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Catch Me If You Can

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Everything posted by Catch Me If You Can

  1. Another moaning member of the Bandits crew week in week out Come down and join the Bees clan.
  2. Someone upset you? Before you criticise you should take a look at some of the 'Promoters' in Midlands and south! Said it before and will say it again, it is mostly fans running clubs and unless you get an independant body controlling the sport (not Promoters) it will never flourish. The crowds are pathetic at many tracks including Elite League.
  3. Afraid I could not see any major change way track is given it is around a sports pitch and is never going to be wider. A purpose built track like Scunthorpe is the answer of course but that is not going to happen.Just be glad you have something to support unlike many others who have lost the sport of speedway and the way things are going many more as well.
  4. There are enough clowns both on this forum and involved in speedway without the need for more!!
  5. Never mind the Monarchs, support your local team, you never know this could be their last season??
  6. Good choice it would seem at Berwick as has done well there in 2013. Mind you Dyer has done better!
  7. It is not just Berwick either you fear for! I see lots of tracks at all levels from my base near Coventry and I can tell you it is in a mess! Perhaps the engines are too quick these days (bring back uprights?) new silencers and set ups. It appears there is little drive around the outside of bends anymore. Only at the highest GP level do we seem to see the best of it.
  8. More likely they did not want to pay excess mileage? Has Chessell not been around a bit or am I mistaken?
  9. You are spot on. So what if someone pays bonus points as a sponsorship? Its no ones business as I imagine other clubs do it.
  10. Edbergs scores this season with the odd one apart have been poor. Think he failed to score much at Glasgow too? Now if he is scared he needs to bow out. His accidents may have come back to haunt him sadly? The scorelines of other riders home and away would indicate they were happy enough.
  11. To be honest RH you would fancy Edinburgh to win at Glasgow and you cant see Berwick getting a point at Armadale given past form there? So tonight maybe just about winning if possible even by 2 points!
  12. Would not think it would be easy to get a guest with 10 clubs racing tonight in Premier League? Plymouth better odds
  13. Agree Reading the updates at looks like the loss of Kus early on helped Redcar (hope he ok though) Dyer then stepped in!
  14. Gosh, did not see that one coming! Could not make it for this meeting but expected an easy home win. I saw Dyer at Sheffield last season and he was superb. Now I dont know the reason for him not rejoining Berwick but his performance tonight will haunt them. Maybe Edbergs accidents over the past few years has caught up with him, sad to say?
  15. In fairness to you it is good we live in a country where there is freedom of speech. A few countries abroad you could not do that or they probably would stand you up against a wall! I dont always agree with you sir or madam but respect you have a right.
  16. Ah well you wont need to worry when they jack it in. With all the moaners up in your part of the world few would blame them.
  17. Good business if you then eventually sell him on for a profit?
  18. Have I not read in his column he has Sunday evening Radio show?
  19. Probably a return thank you for three Tigers riders getting practice time at Berwick last weekend?
  20. See on Tigers website Ringwood, Jacobs and Horwood getting second half spin at Berwick Saturday night. Nice touch from Bandits camp
  21. Edinburgh look decent It will all depend on how young Fricke settles. Vissing can be excellent (Ben Fund) but can also blow hot and cold.Depend on reserves I think!
  22. Newcastle headed by George English is a well run speedway. Shame they dont seem to get a lot of help from stadium landlords, thinking about bits of terrace closure or was it a no brainer?
  23. Whats the world coming too !! All change at Berwick then?
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