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About drew2

  • Birthday 05/23/1977

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  1. I don't think Hagon is heading to Devon (well not every week anyway!).
  2. Pretty much spot on Cornishman I reckon. I was stood on the back straight and as they entered bend three Jenkins took Patrick's leg away and was so close to Joe had to turn left over the white line. At that point Jenkins was excluded in my eyes and the rest is unfortunate for Joe as much as anyone as may have ended up with some broken bones and a bent bike whilst winning a race. I am guessing the non awarding of the 5-0 at that point also cost Joe his 3 points in ££'s as well. Hooky probably didn't mind though! Good to see them all walk away too. I actually said to Gazza afterwards that it was lucky he hadn't done his usual reserve swapping bringing Hook in for Baek in Heat 14 as he wouldn't have been able to field two fit riders. Patrick's excellent ride in heat nine to beat Anders, which he most certainly enjoyed, saved that happening! The heat 5 call was baffling to say the least even as a Gladiators fan?? Can't explain that one but didn't think Jack knocked Baek off. Good meeting overall, far more passing than I saw at Poole last Wednesday. Bomber was classy as always and think the unofficial Cornish Championship was two apiece in the end! Bomber certainly explored some of the outer limits of the 3rd and 4th bend and it is starting to work a little bit more now as it beds in. Thought Mark had the track looking pretty good last night.
  3. I thought I heard somewhere that Dan is riding abroad next weekend so maybe he is not able to do it. Definitely would have deserved it for his performances this season for Ipswich and Plymouth in 2024.
  4. Went to Poole last week and that was twice as many passes as I saw that night after the 2nd bend of lap 1!
  5. Horrible crash for Bastian, best wishes to him. Gutted for Lewi as that is the second time I've watched him race this year and second time he has withdrawn injured. I spoke to him before meeting and said he was ok, improving all the time and seemed to walking ok. Half a lap and a visit to the Dorset shale later though...... Not to mention Kemp and Hagons air bag popping session on bend one of heat 7. Sam is ok thanks 100% to the air bag doing it's job. Racing wise not much to report really as by bend three lap one that was pretty much that. Only Hodder passing Lawson's spluttering machine altered a position and that was entering bend three. Racing got pretty strung out. Best wishes to Lewis and Bastian for full and swift recoveries. Well done the Poole promotion for getting the whole meeting done though in those circumstances in front of a pretty sizeable half term crowd.
  6. Certainly not the best meeting I've seen at The Coliseum but not the worst either. The track is getting there and will take time but hats off to Mark Phillips and his crew for attempting and completing the project they undertook and the weather issues they faced with it. I spoke to him this evening and told him that too. Oxford had a couple of passengers tonight at 2&6 but still kept it close. JJ started well but faded, Heeps started poorly but improved. Scott and Sam were as solid as expected. Plymouth were solid throughout and Kyle Newman was superb all night. Dan was good too but that is his standard these days. Special mention to Jacob who quietly racked up a decent paid 7 as well which helped Plymouth's reserves make the difference overall. Those two at 6&7 must be good as in two home matches Gazza hasn't swapped them over once yet and those who have supported Garry May teams in the past know how rare that is for him!
  7. Here you go: Ht 1 52.79 track record! 2 - 54.69 3 - 54.03 4 - 52.96 5 - 52.96 6 - 53.32 7 - 53.06 8 - 54.95 9 - 53.62 10 - 53.51 11 - 53.33 12 - 55.27 13 - 53.94 14 - 53.15 15 - 53.13
  8. think you'll find the real reason Jake wasn't at his best tonight or last night was he is suffering from tonsillitis and has no energy at all. I caught up with him after the meeting and he sounded and looked pretty rough. Think that explains why his point scoring power was down. He will be back though I'm sure. Well done to Mark Phillips and everyone who has been involved in the project over the winter. You have done a great job with still a bit more to do in places. Massive project, horrendous weather but it's a from me. Gladiators 24 will be a different proposition. The team make up is a typical one from Gazza and I'm sure he will get the best out of them. Seen Dan Thompson twice this year now and wow! Very impressive at Oxford in the Premiership and again superb this evening. Got to say as well how good is his Dad with the kids after the meeting! He was pushing my 10yr old son around the car park in one of Joe's bikes before he loaded up the van. Didn't need to do that but it was brilliant and I reckon Logan won't forget that in a hurry.
  9. First visit to Cowley for me and the family for this one. Plenty of ex Rebels (Somerset variety that is not Oxford or White City ones!) on track to see plus Emil, looking forward to a good meeting.
  10. Got feeling that 'trip over the fence' was courtesy of James Grieves' back wheel which was why the Somerset fans never liked him much after that when he visited the OTA. I remember that Readie debut as well!
  11. Only in speedway could the same rider Captain the Premiership winning team as well as the Championship wooden spoon winners in the same season!
  12. I certainly thought Morris was the cause of the carnage in heat 10 and I couldn't understand Shanes getting excluded. With the heat 3 final bend (unless I missed the track staff helping Zane) I have no idea why firstly the red lights came on so quick and then why he was denied a point when he crossed the line on his bike? I was stood at the entry of the third bend and saw it that Shanes was more the cause of the incident than Zane. No one has mentioned Paco either, harshly excluded for the first bend incident in heat 8 but then certainly got away with a nice bit of 'grass tracking' out of bend two on lap three when chasing Alfie in heat 9. The amount of dust that flew up must have given the ref a clue of where he rode. I have a picture of a lengthy wheel mark which showed he had both wheels across the white line! Then to add salt to the wound he pinched the single point from Alfie on the next lap! Overall a good meeting and Bomber was good value as he always is. No idea why Paco didn't replace Morris in heat 14 as this probably cost Brummies a better chance. Gazza 'reserve change in blue' May doesn't change either and I'm sure he had an influence on the comeback despite not using a tactical option when available. was also impressed with Dillon Ruml last night and sounds like he did again this evening at Perry Barr. My second and probably final visit to Plymouth this year, its not quite what I was used to watching at Somerset but I will be back with family in tow next season. Well done to the Gladiators promotion on what they have achieved this year.
  13. Nothing yet. Been sneezing all day too after my ventures into the loft yesterday!
  14. Hi, I have the 5 Somerset home meetings that I can scan and email if you send me PM with an address.
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