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Everything posted by lewy

  1. Not suggesting anyone just said pity its not a brit.
  2. Lol i meant for the rest of the season. Good luck to the bears.
  3. Schlien is signing for wolves will it effect his availability for ippo?
  4. Schlien will be signing pity its not a brit imo
  5. Ricky wells will be replacing watt i think their is better brits available though such as garrity,richie worrall or ben barker to name a few should be brits first imo
  6. Lakeside at lakeside it will be interesting to see how your highly rated eastbourne get on against plymouth who you dont rate very highly i have no idea personally as i have little knowledge of nl racing or riders Matt bates will have a point to make though.
  7. I could answer that but a certain know all would accuse me of making inane pathetic posts against scunny!!
  8. Stefan is british i believe jason crump was born in england but hes definately australian😀
  9. Stefan neilsen had a great season at plymouth last year and was our rider of the season. He really got to grips with our small track and its an absolute travesty that he has no team atm however i think someone will sign him soon hopefully to replace a non brit.
  10. Quite a few agree with me if you dont thats fine water off a ducks back as far as i am concerned.
  11. Plymouth are no longer in the same league do keep up so really their is no comparism but to gloat over a clubs demise is pathetic and thankfully not a true reflection of a proper speedway fan. Scunny have been dire so far no denying that hopefully things will pick up for them or they could also go the sameway as the devils. Come on glasgow😊
  12. As history shows its a different set of rules for scunthorpe still they are looking pretty dire so far. Come on glasgow😊
  13. He could use a jet engine and he would still be a mediocre rider no 1 needs to be winning hts 1,13,15 especially at home imo.
  14. Plymouth won the 4s last season at eoes but are not in the league this season do keep up.
  15. Pleased to see panthers win but it was probably against the weakest team in the league.
  16. Two foriegners out two brits in must be a good thing imo
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