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About Darija

  • Birthday 02/11/1988

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  • Marital Status
    NOT married:)))
  • Music
    Gibonni, Red hot chili peppers, Oueen...
  • Age
    17 (in Ferbruary!)
  • Profession
    hm...student?? I'm still going to high school...

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  • Interests
    Speedway, speedway, speedway...partysa and fun! <br />(yeah, and school)

Darija's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. You can watch GP on Sky and our meeting on internet!) What a great evening - two meetings at same time:) We will leave the whole race on website so you can watch it after.
  2. Speedway club UNIA Gorican (Croatia) is an organizer od FIM Speedway grand prix qualification meeting, on Saturday 27.6. at 19:00 h (GMT+1). There will be a LIVE WEB STREAMING on website www.crostream.net Live you can see all 20 heats, rider's presentation, interviews, prize giving ceremony, beautiful stadium Milenim... Great Britain has two favourites for top 6: Lee Richardson and Lewis Bridger. Don't miss this! Line up: 1 David Ruud (Sweden) 2 Janusz Kolodziej (Poland) 3 Chris Holder (Australia) 4 Marko Vlah (Croatia) 5 Lee Richardson (Great Britain) 6 Semen Vlasov (Russia) 7 Krzysztof Kasprzak (Poland) 8 Matej Ferjan (Hungary) 9 Andriy Karpov (Ukraine) 10 Piotr Swiderski (Poland) 11 Jurica Pavlic (Croatia) 12 Matej Žagar (Slovenia) 13 Norbert Magosi (Hungary) 14 Jonas Davidsson (Sweden) 15 Lewis Bridger (Great Britain) 16 Adrian Rymel (Czech Republic) R1 Renato Cvetko (Croatia) R2 Nikola Pigac (Croatia)
  3. Hello! There is a race in Gorican, Croatia on Sunday, 23rd of April - on the brand new stadium . Croatian-slovenian-austrian team championship just one day after GP in Krsko. From Krsko to Gorican is 1,5 hours driving (around 130 km) and race starts at 3 PM. If somebody is interested, contact me on my e-mail: darija.pavlic@public.srce.hr and I'll help you with tickets, way etc. With my best regards, Darija Pavlic
  4. Thank you, James, for such a nice words about our stadium! We put a lot of effort, time, love (and money of course) in it! It was my dad's dream to build something what will help to development of this beautiful sport that we all love! It will be our pleasure to have guests and speedway fans from Great Britain, I hope they'll like the place! //Regards// Darija
  5. Hello! About this meeting.. I'm in contact with Travel plus agency and all interested for GP Krsko can also come to Gorican on Sunday, 23rd of April and see our team championship race on a brand new stadium. I'll ask Matej Zagar, but I doubt that he will ride after Grand prix.. We'll se:) But there are also good and prospective riders as Wallner, Hauzinger, Martinec, Santej, Pavlic, Stojs...
  6. Hi people!! I was in Wr. Neustadt and it was really sad situation... Rider couldn't ride like they can, it was batle for survival! Track was TERRIBLE! A lot of water, enormous rocks (Edward Kennett was very angry - he sad that he doesn't mind riding on the rain but these rocks are killing him!) I spoke to K. Kasprzak before the meeting - he was in a good mood and he told me: "I will win today!" I was really happy when he actually WON and became WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION! Suchanek was very fast on the track and too bad that he didn't want to go to re-run - he just let the title out of his hands Organisation was pretty bad...in the 1st heat green light didn't work, something was wrong with starting gate, connection between referee and riders didn't work - there wasn't any telephone so riders couldn't stop the meeting. Lindback went alone to the referee (Tony Steele) but it didn't help.. Wallner was such a disapointment...He retired in his first heat, then 2 min in second, then he fell...real SHAME for home-rider! Anyway: congratulations to KASPRZAK - he was my favorite at the begin!
  7. It doesn't have to be bad GP! Rickardson had 15 points and that's the reason! I'm just sorry that Zagar missed his BIG chance to come to Semi!
  8. He has BIG chance!! Just has to finish 1st or 2nd in Heat 20!!
  9. Thank you for information! Do you think he has chance to come to semi-final?
  10. Are you watching that GP on the TV? Why did Zagar fall in Heat 7??
  11. Hello! I have photos from Mseno. Jurica Pavlic was 10th although he rode as a reserve (2 rides 3+2 points!) E-mail me at: darija.pavlic@public.srce.hr and I'll send you some photos.
  12. It's nice to read that so many people from a big speedway country is interested to see this speedway "miracle" in Croatia:) If you more information or photos you can e-mail me at: darija.pavlic@public.srce.hr You are all welcome in Croatia! Great holidays and beautiful places to visit! check this site: www.croatia.hr
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