Had a quick look at Official BSPA site and 2012 team line up for Premier League.I has a note at foot to say something to effect of team line ups are added from official club press releases and subject to BSPA approval. From that I would imagine all line ups need confirmed by BSPA with official paperwork and that list on there means little at this time of year?
It was tipping it down where I stayed in town Friday night into Saturday morning. Seems as soon as you got a mile or two south it cleared up. I went along to football and track looked very heavy on bends.Think damage was done overnight?
Yes Allen must have thought he had the £1000 in his pocket! It really was a stunning move by Alden and on the less favoured inside line on bend three. To be fair with all the rain Friday night and Saturday morning and again some I understand Saturday pm and with the Football on it is dead easy for people to have a punt on here but it could not have been easy to get conditions right?
I would not go that far but it is a decent line up and wide open. Sadly I imagine in these days of poor crowds over-hyped and over-paid EL stars may have ruled themselves out?
Now if you want a (or were you taking the mick) top class line up get yourself to Redcar tonight!
Think BSPA will never please everyone on this, correct. They have to set a guideline and I think it will be combined averages from 1 July of each team top 4 added together? Dont think assessed averages etc count either so that rules out a few riders.
Spot on, Mudgway had a torrid night last Saturday with several falls including a bad one in Heat 8. Have you heard if he is fit for Somerset at Berwick?
Think only Grieves out of main event now so not much lost apart from Tigers fans attending but surely Edinburgh could have held a meaningless meeting over to an open date?
Sorry for being kill Joy but is it not time plug was pulled on these out of season meetings? They can be ok but a farce too witness Scunthorpe one, riders pulling out, two rider races etc aand in lap of gods with weather!