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Leicester Lion

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Everything posted by Leicester Lion

  1. Nothing wrong with it. The danger comes from riders who lack the skill to use the throttle to control their bikes.
  2. I'd welcome a process that prevents posters from answering a post by using red font within the quoted post. Being one of the 8% of males with colour vision deficiency, I find it very difficult to differentiate the response from the original post when red is used.
  3. It did look horrendous. I recall Carter hanging, almost as if crucified, wrapped up in the second bend fence. Tim Sugar did an inspired job to manage Wolves to victory.
  4. What a shame it took Leicester 6 years to properly improve the track. I wonder how many regulars were lost after giving up hope that the track would be changed, and after being told by the promoter and his hangers-on that the track was fine and the racing at BP was the best in the country. Lol at Pearson's pretentious but incorrect use of the word 'superlative'.
  5. Australia need a new manager; according to Pearson Lemon is the USA boss!
  6. Who said that, I wonder. Would they really object to intelligent commentary made up as the race unfolds?
  7. He has a limited number of stock phrases. A pity, as that race deserved far better.
  8. It's an interesting battle between Tatum and Pearson to use the "coming on strong" cliché.
  9. At Peter Karlsson's farewell his (poor) Rolf Harris impersonation when an Australian rider was preparing to race was especially tasteful.
  10. Even his own fb page doesn't want him! lol
  11. We didn't have to wait long for an inconsistent warning decision.
  12. Not sure where you're looking, but Companies House has Yulia Hemsley as the sole director of Leicester Speedway Ltd. David Hemsley and Nick Hurst (company secretary) resigned on 13 September 2016. Leicester Speedway (2017) Ltd was, until 15 December 2016, Kings Lynn Speedway Ltd, so just a timely name change on Buster's part.
  13. It reads like you are to me. You mentioned those with "small" (presumably you meant "short") memories, whoever they are. Those with longer memories would of course remember the tireless work done by others to bring about Leicester's return before DH moved into the limelight.
  14. Cautious Lions fans will surely want clarification on a number of questions. The rules require at least two promoters, so Leicester's promoters are Dave Darcy and...? Hemsley today said he is standing aside, but what is he standing aside from, given he is already banned from being a promoter and he resigned as a director of Leicester Speedway Ltd in September 2016? What is Buster Chapman's role? What is the role of Leicester Speedway (2017) Ltd? Does Darcy have control of Leicester's finances? If not, who does? Hemsley today referred to a new management team. Who is on this team? Will Hemsley still be pulling the strings?
  15. A new lease? Does this mean Hemsley won't be the landlord to the new promoter?
  16. Why not go the whole hog and bring back John Oliver? It was the highlight of those dark days trying to guess whether he would get round bends 3 and 4.
  17. One one hand you accept the FIM as arbiters on whether Hancock should be crowned champion, but on the other you don't accept the referee's judgement on whether he deliberately lost heat 9. The referee was the arbiter and it was his decision; no other proof is required. Hancock is the 2016 world champion, but for many his actions have placed into question the veracity of other results at the highest level of the sport. If we can't have faith that the riders are trying to win, and if we can't be sure race results aren't being pre-arranged, why should we bother investing time and money in following speedway?
  18. Ah, the old "two wrongs make a right" argument. The more duplicity in speedway is defended the more the sport is dragged into the gutter.
  19. Perhaps he had the benefit of assistance during world championship qualifiers and thinks it's acceptable.
  20. Any potential promoter worth his salt will already have done his homework about the fanbase and the large number of once-regulars who stopped going during the Hemsley era. Save your money for a relevant meeting instead of wasting it on this non-event.
  21. We have been privileged to witness one of the greatest riders British league speedway has ever seen. From his early days at Wolves, when the geeky-looking young man wasn't afraid to mix it with established stars (ask Jason Lyons), to a smooth, polished racer and team man, PK always seemed to have exceptional anticipation and awareness of where his opponents were. He probably passed more opponents in his career than anyone except Les and Neil Collins. He is a thinker off the track too, with genuine concern for speedway as a product and those who pay to see it. A thoroughly nice man with time for everyone and a dry sense of humour. It saddens me that he didn't achieve more in the World Championship, but I'm sure it meant he wasn't holding anything back when he rode for his league teams. We always saw PK at his best. I couldn't make it to the play-off final, but I will definitely be there for the farewell meeting of a real legend.
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