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Catch Me If You Can

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Everything posted by Catch Me If You Can

  1. Fair point mate on Summers but ridiculous exclusions knock stuffing out of any team
  2. Berwick camp say for the crash?? White Stick and dog come to mind LOL Easy way to check Meeting scorecard comes up in time on Speedway GB and control Board sites Easy access It will show the reason on it
  3. Dont think that reason he was outed Think it was for allegedly knocking Roynon off a joke decision at the best of times. I was on terraces and it looked as if a trainee referee was in charge. All 3 back was the right decision IMO but there you go! That 5-0 turned the meeting on its head
  4. In the SCB Site on Supp Regs 2021 there is a RR facility added for a missing Rising Star in Top five
  5. Think the Brit lads in Germany Sunday? Correct me if wrong It may be they have to drive? Not sure on rules with flights in. Any choice of guest for Leon would be resticted given so many Rising Stars away Jack Thomas would spring to mind but he riding for Brummies Saturday I think. Danyon Hume going well for Poole Top scored Monday for them at Kent Am I correct also in saying Leon is in top 5 come Sunday
  6. Looks like Kent are now red hot favourites to win league after now three away wins at Belle Vue, Mildenhall and Eastbourne. Dont think they ridden much at home yet
  7. Think you will find it only new guys who get average 7 days after 4H/4A Leon Flint has a rolling average as has ridden well over the 20 match spec you need so it will depend on his new rolling average at 20 matches at cut off 23 July. Effects from 1 Aug
  8. Think Al Stewart has it right It all about your initial declaration I think and if you could fit a 3 rising star in then you can use that as guest? Correct me if wrong. Think Monarchs could easily have fitted a higher rated rising star into initial team? Also Kemp is in the list despite Edwards being listed at Eastbourne Kemp on a 3 star Bickly is also in the list It on the Speedway GB web under Championship header
  9. I dont imagine covers could gone down anyhow Friday as the football were due to play Hearts Friday night although it was off it seems due to Hearts covid problems!
  10. Seems Jakobsen was winning Heat 13 on last lap when he stopped!
  11. This will be tough one again. Lots guys in the Scorpions team who go well at Berwick including the three ex Bandits. Problem for Berwick is how long will Garcia be missing. News from South America as reported on this forum not good on travel and how long do they get facility for? Rider Replacement not really all that good and more so away. Problem is where are the riders? Dont seem any in UK. Tough match and more so with Leicester and Redcar coming. If Gappmaier gets back to how he was at end last season and Etheridge fit they should be fine.
  12. Nice Comments Not great night then for Berwick but backs to wall early on? You could be right with the few regular 'Glass Half Empty' contributors!!
  13. Be interesting to see who Brummies have as Guest for Riss? Pretty sure he in the SEC Challenge Saturday in Czech?
  14. Nothing new in Speedway Promoters shoot themselves in feet so many times. They seem totally scared to tell fans info. Little better in Championship
  15. I want to be optimistic but the way things are just now in the country and on seemingly vaccination concerns too a start date of March or April seems very hard to imagine
  16. Well no surprises then from folks but it all democratic and opinions Just had catch up on posts Moan, Moan, Moan and better moan LOL
  17. Seemed ok between normal heats on time? Referee seemed to push on. Usually delays between 4 8 12 16 with riders two in row I dont imagine the electrical hold up would help either. Is there not as well a delay between Heats 20 and Semis as riders get tyre changes. It not easy but at least credit to Berwick for giving it go for a British Championship in late October. Track looked grippy and would catch out some less experienced around there.
  18. Would like to hear one way or another if it on or off Friends wanting to book a stay
  19. Michael Gove on BBC News 7.30am today said they were stopping potential crowds now from October as had been originally agreed. Across the board in sport
  20. I take it this U 21 meeting going ahead I have friends looking to book to stay overnight? Since initial message been no updates on it and given the NE area has been under more of curfew just wondered.
  21. That will be tough for him He hardly been on track this year and think that showed in Under 19 Final
  22. BBC Sport Website saying limited crowds of 1000 social distancing (two worst words of 2020 on BBC) Reporters saying ' They Social Distancing of course' Yes we flipping know it!
  23. I wil tell you something folks I no Politician but goodness me I just listened to the most boring hour of recent weeks between 4pm and 5pm Prof Whitty and his slides and The PM bumbling on. Stop the World and let us all off LOL
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