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Everything posted by lewy

  1. Redcar will be paying alot of travelling expenses to trigger it's a fair old jaunt from Plymouth, obviously if the NDL match is ran as a double header this will negate the cost
  2. Nothing hollow about it, no rules were broken a masterstroke.
  3. 7.55, I think final signing could be James Wright
  4. Does anyone know what Danny Phillips championship average is?
  5. I agree I think the fin is going to a revelation.
  6. Lol and they all lived happily ever after.
  7. You should start You posts "Once upon a time "
  8. Haven't seen anyone saying he's the next darcy tbh,only you saying they have unless you can prove otherwise. Anyway I think he's far to sensible to be compared to him imo.
  9. So 2022 he would have been 16 possibly just 17 yrs old first time he's ever been to Wimborne Road and lisa reckons he struggles alot at Poole! Hardly a truthful or even a reasonable opinion basically making stuff up to fit an agenda. Probably gets it it from Skidder1 one he's a master at doing that. Thanks for the info.
  10. Can't quite remember,I know it was last season, I'm sure someone will help us out! Lisa-colette??
  11. Bomber didn't struggle even when they pulled all the dirt to the inside he just rode around the inside and beat them
  12. How many times has he rode at Wimborne Road, and what did he score. Or are you just making it up.
  13. I don't think gilkes is being squeezed out I believe he's had offers as has anders Rowe but they've decided that they don't need championship speedway atm.
  14. Thanks, no truth in the permit issue whatsoever. Jacob hook was a better option I feel.
  15. You've been infested mate,it happens frequently as you will find. Happy New year
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