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Everything posted by DSC67

  1. Looks like we've used our get out of jail free card already . But seriously though don't think I've ever seen a meeting with as many engine failures Scunthorpe must be wondering how they managed to lose that meeting let's hope we used up all our bad luck in one meeting
  2. This should be a fairly comfortable home win just hope it's a bit more entertaining than last weeks meeting . I can't see the crowd being all that big there's a SGP on TV plus a decent football match as well on Sky that may have an impact on the crowd levels
  3. Personally I can't understand what the problem is with Berwick riders and Armadale , even if we tracked a 7 track experts we'd still get humped
  4. How anyone can say that they enjoyed a meeting when the team that they follow/support lost is beyond me ,however I an still appreciate a good ride by a rider such as Craig Cook when I se it there is quite a bit of difference
  5. Football , Rugby U.& L , Cricket , Motto GP & Superbikes plus support classes , Tennis , Darts , NFL , Baseball , Ice Hockey , Rallying , Golf
  6. I'll look forward to the advert in next Saturdays programme and of course numerous mentions from our centre green presenter looks the business
  7. I've always found it strange that your not allowed to complain without being shot down in flames , if you went to a football or rugby match or went to the cinema and what you saw there was poor you'd quite happily complain about that so why is that when you see a bad meeting you can't say so ?
  8. Not even a bellyful of booze would be enough to erase the memory of last night
  9. Last nights result was depressingly predictable , even when the Bandits did edge in front I always felt it was going to be a struggle to maintain it in the later half of the meeting , Kevin was ridding the guts out the bike but getting nowhere fast same with Ben who can't possibly be 100% fit , but fair play to the guy for giving it ago . Next Friday night we face the daunting task of a trip to San Siro of Scottish Speedway which has never been a very happy hunting ground in the past for the Bandits let's hope the guys can put in a decent performance and give us a boost as we kick of our P/L campaign
  10. If people don't like what Cook (or any other rider for that matter) is posting on Twitter then they shouldn't follow him , he's only posting that stuff as attempt to snag a few bites , unfortunately it usually works as people are stupid enough to fall in to his trap and respond to his diatribe whilst he sits back and laughs at them
  11. Well that looks like that one piece of silverware that's not coming to Shielfield this season . Very poor meeting IMHO dull & boring , with only the good company I was in that made the trip worthwhile .
  12. According to tonights newsletter he's not
  13. Ben has a fractured bone in his hand , caused by his all or nothing style he tried a bit to hard lost control and went over the high side stuck his hand out as you do to save yourself and the damage was done . I've said for long enough that the bikes are to fast nowadays , its not always about the best rider now its who has the fastest bike that counts
  14. The fact the "Scoop" Hamblin is still at the Advertiser after 30 odd years says one thing , he's not very ambitious and is quite happy to report on The Bandits & Berwick Rangers and not a lot else it's never going to be Pulitzer pPrize winning stuff is it ?
  15. Looking for team changes already , before the season even starts
  16. Drive 30 + miles to Berwick in the wrong direction , yeah right that's a free bus
  17. Free bus is ok if you live in Berwick or surrounding area , not much good those who stay in the Borders
  18. Doesn't his insurance cover the cost ?
  19. Perhaps it because over the last few years we've had riders who have benefited from the fund ,also the promotion which meetings to target for the collection night Perhaps if the customers who booked long weekends where made aware of the speedway before they came to the camp it might help , are there any links on the various camps websites to the speedway or visa versa are there any links on our website to the camps and to the local B&Bs
  20. Berwick always get a mention on the BBC Radio Scotland local news , details of up coming fixtures , results the next morning of the previous nights meeting when there has been one , news on signings and other stuff to
  21. Its sad state of affairs when rider cant or don't want to do this meeting , after all its for all of their benefit is it not ? you never know when they might need to use it , one would like to think that the ones who have come up with the usual flimsy excuses would feel slightly sheepish or embarrassed about their behaviour but some how I doubt it very much
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