have read on here but Kings lynn had a poor season last year on track and there were a lot more digruntled fans on here than the year before when you were in the running for the play offs.I dont know but i am asking you with having a poor season last year did your gates fall ?.I think that you have more chance of fans turning up every week if you have a decent team a poor team will lead to fans support dropping off as the season goes along.So i m o you can have the best race track in the world but if the riders on it are not evenly matched most of the racing will be poor.
  20. Yes at Belle vue once they had fixed the base problem the track was relayed on the 3rd and 4th bend and was ready to race on in a few weeks with no further problems. Strange things going on at the momment with Coventrys problems and Belle vue still in talks with the council as to wether they will run or not .Yet as you say both clubs have declaired to run next year as a joint team in the Nat league and i would presume will soon be putting a team together i just hope the Nat league anouncment is good news for both clubs. All being well the team share will be a bit strange as Coventry have always been the team i have loved to hate but now i suppose a little part of me (the Nat league part) will have to learn to love to love ya.Strange sport speedway fingers crossed for both of us.Up the Stormy colts or whatever they are going to be called.
  21. A combined Colts and Storm team confirmed in National league not to keen on this idea but looking on the possitive side.If the colts are anounced as running then the Aces must be running no promoter is just going to run half a dozen Nat league meetings so i am taking this as dam good news.
  22. I love comming on here these days(not) it makes me feel young again its like being back at school.
  23. If we did sign Bridger it would be at the expense of either Fricke or a Worrall all better riders i m o, more likely Fricke i hope not. so for me no thank you very much.
  24. If new promoters are anounced i would think that the council will have vetted their plans down to the last detail.They can't afford another cock up and must be confident that they can pay their way and keep the club running for many years.The new promoters must think the same or why would they be willing to invest money into the club. If this is the case i as i fan do not give a monkeys who gets what money from where as long as the new promotion can generate enougth money to keep the club running.I will read any details with interest but in reality the most important thing for me is the survival of the club and to watch speedway for years to come.
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