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Everything posted by DSC67

  1. Maybe Natalie can interview Jeremy Corbin Fan next , if she can find him
  2. Feeling the affects of last nights crash at Berwick I'd imagine
  3. He's been trading on his surname for too long he should've stepped up by now
  4. A well earned victory over tough opposition last night, but our reserves should be doing better at home . I take it it was a typo in the programme saying that Jye was the captain not Kevin
  5. Any news on NBJ and his recuperation from his appendix operation ?
  6. Get those big old white five pound notes out from under your mattress
  7. Best wishes and a speedy recovery after his op to NBJ
  8. Highlights of The 1989 World Final from Munich were shown on TV , (on BBC 1 I think ) the next again Saturday ,I can remember watching them
  9. Dammed if you do Dammed if you don't. Sometimes you can't do right for doing wrong
  10. It's usually never the original act ,but the attempted cover up that catches you out
  11. I thought that they changed that a couple of seasons ago and now you're only responsible for paying your own riders home or away ?
  12. Any news of a date for the Edinburgh meeting?
  13. If a rider refuses to take a test isn't that regarded the same as a fail ?
  14. If Howarth missed tonights meeting for non speedway reasons does that mean he's stood down for seven days ?
  15. Love Street , Paisley home The Buddies staged speedway for a while , much like Berwick it had long straights and was narrow. Reportedly 6000 people attended the opening night in 1975
  16. Meetings like tonights on live TV are hardly a good advert for any potential buyers or investors
  17. Is that the free glass of sherry , you'll be drinking ?
  18. It's good to see the promotion trying to attract people, not just with this offer but the other stuff they've been doing , at least they're trying to get the message out there which is great to see . Maybe if they handed out some flyers at Armadale at The Scottish Open that might help get a few more Edinburgh fans to travel I hope it's a success, they certainly deserve a wee break going their way for all their efforts , my only worry is will it entice enough extra fans to make up the shortfall 500 people paying £7 less is a lot of cash to drop , its 300 + extra paying customers needed to cover the loss I can't honestly see any club attracting that many new fans not with the current state of the sport in the U.K.
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