With all of your business expertise maybe you should be head of marketing for the BSPA . within weeks the stadiums up and down the land would be packed
You may not think that £20 is a lot of money but I certainly do, add to your £20 the cost of fuel for those of us who don't live within walking distance of the stadium and starts to add up to an expensive night, money is tight as it is for some folks and push the price up by that much may just tip them over the edge and they may well decide to stay at home .
Unfortunately there's no chance of the 4TT qualifiers coming back IMHO . The southern based promoters weren't very keen on them that's one of the reasons they were scrapped
That's the problem with having overseas riders in your team who want to ride in meetings where there is no facility for the promotion to use in their absence
It was the Premier League Promoters who made the decision not go with FTR , so the E/L took it on , it seems they thought guys like Aaron Fox and the like where a better option than British youngsters .
Double standards from Miss Webster me thinks , apparently she would have been quite happy to ask Mike Tyson for his autograph, IMHO its only because its Sheff Unt that's involved .
I read that to last weekend , its another case of people who should think before they tweet
Thomsen looks a good prospect ,I'd have him in my line
A season away wouldn't do him any harm anyways , I wouldn't have him back .He wont progress until he learns how to ride tighter and smaller tracks
Struggling to find some enthusiasm to attend this meeting . The though of a 70 mile round trip on a cold October night to watch a nothing match doesn't really excite me , especially when there's a GP on tv , and the Super League grand final as well and a few cold beers from the fridge is much more appealing.