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Everything posted by Taylorj

  1. Get off ya bloody high horses!! Tsunami as you said YOURSELF in your post the track needs loads of work done , and there were many falls on bend 3 as I quoted ..... One of our matches over there last season was awful to watch on that track so will stand by what I said and I hope theres a huge blizzard this Sunday . The usual twisting of comments on here , nothing changes there then there was no malice mentioned to any riders I feel sorry for Tully gut wrenching for him at the start of the season, just my opinion as all you lot have on here
  2. Heres hoping for a rain/snow off this Sunday, looking like Rough Park hasn't changed much .P&P and riders coming off on their own with broken bones I would like our proper season to start next week with a full 1 - 7 not a team of walking wounded !!!!! Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
  3. And that gives him the right to act like a complete tool, get away with drink,drug driving and basically breaking the law whenever he feels like it , Really get a grip !, I would definately lose no sleep if I didn't get to see him riding over here this season
  4. Yes "us" as in all MY speedway family and friends who feel the same as I do . The guy is a liability and will most certainly be back in another courtroom before too long
  5. Can't wait guys not long now til tapes up !!! Hopefully we can get a few more members this season
  6. Great post Spinny, have to agree with most of what you have said, I feel Leicester will be strong contenders this season . Brilliant Post
  7. How a Manager of a Premier League team can be a chairman on the BSPA and make decisions about another PL team is beyond me shouldn't be allowed, a farce as Workington were at the brunt end of last season . Decisions for the PL should not be made by other PL team managers , simple as Maybe not his own but will have plenty of say on other teams
  8. And they're off!!!!! Wasn't long before you lot start getting all high and mighty about what the amazing witches are going to do, just remember you have ended up with egg on faces for the last two seasons KOC bring it on !!
  9. Well a bit deflated tbh , after the long wait for the final two was expecting two fresh faces in the Comets colours. Would have preferred the likes of Nedermark,Wells combination but hey ho it is what it is . Lets hope Rusty has put his troubles behind him and we get the Rusty of 2011 back again , a real hero that season, . Tero is a lovely lad and with better equipment hopefully he can get back to nearer his 6-7 average. Time to enjoy Xmas and look forward to March 2013
  10. Think I have to agree with you here, much stronger riders out there than Tero, a lovely lad but now with no return of Adam we need a strong pair to sign . Leicester, Newcastle, Ipswich, Scunny, all look very strong and we need to do the same to keep up with them. No disrespect to Rusty but too much of a risk in my opinion maybe a season away from Worky will relight his spark in the sport. Someone had mentioned Wells and Nedemark, now they would be a strong pair to sign With no Adam a change is as good as the rest!!
  11. Another great signing and at reserve , well done promotion and still leaves just over 12 points for last two riders
  12. Welcome back Ashley, a good 3 pointer reserve , he has had a taste of what the PL is like so can only improve as time goes on, and with a little help with his equipment . Thumbs up from me . I can see the 5th signing being Tero with his average, to slot in as a second string leaving a reserve slot to fill and possibly Adam or A N other
  13. I would imagine you don't have anything to worry about running next season. On our Unofficial Comets forum from promotion that our season opener is against Newcastle in the Ian Thomas Shield held over two legs at Worky on Sat 30th with return leg at Newcastle on Sunday 31st March . Two free buses running from each club for supporters too . See you in March
  14. Fantastic news that my little pal is coming back , welcome back Kyle see you in March !!!
  15. Don't worry we will look after him just like we did this season
  16. Wooooo Hooooo, get in Fantastic signing, hope my fellow geordie pals don't take the news to bad . Welcome back Rene chuffed to have you back in Comets colours next season, you are very popular with us cumbrians
  17. Welcome back Richard , I'm sure you will prove the doubters wrong, just wouldn't seem right seeing Richard in another teams colours. I'm sure he will be getting in the practice over the winter on his home farm track and will be back in March all fired up to keep that no 1 jacket
  18. Read my original post, "Bitter,Twisted and sour grapes" said so myself Really , absolute diservice to the Comets for saying we were hard done by not completing Edinburgh fixture....I think not . I would think there are a hell of alot more that thought the same at the club
  19. Didn't take you long , I'm not your MATE or any mate thanks , plenty of medals at home of the kids I'd rather look at
  20. You can turn upside down,sideways,horizontal anyway you want, but Scunthorpe won the playoffs but afraid Newcastle won the league , take a good look at the table .....Bitter and twisted yes I am,sour grapes yep them anorl, you's got a by into the PLAYOFF final and I've tried everything but I can't offer my congrats
  21. Congrats Newcastle See you next season Arson Fire,Keith M, Tsunami , have a good xmas lets hope winter isn't a long one
  22. A good meeting from both sides considering it was a meeting that probably both didn't want to race, the wee lad Liam Carr tried hard good of Berwick to let him have a shot at it. A mixed season of bad luck, injuries and terrible weather put paid to our hopes of silverware but we did get the Best Pairs which was a honour. The lads have gave us some great racing this season and I really hope we get the majority of them back next year in Comets colours. Thanks very much to Keith & his family for the last 5 years and best of luck to Laura,Steve and Jacko for the 2013 season. Lets hope its not too long of a winter but is nice to know we are safe for the next 2years . Workington Comets 2013 - what a great thought
  23. Don't think I'l get my wish after all ,5 points to take to Scunthorpe I feel is not enough at all
  24. At last someone who isn't a Comets fan understands why we find it difficult to swallow , had the shoe been on the other foot and Workington went through ,be plenty of Scunny fans on here . Its a farce whoever the teams would have been but unfortunately this time Workington were at the receiving end , twice !!
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