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B.V 72

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Everything posted by B.V 72

  1. Yep Josh beat Anderson in Heat 15 in one of the meetings but in the same race he finished third behind Worrall and Lawson.In the other meeting Andersen was 2nd and Josh 3rd. In both meetings they rode against each other 6 times Andersen beating Josh 4 times so what did Josh do to Hans poor swap if you ask me.
  2. Just think this rule could affect Poole big time this year if they sign Holder.Both he and Kurtz might not ride to their full potential to keep their averages under 8 just in case the rule is still in force next year.If they both go over 8 a team place could be hard to find the following season for one of them which could affect some meeting results over the season. If you want to see riders under perform with one eye on his average and not going all out to win a race / Meeting then the 1 over 8 is a great rule.If you want them to go flat out and win a race /meeting for their team then it is a crap rule.
  3. Perhaps I am being a little dumb.But everyone is saying how close the two leagues are getting because most of the riders ride in both leagues. Now my point is as said apart from a few GP riders and a few top European riders a lot of the riders in both leagues are the same.So how does the championship pay all these doubleing up riders with no TV money.Just going off the 2017 season do the likes of Cook,Lambert.Masters,Morris,Harris and many more Premier league class heat leaders ride for less money in the Champ league. If not how has the Championship survived all these years without the help of TV money.
  4. Der - how can that be a better way than the tried and tested independent one mans own opinion of what every riders assessed average should be system.Even if he does change his mind every year.Move with the times man .
  5. Should that not be a choice for each club to make if a few clubs want to sign a top heavy team with two 8/9 point riders and can afford to do so.As long as the team is within the points limit what's the problem. Even the clubs fans that choose not to sign the top stars will get to see a few GP riders when these top heavy teams visit their club.
  6. There was talk earlier this year that Belle vue were considering signing a Pole next year to try and get some interest from the Polish community in Manchester Przedpelski or another young Pole could well be a good shout.
  7. I think the moans are more about the one above 8 point rider on top of the GP rider 9 point assessed average the two together means a lot of quality riders cannot be signed even if they wanted to ride over here again.
  8. Who knows re Batchelor but he likes the track and can score some big points ££££££s for him +we have the aussie team manager a couple of points that could make him interested if hes even considered that is. I think the biggest question is would Belle vue drop Worrall.
  9. Cook 8.45 Batchelor 7.63 Fricke 7.39 Tungate 6.18 Hougaard 6.09 Bewley 4.71 Smith 2.00 42.46
  10. About time they published all the new rules so everyone knows what's what we seem to get new shockers every other day.
  11. I am not new to the sport B.V 72 indicates my top team while I have supported Belle vue. I agree for a good few years Kirky lane was fine and the racing was good(though not a patch on Hyde road or the NSS) and the place saved the sport in Manchester so I will always be thankful to the place for that. But watching the DVDs from 2010/11 showed how much the track had gone down hill in the later years it was rougth as hell it had a blue grove was dusty and gate 4 was a massive advantage to name but a few problems.Stock cars really played their roll in destroying the track. I M O if it was not for Gorton and Morton and their dream of the new stadium and their will to keep the sport alive in Manchester. With the state of the stadium and how bad the track had become Belle vue speedway would have closed down a good few years ago.
  12. Just watched some B/vue DVDs from 2010/11.Its makes me wonder why the hell I bought the DVDs and why the hell I spent so much money watching speedway there the track and racing was terrible. It made me realise more than ever how lucky we are to now be able to watch speedway at the NSS.So a belated very very big thank you to Mr Morton and Mr Gordon and all involved first of all for keeping speedway going at the dog hole it can't have been an easy task and in delivering the NSS to us all.Watching the DVDs has made me realise that its even better than I already though it was.
  13. For me R/R No 1 out 2 and 3 take rides No2 out 1 and 3 No 3 out 2 and 4 4 out 3 and 5 5 out 4 and reserves.Reserve out champ league guest.More than 1 out Champ league guest for lowest averaged rider. In most cases you would use you own teams riders and more than 1 out you would not be using riders from the same league.This would stop teams using ringers that ride a particular track well. Just an idea as most fans don't like guests in most cases your own riders will have to cope with the loss of a missing rider.
  14. Sad to say but on paper I can build stronger teams leaving out Worrall. ie Zagar or Batchelor + Hougaard or Worrall and a 7 point or less rider with Cook,Fricke,Tungate,Bewley and Smith. Would the management leave out Worrall ?.What do other Belle vue fans think.
  15. Doyle.Rosco has said depends on points limit if he will be in Swindon team next year.You never know.
  16. That's something that cannot be changed there is always a top team and a bottom team.Every promoter has the same points limit to work with its up to them who they pick to be in their team.Get it wrong one year get a chance to change things the next year. But getting the track/racing right the smooth flowing presentation right with a settled team can be done every year to help improve your support.
  17. Just common sense really give the fans a quality product and they will turn up to watch serve up rubbish and they won't.
  18. I agree with what is being said about tracks we all go to speedway to watch great racing. The first thing on the agenda at the AGM should be for all clubs to invest in track improvements.Make all tracks the best they can be for the modern bikes be it change shape if needed(for the tracks with room) smooth out others and use the best shale money can buy etc. If clubs can improve the racing to a level we once had the more chance the sport has of keeping its supporters and getting lost supporters back and keeping new fans that take a look if the racing is good they will all come back for more. So improve the tracks(racing) improve the meeting presentation and a regular team line up all with a little work and thought can be done and that would be go a long way imo towards keeping most of the fans happy and coming back for more.
  19. I have just turned 60 so just in the old bracket now. The way I look at it is that speedway will never be like it was in days gone by.But I try to leave speedways problems at the door and just enjoy the racing on the night which thankfully I still can at the NSS. I look at it that the sport might die but so will I but until which ever comes first I will attend as many Aces/Colts meetings as I can and enjoy it while I still can.
  20. A question just for my own interest. Back in the day when there was little or no doubling up most 2nd division riders when they were ready moved up to the 1st division. Today because of doubling up most don't and because of it the Championship league has better riders and is a lot stronger than it would be without it as these riders would have to be replaced with National league riders or low grade European riders..I recon that if this was still the case or if they stop doubleing up next season then around 20 of the top 30 riders in the Championship league would/will have moved up or just ride in the Premier league. ie Cook, Worralls, Lambert.Lawson,Grajzonic,Holder,Harris,King,Bjerre,Masters,Wells etc. Now the Question is if they can sort out and have separate nights for both leagues next year so that there are no clashes.Do Championship fans still want the top riders in their league and have the rider ride for a Premier team as well or will they be ok with them moving up and will be happier with a much weaker league with no doubling up where the riders only ride for their team. Look forward to hearing your points of view.Thanks.
  21. Here we have an example of what most fans want. Fans had an option of watching top riders at top prices or lower classed riders at a lower price which team did the fans choose and which team went to the wall through lack of support. If making speedway cheaper with lesser riders is the way to go why did the fans not flock to watch the National league team and leave the expensive Premier team to flounder instead. Belle vue had an awesome National league team this year who went on to win the league.With a £10 pound entrance fee and under 18s free.I feel that for National league racing they had decent crowds but far far far less than the Premier team at £17 to £23 a head. So bums on seats tell me that a team filled with lesser riders will not bring the crowds flocking back.(even a league winning team). I think fixed nights stopping meeting clashes which cause R/R and loads of guests is the better way to go with a settled team to watch every meeting.I think that fans will be happier with a regular 1 to 7 to watch every week than watching a team full of far lesser riders every week. This is only my opinion but I watch both the Aces and Colts every meeting and I see on the whole far better closer racing when watching the better riders in the Aces team. So the better riders deliver better speedway to watch and that's what we all go to see is it not.
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