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Everything posted by YerRopes

  1. That's a bit harsh 99, I'll accept any BSPA ruling once they can work one out and implement it consistently.. In fact the only time I haven't was during that 'Winter of Discontent' when my sympathies were very much with PBoro and Cov. As for your visit to Dorset you should have contacted the Man, he'd have shown you a good time
  2. OK, I will bite.. If that's the case why has the Swindon thread been dominated by those with PBoro sympathies for ages.. If I were you, I'd sit there quietly and smugly awaiting for your view to be upheld But you (and the others) don't... Why bother
  3. It's not up to you though is it, or me or most on here.. Perhaps we should all wait until March and see what happens How about that
  4. Good post Skidder (finally)... Anyway, I'm off to score some dope and buy copious amounts of alcohol for my kids.... Will try and post later..
  5. Still here then.. Put on your best 'bib and tucker' and head down Dorset way - sex, drugs and rock n roll are the norm down there - might do you some good...
  6. It's 'Amazing' Starman.. Personally my opinion hasn't changed, though I don't think it does any harm to give credit, where credit is due. Matt Ford, (if he wasn't misquoted) gave a most reasoned response to recent events a la young Darcy and despite the fact he, MF sometimes gets bad press (we all know why), I think it only reasonable to acknowledge things when he does them right.. To finish I do hope that Darcy can sort himself out as I struggle to think of a more talented rider at his young age, at the end of the day though, it's up-to-him. Having said that, someone posted earlier that the Pawlicki's could replace Darcy and Howarth - if I were a Poole fan, I'd go for that, especially as things are right now..
  7. Sorry, that just doesn't ring true. If i had been wronged in the press as you claim Middleditch has been, then I would make a statement to that effect and demand an apology from said newspaper - none of this has happened though has it. As I mentioned earlier on this thread, credit to Matt Ford for his reasoned comments though..
  8. The first half of that post made sense Starman... Surely we would be reading articles everywhere emanating from Middleditch that he had been mis-quoted if that was actually the case Unfortunately not though...(read into that what you will) Having said that, I understand that he did make some cryptic twitter comment about horses which is obviously very topical at the moment, but does not help much..
  9. Good to finally read a sensible and reasoned response from the Poole camp...
  10. I wouldn't stick up for anyone from anywhere who makes unfounded statements suggesting that my kids run around on un-taxed and uninsured motorbikes whilst 'drinking heavily' and 'smoking marijuana'. Such comments are totally offensive and irresponsible After last year's shenanigans and the grief it caused it me explaining it all to my youngest, which I shouldn't have had to do - I am not going to go through that again. I would suggest it would be better for the sport if Darcy did not return to the UK next year and Middleditch stood down from all his speedway roles immediately. And if Poole want Troy, so what - very little enthusiasm left personally..
  11. Right on cue ER - 'Farmboy's Wages' was playing when I just read your post, now moved on to 'Right Place Wrong Time' by Dr John - check it out if you don't know it, it still sounds current... Anyway, enough digressing, I've just read that Mads is the 5th name for Killer's meeting with more to be announced shortly - the line-up is looking good so far ! Hopefully, your very sound suggestion of a Swindon 2013 thread will reduce the number of scribes dictating whom to buy in a buyer's market
  12. Whatever the forthcoming season brings, Peterboro and Eastbourne have at least built their teams without any D/U riders and should be commended for that. I wish everyone else did the same...we might then reduce R/R and below average PL guests
  13. Good to see Jason and Zengi added to the Bob Kilby meeting alongside the 2013 Robins too
  14. I have a DVD copy of 'Bristol Speedway' by 1st-Take which includes the Bob Coles crash and can remember vividly all the publicity it got at the time. I used to go regularly to watch the Bulldogs, on foot from St Andrews, but missed that particular meeting. Eastville used to get huge crowds for speedway (8K+) despite the track being crap and the pubs en route were always full as people gradually made their way down there The racing despite a lack of passing appeared super-fast as there was no greyhound track in the way - well, they were racing on it. I remember Michael Lee flying round the outside just a few inches from where I stood - most scary and appeared far faster that anywhere else I've been before or since. Steve Gresham is the 'dirtiest' rider I've ever seen - a hero to the Bulldog fans mind - and even won over Swindon fans eventually... Best of luck to Bristol Speedway - if Bristol can't make a go of it, no one will..
  15. Hans - 'Batch should be allowed to follow me to Blunsdon' http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/sport/10192280.Batch_should_be_allowed_to_follow_me_to_Blunsdon___Hans/
  16. Get off your high horse and read it again....'As a for instance..'
  17. Not doubting you Skidder1 - it really is the 'land of make-believe' though... ..and would still like to see the reason the BSPA is going against their own rulebook (my understanding anyway)... No one can force anyone to buy anything...end of.. If Troy is excluded from the EL as a result of PBoro's intransigence, then surely there is a course of action he can follow... As a for instance - if Troy has an offer of employment in the UK, then as I understand it, he is entitled to take up that offer (similar to a Brit in Aus) -so surely Pboro's actions must then be viewed as obstructive, as their intention is to deprive him of that employment or attempt to reduce the job opportunities open to him.
  18. Honest question - why are they entitled to do so ?
  19. Seems reasonable to me too, especially with the longer term future of PBoro, the Elite League and the asset system by no means assured Edited to add :- Welcome back Hans !
  20. As PBoro have now declared their 1-7 without Troy, my understanding (apologies if I'm wrong) is that under BSPA rules Troy can now go out on loan. As it appears he would like to go to Swindon and Swindon seem happy to have him, then surely that is the sensible solution. Should this not be case currently, then surely Swindon and Troy can appeal to the BSPA in the first instance, whereby the loan under BSPA rules should be ratified. If this is unsuccessful, then perhaps a legal challenge would ensure the sensible resolution, however there may be ramifications for those with vested asset interests that they may not wish to comtemplate. I would add that it matters not what the situation regarding Troy was prior to PBoro's team declaration as that is all supposition, from whatever viewpoint you come from.
  21. To be honest darling, I don't think many are concerned about PBoro's No 1 - indeed I'm very surprised that you are, being such an ardent Ipswich fan. However, I do think that many with an interest in the well being of the sport are concerned that PBoro seem to be 'playing' with some of their other assets though ! As for your 'clowns' comment, surely you account for each and everyone of them..
  22. Uranus ?? Back to things speedway and hopefully Hans and Troy will be announced before too long...
  23. I suggest that the various Panthers fans on here go and build a snowman or something.. Some fresh (rather than hot) air should do you all some good
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