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Arson fire

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Everything posted by Arson fire

  1. you master bates *now speaking Mandarin to make names fit
  2. philips screwdriver has more points sadly Lunnatics
  3. Riders are on averages for a reason, barring the odd one that has injurys, they are what they are. Any heat leader not upping their average this year wants shot given how weak some teams will be in certain areas.
  4. We didn't tbh, he was usually out of eyesight at the back lol
  5. If Phillips is that good on a 2 point average then surely his parent club or whoever he is an asset of will use him ( Rathbone??)
  6. The obsessive team builders in average disagreement shocker 😂😂
  7. Massive Gamble on his average is Bridger, doubt he will hold that average. Doolan is a steady 7 point man, no great shakes but a great team man Carr was very impressive every time i saw him last season, best signing of the 3 imo and by some distance. Hes made massive strides in a year and really hope it continues for him.
  8. One rider?? Can you name 3 more?? Not knocking them, All decent riders but In my opinion their best days are behind them, thats what age does to us all....
  9. good signings on paper/reputation ... but all with their best years behind them.
  10. Couldnt keep his dick in his pants!!
  11. lambert has plenty of time to go to poland in the future, if hes available we have to have him in our team imo, riders like him dont come along too often. No lambert in your team but Lindgren in everyone? Give over cheersBut they still had it as is October figure??... which would take in meetings up to the middle of sept??
  12. Can anyone explain how Lewis Rose's average goes from 5.86 to 6.12 having not rode due to injury??
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