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Everything posted by DSC67

  1. If Sarjeant is in the line I hope they've a couple of spare sets of starting tapes
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/mar/23/who-haul-speedway-out-of-1970s-back-into-affections-uk-viewing-public
  3. I wondered if Poole had added him to their asset list
  4. Who owns Nikolaj 's contract , is it still the BSPA ?
  5. Or maybe even pop outside if he/they want a puff or vape
  6. The Micheal Knighton of Brittish Speedway
  7. I'd like to think that any club would've acted in similar fashion.
  8. I always like to help those who are less fortunate than myself
  9. Would you like some assistance taking your foot out of your mouth , maybe you should wait until you are in full possession of the facts before commenting
  10. I remember Peter Waite using the same argument when he tried to stop updates on home meetings a few years back
  11. I've a funny feeling he'll be there ,but maybe not as someone called Colin who lives on the roundabout in Cornhill
  12. Original date was switched, I believe the stadium is unavailable on the Friday night
  13. I believe the Stocks are looking for a resident
  14. George Hunter Willie Templeton Jimmy McMillen Doug Templeton Charlie Mckinna Kevin Little Scott Lamb Kenny Mckinna Derek Sneddon Bobby Beaton
  15. Ivan Mauger Wayne Brown Bruce Cribb Dave Gifford Mike Fullerton Jack Millen Roy Williams ( Bernie LaGrosse) Dave Bargh Barry Briggs Gary Allen
  16. Maybe they can let Dick win the raffle at the " Hall of fame night " ,
  17. Check your spam inbox folder I just found my confirmation email in mine
  18. I got a confirmation from PayPal that the transaction went through but no word from the club yet
  19. Someone should start a crowd funding page lol
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