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About siggysigalos

  • Birthday 05/01/1968

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    Bungay Suffolk
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    Football and Speedway ,support Ipswich in both sports, but just love all Speedway and to be fair follow all the teams
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  1. Great Shout, all rumours were he was at Lynn, but for me that's a great start with our team building at Ipswich, by all accounts Boughan is gutted he was chosen by Lynn , but i would assume Chris Harris will be at Lynn now looking after Ashton. Surprised by Flint at Sheffield, obviously he was overlooked by all other 6 teams, which sadly for me somes up where Leon is with his Speedway at the moment. Big season for Leon now and i would expect the rumours of Gilkes at 6 and Rowe at 2 for Sheffield will be confirmed next week.
  2. And i simply can't disagree with your comment, stood on the Back Straight At Leicester that night, watching him either fall off whilst holding a Match Winning 5-1 (Lack of Team Riding Skills AGAIN) or just looking miles off it in his other 3 Heats. I do believe he will return due to the Ritchie Love-In, but i'm sure most loyal Fans will be honest and say a Change is needed, and Jason Doyle should return as Skipper.........BUT
  3. I 100% agree with you on the Ellis/King comment. It baffles me sometimes, and trust me I go Home and Away, that apart from being best mates, it baffles me in what Ritchie and Chris see is the bonus of keeping King. For me he's done, he's been a very loyal servant, although if Ritchie wasn't influential on Team Selection in previous seasons, I'm sure another manager would have moved him on a while ago. But if that's the 7 with King in, then we have to accept it and go again in March, but I'm a very loyal fan, and for me whatever the team limit is, 39 or 40, King would of been the 1st rider i would have looked to replace.
  4. It seems your all very close, or maybe that's me with my wishful thinking cap on.. Doyle,Ellis,Brennan,Rew,Emil,D.Thompson and Jenkins looks a Supporters dream at Foxhall. But as it's well documented on here it will have Danny King in there somewhere, which doesn't give it such a strong look. Just on Kvech...The 2 year deal is nonsense, as i said on King's Lynn's page earlier in the silly season, and he is definetly nowhere near a done deal at Lynn as of today, just simply isnt. He is considering his options in the UK and he could seriously end up elsewhere. Has Chris Harris signed for Lynn, wouldn't rule that out, and where will these Holder brothers end up, if rumours on Tai are true, i fear at least 1 will be binned by Sheffield, and could that end up being both.
  5. Must admit, all your reasons for keeping Adam are spot on, his Home average alone, if fit, for me is a given. The fact he still comes in on a 5 and a half average just shouts out as a No Brainer. I'm sure Mr Brennan's phone is on fire, but as you know more than me, the Team Limits haven't been finalised as of yet and although Tom is getting the calls, i expect Ipswich could just start as favourites for his signature. We all assume Doyley is the 1st name signed, and i'm sure we all hope that is the case, waiting on Emil is huge, but let's hope that ends as a positive. I know you will be spot on about Mark Lemon trying to persuade Keynan Rew to join Belle Vue, but i read he loves it at Ipswich, so let's hope he is retained as well. I'm not going to even try and workout the R/S situation or Reserve as i haven't a clue how it works, apart from Birmingham, Kings Lynn and Oxford get 1st dibs on the R/S before we do, so i see that as Flint at Birmingham (if they come to tapes), i fear Jordan will be a target for Kings Lynn as Anders Rowe wont be a R/S next season, and won't be at Lynn either, Oxford surely stick with Boughen, again though is Luke Killeen a R/S?? Then it's us, so don,t know where we go as Dan Thompson will be a Number 6 due to his average....Again that's me guessing. Oh how we all love the silly season........
  6. Very Well Said, Such a sad way how this season is ending. Not a good look for our Sport, far to late in the year for any Finals like this. I sort of see why they did it, but with only 7 Teams it is a bit of a farce.
  7. That's fair enough, but why are they building Teams not knowing if they fit. Someone must know something...
  8. Ipswich WON'T be the same 7, 5 may return, but it WON'T be the same 7. Again all down to this points limit, i agree, but Managers already know what that points limit is, and all are building teams already for next season, i see a quote earlier Birmingham might not run, they are certainly Team Planning for next season as well, so i fully expect them to race. Ipswich's Septet all depends on Emil's decision, and that's very imminent, but i'd be staggered if it's the same 7. If i had to stick my neck out, the 5 i expect to remain would be Doyle(c),Emil,Keynan,Ellis and D.Thompson, and if i'm wrong and there are 6 to return then Jordan Jenkins would be the 6th. I don't disagree with any of you who believe Mr King will return, i just don't think he will, unless he rides at Number 2 ALL Season.
  9. Absolutely Spot on Aries, although you would like to think King himself knows his days at Foxhall should be up and make the decision for Hawkins easier to make as they are so good mates as you say. Not sure we will change much, if Emil stays, which i understand to still be a big IF,then apart from the R/S situation, as i never can work that out with the averages, it could just be King that's removed in my Dream World, but i fear you are correct, Mr King will be in our septet for next season.
  10. I'm pleased for Lidsey, he started slowly this year, but been an invaluable 3rd heat leader for the Aces when it's mattered, and i would like to think he is kept on. Don't see to many changes for the Aces, the average of 39 or 40, the manager's already know what it is, so they are working their teams out already, AGM is just a meeting they have to attend, decisions are normally made way before that, especially the teams average.
  11. Brennan is elsewhere as we speak on here today, quite a few changes and developments will be needed for Tom to change his mind. Really interested to see what Belle Vue do next season, Keynan Rew is again wanted by Mark Lemon, so keep watching that space.
  12. Am in total agreement with most on here concerning Sheffield Supporters, been to Sheffield this season, and 98% are very approachable and the banter is always in good jest. The Bend 2 Army who i believe ruin it for most are in their own little world that most Sopeedway fans all over the country just ignore, as that's what they are a Non-Event. I agree on the Tai comment, if he was riding, the 12 points isn't enough, but like i said Yesterday, you just don't know on tomorrow night. I do believe Sheffield are Favourites as their home form has been phenomanal all season, and if they get through, i will certainly be at Leicester next Monday to watch the 1st Leg. Good luck to both sides.
  13. Decent Meeting, and might have encouraged me to travel up to Sheffield on Thursday for the 2nd leg. Previous result's, like our failings last year in the final to hold onto an 18 point lead is irrelevant in my opinion, 12 points could be enough, and thats why i think i will go, as you just don't know. On Jack Holder, when Sheffield humped us in the 1st leg of the Cup Final the other week, Chris Holder and Picko spoke no problem, but Jack was even having a problem talking to his own supporters, so i didnt bother, think sadly his ego is a bit big for his own good. Onto Thursday and i nice drive to Sheffield is on the cards.
  14. What a Great Question...... Witches Retain Doyle, Emil,Keynan, Ellis, Dan Thompson. i'd keep Jenkins if we could, but R/S may change our chances of keeping him. Release King and Hawkins
  15. Thought i'd get home, sleep it off and then have a good catch up on here this morning. Read it all about peiople's thoughts on last night, and after following Ipswich everywhere apart from Belle Vue this season, i think ive seen enough Speedway for a small contribution. Not going to mention new riders on this page for next season, i will go on that page in a bit. But on last night, yes track was a leveller, and SOME of our boys fought till the bitter end. I would just like to congratulate Leicester and all of their supporters on a big result and wish them all the very best in the final, and i hope to attend their Home leg in the Final. I believe where we lost it was in 2 places and i don't include the inept refereeing by Christine Turnbull, who should just be struck off, as she single handidly did everything she could last night to ruin a great meeting. For me i really believed we lost it at Home, especially in the latter heats, when we needed our big guns to step up and they just failed, especially heat 15, that 5-1 for me to the Lions was crucial in the whole tie. And last night, it has to be Heat 8 for me, safely on a 5-1, to take a 10 point lead, with the momentum that brings, i feel we may of got over the line...JUST. But with all the experience Mr King has got, what he was doing to fall off just baffles me completely, never been able to Team Ride anyway, but thats where last night went for us. But however these people, who don't travel and watch from afar, which is fine with me, continue to support Danny King, as Captain as well is mind numbing. Nothing else i can say on that matter. So another season over, enjoyed every minute of it, until Emil's injury at Sheffield, as since then it's been nothing short of a Mangerial disaster. The non-replacement of Doyley for me personally, whilst top of the league and everybody was riding with so much confidence, could be the worst Management decision of seen at Foxhall for many many a year, no good moaning, ive spent so much money on watching the Witches this season, and yes i feel Management has let me and so so many travelling supporters down, but it's now done. Time for a break, i hope all the teams return, may even have the Prem upto 8 Teams, but that's me dreaming i suppose, as the rider shortage this season has proven a huge problem for all teams. Good luck to Leicester in the final, i do hope they win it, and as ive said i hope to be at their Home Leg to cheer them on. I hope to see so many friendly Witches faces on my travels again next season, i am hearing of at least 2 changes maybe 3, but thats for another page. Enjoy your breaks Ladies and Gents #speedwayisthewinner
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