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Catch Me If You Can

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Everything posted by Catch Me If You Can

  1. Can you all now let it drop. This has dragged on long enough Maybe they had little choice
  2. I think it reads he could return if medically cleared?
  3. Sorry Chris I dont know full story either but someone should not just say Doc (Medic) was drunk. I dont think we will ever know but it is a bit harsh to just say he was? Sorry I dont get your note on mobile phones?
  4. Think you need to retract Drunk bit? See Berwick website update. Too many people jump on other folks social media columns
  5. Think given what has been said on here already he would have been best saying nowt
  6. I think given the error of your ways in various posts including the Doctor you best say nothing. PS Did R lawson get treated by the paramedic?
  7. To be honest Drac I think they probably jumped on the R Lawson Twitter Bandwagon. It does not look as if there was any truth in it or no doubt it would be or would have been taken further? Stories all over speedway have this knack of expanding
  8. Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Surely Dr Fortune came in to replace the Paramedic who was ill?? A retraction perhaps I wasnt at the said meeting but surely if A paramedic reports for duty, signs in and goes about his business, what fault is that of any club. They were not to know he was ill? PS It seems it was not a Doctor but Paramedic who called off but that is purely a matter of fact. It can happen at any track I would think. By the looks of result though Redcar might have won this?
  9. I would imagine there must be leeway for FIM meetings in the planning, probably the Sky ones too? I would think council folk would only be too happy to get plenty visitors for these meetings.
  10. I would imagine lots of clubs have difficulty even getting basic cover, not necessarily cost but availability sometimes.
  11. Think people should be careful what they say. Who can confirm if this is right or wrong Very difficult
  12. Yes and it seems a few clever 'Dicks' follow Berwick as well
  13. I suppose mistakes happen. My Dalek friend once confused a dustbin for his lady friend! Or the lady who walked backwards into an aircraft propeller- Dis-aster!
  14. Yes Think correct but is that not Ukraine? May not happen there?
  15. He was indeed. Despite slicker conditions that norm at Berwick (no doubt wary of the weather) this was very enjoyable. Fast racing with many races featuring the riders being very close together and a usual Berwick neat and professional presentation. The stadium looked good again as did the football pitch. I saw the Jury President checking out the grass at one point, he must have been impressed.
  16. Makes sense No disrespect to Ryan but what point of a club booking in an expensive guest for meeting that it pointless in terms of the section?
  17. From what I understand you can forget Sunday speedway at Berwick following alleged abuses of rules in past. Berwick have midweek dates.
  18. I think you are wrong? There were (if my memory serves me right) breaches of the Sunday no go speedway by previous promoter(s) and am sure the council made it very clear there would be no speedway run on a Sunday at Berwick again! Abusing that would be at their peril?
  19. Did I not read and it seems right going by internet its Euro U 21 Championship weekend so imagine Bellego in it and being Euros there is no facility?
  20. Am I not right in saying Berwick cant run Sundays? (Planning) Anyhow the Berwick team is at Newcastle Sunday and Officials etc
  21. Think once he has done 4 home and 4 away he gets his new average a week after it happens, whenever in a month?
  22. Think he completed his fourth away last night so would get new average next Friday? Think BSPA figs wrong? Jensen has been 5.60 all season but it should change anyhow next Friday
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