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Catch Me If You Can

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Everything posted by Catch Me If You Can

  1. Anyone heard if Berwick staging any meetings? See Redcar held a Teesside Open recently. Imagine close door and Leon Flint and name from past Greg Blair riding Wondered on Youth Championship, NL Challenge or Individual? Mentioned on the club website they keen to stage
  2. Yes and from memory a good meeting with Ricky Ashworth in top form
  3. Life has to move forward Jenga Bandits saying they be running meetings this year of a sort We all cant live in cages or masks for ever
  4. Would not be a surprise if Berwick held one too? Sure they have in past
  5. Well done Berwick At least bit sense when Gov scientists more worried about Theatres opening
  6. I have to agree Topsoil and with BWitcher on his post on page one. The entire position speedway finds itself in as a joke and should have been sorted along with other so called minor sports ages ago We cant decry Covid but for goodness sake paranoia has taken over at times! Problem is the Gov scientists led by Messrs Whitty, Harries and Vallance dont get out much unless it to a Theatre with PM (indoors) Yes they can go back 1 August
  7. To be honest this current virus (I hate the word) aint going anywhere fast so we got to live with it. Lets just get on with matters, sport whatever. If folk want to go they will, if they dont then so be it. You just look at Leeds footie fans again tonight rightly celebrating as did Liverpool recently and crowds at beaches and on BLM protests. We have to move forward sometime, ok Govt have said in bits and pieces but no one seems to know full picture. No doubt they go to Theatres as they opening (inside) for audiences. They saying on here Stocks running with crowds so does that count as a minor sport One consolation we dont need to listen anymore in mornings to Dr H (We all doomed Mr Mainwairing)Jones on ITV He off on jollies
  8. July seems quick for any starts given press release by Damien Bates on BSPA release today "SHEFFIELD co-owner Damien Bates is remaining positive and upbeat about prospects for racing next month – and is far from ready to throw in the towel. Bates admits there are still hurdles to overcome before seeing the Tigers on track, but news of Stock Car racing going ahead later this month at Ipswich with a crowd in attendance has lifted hopes.Said Bates: “I’m a realist and a restart will never be straightforward, but I’m certainly hopeful and more optimistic now than I have been for a few weeks.“It feels like there is genuine light at the end of the tunnel, and I can assure everyone my colleagues on the board of the British Speedway Promoters Ltd are working around the clock to offer some sort of league season for our fans.“I must emphasise at no stage have we ever lost sight of the fact that the health and safety of our supporters, sponsors and track staff is of paramount importance, but I believe there is a way we can make this season happen.”
  9. Yes and if they delete from language in 2021 three words SOCIAL DISTANCE and LOCKDOWN! LOL
  10. You spot on by way! The sooner we move forward in all aspects of life and learn to live with Covid 19 the better. It never fully going away at present. It has taken over all our lives and sadly as on BBC Tv news this morning many other serious illnesses inc Cancer were often put on back burner. We heard this morning of someone passing away as treatment been on hold? We cannot put aside the lives of people lost to Covid and to the families of course but same with other losses with other disease/illness Sport is not a major issue when comparing illness but playing to empty stadiums simply has to come to end sooner than later dont you think? There just has to be way forward
  11. Fair enough but it really doesnt say anymore than folk know already although gives insight on to staffing problems. Cricketer Michael Vaughan summed up government dithering other day on cricket return calling them 'muppets' Seemed to work as Boris put his box in and announced it back 11 July France seem to have right idea allowing a four figure crowd into stadiums and now saying crowds will get into French Open Tennis.September We wait and see
  12. Yes indeed but sadly the other Mr H is not the man for the job But it all opinions
  13. I think I prefer Tony Goodness me the Health Secretary does not inspire confidence Mind I voted Monster Raving Loony Party so what do I know !
  14. Hawk, you so correct in many aspects. I not particularly politically minded towards any party but goodness sake there were some stars representing the Government on the recent Daily BBC Covid 19 update programme None seemed capable of ever answering a question properly and without disrespecting scientists it was same story every day. Among Normal Conservative reps were PM, Dominic Raub, Priti Patel, Matt Tony Hancock, Alok Sharma to name but 5
  15. Who knows Jenga Chris Whitty and Jenny Harries will keep you right! At least they off TV now
  16. Is Stewart Dickson also not on BSPA Committee? If so he surely would be up to speed with progress. Plenty Doom and Gloom you right but at least we dont have to listen to any now on the daily BBC update thing at 4.30pm
  17. My goodness you spot on! I not particularly politically minded but the man does not have much going for him! His predecessor Mr Hunt does not have a high opinion!
  18. The problem is Screm while folk and clubs must take care and same in all sports venues this virus I think will never totally go from the Planet? It will be question of living with it as best can? With that in mind the world in all areas needs to move forward and people need to move on as well in due course. Rumours are that the S Distance might drop to 1m as in most Euro countries and if that happened it could lift lot of questions but hey I just a mere mortal. Am sure Mr Hancock will have the answers !!! There is every chance we be no further forward come 2021 season.
  19. Just when you need something to bring optimism Goodness sake!
  20. They cant control deaths with lockdown it seems!Follow Swedish example maybe!
  21. We will be lucky if any GP Speedway in 2020, sadly never mind speedway here in UK leagues The Germans way ahead of UK in handling crisis and you wonder if some Govt Ministers have any ideas on how to curb it ?
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