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B.V 72

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Everything posted by B.V 72

  1. The exciting part is that this kid is only 18 years of age and in his 2nd season of riding a speedway bike and already at a level where he made Nichols and Harris look slow.If he handles the bike like that and can generate that much speed now what is to come.As a Belle vue fan I am very excited anticipating whats to come.
  2. My view point is that you and the ref need a visit to spec savers lol.
  3. Great speedway meeting thought for a while that we might have a chance of reaching the final but not to be well done Mildenhall for a great fight back and good luck in the final. A big thank you to all our guests every one of them rode their hearts out for us we could not have asked for more. Having said that I am a little sad because injuries and the crazy way the sport is run could have kept us from reaching the final(multiple riders missing for both semi final legs because of silly clashes)only because I do not think that we will see a Colts team as good as this for a very long time.It would have been nice to see what a full Colts team could have achived. No disrespect intended to Mildenhall at all as I have said what a great fighting performance and on the night you deserved to reach the final.
  4. Davey and Hopwood guest and says Hall on stand by for the Colts.
  5. Really enjoyed tonight great meeting.Well done to both teams who kept me on the edge of my seat right up to heat 14. Its been a pleasure watching this young Colts team all season and tonight was the iceing on the cake.Well done to each and every one of the Colts. A special shout out for Drew Kemp what a great performance from him the lad going off tonight looks to have a good future ahead of him. Eagles fans you can be proud of your team they never gave up fighting right to the end.
  6. Sorry have not had time to read the whole thread so do not know if this has been mentioned But how crazy is it that a team that finishes bottom of the league get a trophy yet the team that tops the league gets sod all.
  7. Sport is sport and every meeting unfolds in a different way and we all have a different opinion. Belle vue and Wolves were both very good teams this season and to me not much between them. Both teams made changes both teams had injuries at different times which is the way speedway goes. Wolves fans say if this had/not happened and belle vue say yes but this happened to us and if that had not happened etc.But what did happen is reality and the season ended up as it did end of. I would as we all would have loved for us both to be at full strength throughout the whole season if only to stop all the what if what would have happened etc. A lot of Wolves fans are saying that with full teams they would have won easily again I do not agree all about differing opinions not a fact in sight. The only way to get a true fact of who was the better team over the season is to look at results over a full season.As I have said over the season as teams do we have both made changes and both had injuries at different times which is the way things go in sport. But the facts are that the teams have met 4 times and 3 out of the 4 times Belle vue have beaten Wolves on aggregate.I will leave it up to you to decide which team ended up on top and with both teams hit with injury for the KOC final which team deserved it more over a full season.
  8. Why why why does British speedway keep shooting it self in the foot. Its not clear yet why Cook is not being allowed to ride in tomorrow nights final.Wether its a ban or the BSPA are just stopping him from riding on a health clause but it seems to me at this time that its more than likely that its a punishment for missing the Championship final. Now I am not sideing with one side or the other but if the BSPA thinks that Cook needs punishing then thats what should happen but just punish Cook give him a hefty fine.But do not punish the sport or the club he rides for or the fans who are paying good money to watch a speedway final. The meeting has already lost numerous riders through injury which can't be helped but to omit another rider who can and wants to ride is just stupid. So Cook will have a night off and lose some money with a fine he would just have lost some money but still had to put a shift in both ways he is out of pocket and he would have been punished.But with a fine the sport will not have been punished his club will not have been punished by losing revenue due to his absence and the fans pockets will not have been punished by getting what they pay for a top home rider in the field instead of another guest or R/R. Will they ever learn do their best to keep the clubs earning and keep the fans happy if they do that they will keep them coming back.
  9. You have got to remember that this is team speedway and that the promoters need fans through the gate to keep the club running. Its a known fact that winning teams attract better crowds what ever league you are in so if a team needs a heat leader and a older rider fits the bill a promoter will sign him up.So that he can field a competitive team.I am all for bringing on youngsters but if a team fields a young inexperienced rider instead of an older heat leader and the team loses most meetings a lot of the fans will drop off and the club could even fold.So in the long run and older rider could be better for the other 6 younger riders in the team by keeping the team winning and the fans turning up and keep the club ticking over. We need all the clubs to keep running the more clubs the more places for young riders to develop so if a few teams need older riders to field a competitive team I have no problem with it at all. long winded but I hope I have got my point across.
  10. I think you make a very valid point that it's probably more Pete Adams that he is loyal too. Have no idea what these Birmingham stories are you refer to tho? Just normal B/S you hear.Heard a comment re him having an interest in the vacant promotion at Birmingham.
  11. Just a honest question Steve is Woffy loyal to Wolves or loyal to Pete Adams would he be keen to come back if say Adams retires or moves on(Birmingham stories).
  12. Well Lindback a GP rider came back to the British league on an assessed average of 7 last year so why not Zager next year lol.
  13. Yep you are right he is no Woffy nothing like him.Both say they love their clubs with a passion but which one proves their passion for their club by riding for them every season.I know which one who I would want at my club. Plus I do not understand why Wolves fans keep going on about what a great club asset Woofy is he will not ride for you(unless he has no other club meetings to line his pockets).So move on he has.
  14. I don't think he is out of favour I for one would love to see him back but he has an average that is hard to fit into a team that needs weakening.Everyone at the momment is building teams to a 42 point limit so his average to me is a little to high for a second string and a little to low for a heat leader.With a 42 points limit you can still fit in 3 heat leaders. If the team average drops to 40 I think he will then be named in a lot more fans team ideas.As with a 40 point limit it will be a lot harder to fit in 3 heat leaders.He could then be named as the 3rd heat leader to keep a stronger lower order.
  15. Nothing to do with anyone being happy that riders are injured as we know in speedway this sadly happens. Just the fact that if Belle vue are also weakened a few Wolves fans may now think they have more of a chance of winning the KOC and that their(got it right this time)rating on the importance of winning the KOC might now change.
  16. I wonder if a few Wolves fans might change there mind now on the importance of winning the KOC cup.
  17. Best wishes to Freddie. But as a Wolves fan I can now see that you cannot have any other opinion than to call it as 50/50.Because if with the help of dvd footage you agreed with alot of fans that the wrong rider was excluded then you would have to admit that a referee's mistake more than likely sent the wrong team through to the final. Only my opinion but as we know these can differ.
  18. Crumbs as a club we are still in with a chance of winning three trophy's as we are in 2 KOC finals and a play off final.If we win all 3 this will have been a fantastic season for me who has not missed a home meeting for either the Aces or the Colts and who has followed both teams with equal passion.
  19. Tinted glasses if you pause it just before contact Freddie leans over and has locked up right in front of Kenny leaving him no where to go. I would go as far to say Freddies bike was facing the centre green.Have a look again.
  20. To be fair last year we got beat twice at home and a lot of the meetings were much closer I just think that we have a bloody good team this year.Who of course all ride our track very well.
  21. If the limit is 42 sadly I think to have a competitive team we need to lose 2 riders from this year. So my first idea Zagar Cook Fricke Tungate Toft Bewley Smith 41.78 2nd idea C holder cook Fricke houggard Tungate Bewley Smith 41.98
  22. You lost out to the best team in the league by 1 point over 2 legs with R/R and a guest.In the koc you will have the choice of a better guest so why the big downer.As a Belle vue fan I think the Wolves team has plenty of grit and determination and with a good guest imo it is far from over.Your home track knowledge should still give you a lead from the 1st leg.Your away win at Swindon shows that you can still win away with R/R and a guest so I am not counting my chickens yet.Its the only chance of winning a trophy this season and I think both teams will be fired up to win it. I think that it will still be a close great tie and am very much looking forward to it.
  23. Biased I know but never mind what league it is but what match is more important a KOC quarter final or a play off semi final.I think this the only reason that the Nat league clubs have priority this time. I have followed the Colts all season and I would like to have a chance to see them win the league I think you all would if in the same position.More so with the rules leaving us without our top 4 in the away leg.
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